Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 168 Bibi Dong Becomes a God

When Tang San entered the inheritance, it was like entering a blue space. There is a huge throne directly in front of the space, and sitting on the throne is a huge figure, who is Poseidon.

Tang San was also a little surprised when he saw Poseidon: "Hello, respected Lord Poseidon. I didn't expect that you would personally preside over this inherited ceremony."

A majestic voice came from the throne: "Inheritor, why don't you kneel down when you see this god?"

"Lord Poseidon, I am just your inheritor, not your servant."

"Inheritor, are you dissatisfied with Bo Saisi's sacrifice?"

"Lord Poseidon, why does the ceremony of becoming a god have to go through a sacrifice? Is there no other way?"

"Becoming a god does not necessarily require sacrifice. However, you did not become a god by yourself, but only became a god through my inheritance. My true self is not on the Douluo Continent. If you don't go through a sacrifice, you will not be able to come. Even in this place of inheritance, I cannot accept the final inheritance.”

"Besides, you already knew that starting the Ninth Trial of Poseidon requires Bo Saixi's sacrifice, but you still chose to accept the inheritance. Both you and Bo Saixi have to pay the price for their choices."

"Inheriter, are you ready to accept the final inheritance test now? Once the test starts, you will have no way out."

Tang San's face was full of seriousness. At this point, he had no way out: "Lord Poseidon, please start the final test for me."

As the words ended, Tang San himself seemed to be in a huge Rubik's Cube, and the ninth Poseidon test officially began. What greeted him would be the final test, which was also the most painful and difficult test.

In the Academy of Elements, Xiao Fei felt the changes in Poseidon Island. The starlight representing Bo Saixi and Tang San had disappeared, replaced by a huge energy wave.

"Yes, it has finally begun. Tang San has finally started his ninth Poseidon test."

At this moment, the starlight in Wuhun City fluctuated greatly. A bigger star actually appeared near Qian Renxue.

Xiao Fei couldn't help but admire in his heart: "It's interesting. Bibi Dong actually became a god before Tang San. Now it's interesting."

In fact, Xiao Fei has always admired Bibi Dong in his heart, regardless of talent, perseverance, character, and even leadership ability. From all aspects, Bibi Dong is unparalleled. It is very difficult to reach this point without any help from the inheritance of the gods.

But one of her biggest problems is that she is brain-dead. If it weren't for some of her brain-dead operations, she would have led the Spirit Empire to a whole new level, and even led the development of the entire Douluo Continent.

Carefully observing the changes in Douluo Star, Wuhun Palace has lost contact with the God Realm since Qian Renxue became a god. And with Bibi Dong becoming a god, another inheritance place has also lost contact with the God Realm. Before they enter the God Realm, the place of inheritance will not have any connection with the God Realm.

"Three, three gods will be passed down soon. It is estimated that no gods will be passed down in the short term. It seems that it is almost time for me to take action."

"The only inheritance place from now on is the Killing City."

The sky above Wuhun Empire, Wuhun City, and the Pope's Palace. A beam of light rose into the sky, a sacred aura, and a huge black spider figure appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, as if swallowing the entire world.

Immediately afterwards, the black spider gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a black figure. The figure had a wonderful figure and a beautiful face. It was Bibi Dong, the Emperor of the Spirit Empire.

I saw Bibi Dong opening her eyes, which seemed to be filled with endless darkness and madness, and the Rakshasa Magic Scythe in her hand was completely integrated with her. Rakshasa God Bibi Dong officially became a god.

Qian Renxue, who was in the Angel Temple in the distance, stared at this light: "Very good, even you have become a god. It's time for us to decide the outcome."

With a flash of golden light, Qian Renxue came to Bibi Dong holding the Angel Holy Sword.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to become a god. That's great, so I can defeat you with my own hands!"

Bibi Dong was instantly furious: "What did you say? Sister? Dirty blood is dirty."

"You are not allowed to speak of my sacred angel lineage like that."

Two auras, one red and one black, collided in the sky, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart. That is to say, the situation is on the verge of breaking out, as if a war is about to explode.

Bibi Dong snorted coldly: "Idiot! The angel clan is all idiots. Your grandfather is like this, and so are you. On the battlefield ahead, the soldiers of my Spirit Empire are fighting bloody battles. But you, a god, are watching the show right here, This is the dirty blood of your angel family."

"I am God, the great angel god. I don't believe in taking action against those mortals. This will only affect the pride and glory of my angel family."

"Glory? You are still so unimproved. What exactly is victory or defeat? You should learn from it. Otherwise, you will still lose to a mortal hand again."

Bibi Dong ignored Qian Renxue and flew straight to the Jialing Pass battlefield. It was obvious that Bibi Dong was much stronger than Qian Renxue in terms of ideology and overall outlook. This was why she could command millions of troops in the Spirit Empire. The reason for tens of thousands of soul masters and dozens of Titled Douluo is that Titled Douluo are very unruly.

This is also the reason why Bibi Dong can rule the world as a woman. All this is because of Bibi Dong's strong strength and command ability. These have made countless people willing to work for her. Even when the Wuhun Empire was defeated, no masters of the Titled Douluo level surrendered. Even the people in the Worship Hall admired her very much.

After listening to Bibi Dong's words, Qian Renxue's face turned pale.

On the battlefield of Jialing Pass, looking at the light column rising into the sky in the distance, everyone in the Wuhun Empire was very excited. I don't know who shouted "Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" Then everyone shouted rhythmically.

As more and more people shouted, in the end the entire Wuhun Empire army and soul masters shouted, and the sound shocked the sky. At the same time, the morale of the Wuhun Empire army increased greatly.

However, the six great worshippers, including Golden Crocodile Douluo, were a little unnatural, especially Golden Crocodile Douluo, whose face was a little pale. Obviously, their young lady became a god earlier, why is there no shadow until now? Instead, they missed the opportunity to let that woman gain support.

The Tiandou Empire was somewhat confused. At the moment when Bibi Dong became a god, all the masters of the Xingluo Empire had withdrawn and returned to their own military camps.

The expression on the face of the Snow Breach Emperor changed from the initial tension to the current horror: "National Master, Sect Master Tang, Sect Master Ning, what should we do now? Is there no news from King Lan Hao yet?"

After days of war and the stimulation of Qian Renxue's deification, the personnel on the scene were much calmer than before. Finally, Ning Fengzhi spoke: "Your Majesty, Bibi Dong has always been cruel and ruthless. I guess now that she has become a god, she will probably rush to the battlefield as soon as possible. We'd better withdraw our troops as soon as possible and wait for the opportunity."

As the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he has been fighting against the Wuhun Empire for many years and is more familiar with Bibi Dong's style of doing things than others.

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