Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 205 Douluo Federation Planning 2

Xingluo City battlefield, with the establishment of Douluo Federation, the war gradually subsided.

More than 40,000 soul masters on the entire battlefield need to be dealt with. For Wang Xiaofei, although he has obtained a lot of wealth from the Xingluo Empire treasury and battlefield, there are countless gold soul coins, various treasures are endless, and even the soul bones add up to hundreds of pieces.

However, for Wang Xiaofei, these more than 40,000 soul masters are the real wealth.

The information department established by the flying soul master can quickly transmit information to all parts of the Douluo Continent, facilitating the communication and information exchange of personnel throughout the Douluo Continent.

Plant-based soul masters will be arranged to engage in the planting industry in the future. This is the planting of ordinary crops or various medicinal herbs or even fairy grass. It can greatly increase the crop yield of