Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 201 Douluo Federation

Just when Wang Xiaofei was thinking about how Douluo Star would develop in the future, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue came to him.

Qian Renxue spoke first: "Wang Xiaofei, you have won now, why are you still keeping us two? What is your purpose?"

"Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, both of you are rare talents, how about both of you work for me?"

"You want us to work for you, it's just a dream."

"You two, don't reject me so quickly before I tell you the specific work I want you to do."

"Ms. Qian Renxue, angels are holy and fair. If you are responsible for the trial of all criminals, wouldn't it reflect the light of angels?"

"Your Majesty Bibi Dong, I know you hate criminals in the world, so you can help me supervise the world, which can be regarded as helping you to avenge yourself."

"If you two are willing to help me, I can also help you to restore your godhood and become gods again."

Bibi Dong was a little surprised: "Can you help us restore our godhood? Let us become gods again."

"You two underestimate me. I can become a god without any godhood inheritance. Naturally, I have a way to help you become gods."

At this time, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, Golden Crocodile Douluo and Star Luo Emperor also came to Wang Xiaofei.

Sword Douluo spoke first: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, all the soul masters on the scene have been assembled, now it depends on your arrangement."

Bone Douluo also spoke: "All soldiers have been disbanded, and gold soul coins and food have been distributed to go home. And all have been warned that if they violate the law, they will be executed."

Wang Xiaofei looked at the four people: "Not bad, they are soul masters, and their efficiency is quite high. It took less than a day to complete it."

"Now gather all the Title Douluo, let's decide how to operate the Douluo Federation and the arrangements for all soul masters."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xiaofei spoke directly to all the soul masters: "All Title Douluo on the scene, all gather on the wall of Xingluo City, and the rest of the soul masters will wait in place. Those who make trouble will be killed!"

After that, Wang Xiaofei came to the wall of Xingluo City first, and other Title Douluo clerks also came to the wall of Xingluo City one after another.

"You are all Titled Douluo, and you are very powerful. I have just established the Douluo Federation, and I need your help. I believe that everyone should contribute to my Douluo Alliance."

All the Titled Douluo at the scene nodded quickly, and everyone seemed to understand that they could not escape now.

"I have two points to announce now. The first is the law of the Douluo Federation, and the second is the arrangement of your work."

After that, Wang Xiaofei took out a pile of thick laws from his body. The laws were written with the words "Douluo Federation Laws". The content behind was relatively simple, mainly referring to the laws of later generations, and it was written on one page. The punishment of the law was very simple, just imprisonment, beheading, fines, etc., which was far less detailed than the laws of later generations.

This was copied by Wang Xiaofei when he arranged for people to copy it in advance at the Element Academy.

"This is the law of the Douluo Alliance. In the future, whether it is a soul master or an ordinary person, do not follow the law. All violators will be dealt with according to the law. If there is anything you disagree with, you can raise it now."

Everyone took the law and took a closer look, and immediately swallowed their saliva. The first article of the law is that in the future, Douluo Continent will not distinguish between nobles and civilians, nor between soul masters and ordinary people. They will all be unified as citizens and must abide by the law.

The next part is about some crime and punishment regulations, which are not easy to explain.

After a moment, seeing that no one responded, Xiao Fei spoke again: "Everyone, do you think there is a problem with this law? If you have any questions, raise them now, and don't break the law knowingly in the future."

At this time, the Star Luo Emperor spoke: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, the law does not distinguish between soul masters and ordinary people, nor between nobles and poor people. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Star Luo Emperor, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Soul masters are also ordinary people. They practice after awakening their martial spirits. As for nobles, there is no need for them to exist."

The Star Luo Emperor quickly spoke: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, the Star Luo Empire has been destroyed. My name is Dai Yutian."

"Then Dai Yutian, do you have any other questions besides this one? "

"I have no questions."

Wang Xiaofei looked around at all the Titled Douluo around him: "Do others have any questions?"

Seeing that no one around him spoke anymore, Wang Xiaofei made the decision directly: "Since everyone has no questions, I think we will follow this law in the future. Let's forget about your past affairs, but if anyone violates the law in the future, we will deal with them all."

Wang Xiaofei's meaning is very simple. I will not pursue any of the things you have done. Just follow my instructions in the future.

Then, Wang Xiaofei took out another piece of paper, and this time it was larger. It had the basic structure of the Douluo Federation and the heads of the relevant departments written on it.

The names at the top are Emperor Wang Xiaofei, Empress Huo Wu, and Shui Bing'er.

Then it is divided into twelve departments and the relevant heads.

Information Department, Minister Feng Xuan, Deputy Ministers Yanying Douluo, Qingluan Douluo. Responsible for information transmission and commanding all flying spirit masters.

Administrative Department, Minister Huo Wushuang, Deputy Ministers Dai Yutian, and Ghost Douluo. Responsible for the management of national officials.

Ministry of Awakening, Minister Ju Douluo (temporary), responsible for the awakening of martial spirits.

Ministry of Agriculture, Minister Ju Douluo, responsible for the research of crop planting.

Supervision Department, Minister Bibi Dong, Deputy Minister Feng Xiaotian. Responsible for monitoring whether all personnel violate the law, and can execute first and report later.

Judgment Department, Minister Jian Douluo, Deputy Minister Jin Crocodile Douluo. Responsible for eradicating all hostile personnel, including evil soul masters and rioters.

Construction Department, Minister Niu Gao. Responsible for infrastructure construction, commanding all earth-type soul masters.

Legal Department, Minister Qian Renxue, Deputy Minister Gu Douluo. Responsible for judging criminals, and handing them over to the Judgment Department for handling after the trial. Responsible for the compilation of laws, which need to be reviewed by the emperor before implementation.

R\u0026D Department, Minister Yang Wudi, Deputy Minister Yang Pojun. Responsible for the development of martial souls, soul guides, and weapons. Manage all blacksmiths.

Education Department, Minister Huo Tianchen, responsible for managing the education of soul masters across the entire continent.

Finance Department, Minister Liu Yan, responsible for national finances, all logistics and medical work.

Prison, Minister Niu Meng. Responsible for prison construction and the detention of criminals.

After reading it, everyone was speechless. This division was too simple, and they all felt it was very confusing.

At this time, Wang Xiaofei spoke again: "There are still some Title Douluo that I am not familiar with. Ministers, please confirm the personnel and then write down everyone's names."

Brother-in-law Huo Wushuang spoke first: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, it's not right for me to be the Minister of Administration. I am not familiar with administration."

Wang Xiaofei looked at Huo Wushuang with contempt: "You are not familiar with it yourself, but isn't there a very familiar person next to you? Dai Yutian used to be the Emperor of Xingluo, managing the entire Xingluo Empire, and the administrative department is definitely not a problem."

Lion Douluo also spoke: "Your Majesty, I am old, can you let me retire?"

"Senior Lion Douluo, you are being modest. Look at Senior Golden Crocodile Douluo next to you. He is so old and can still charge into battle and kill the enemy. You are still young. As long as everyone reaches the age of Golden Crocodile Douluo, I promise to let everyone enjoy their old age."

Golden Crocodile Douluo is over 150 years old, the oldest among all the people on the scene, and can be called an old monster.

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at Golden Crocodile Douluo, but they were all complaining in their hearts: Golden Crocodile Douluo, you are so old, why are you still running to the battlefield? How can you stop now?

Wang Xiaofei spoke again: "Don't worry, the Douluo Federation will establish a title system (non-noble) in the future, and there will be various rewards and benefits. As long as you contribute to the Federation with your heart, you will not be disappointed."

After speaking, Wang Xiaofei took out several immortal herbs from his body, including the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid, Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone and the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng King.

Looking at these immortal products, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

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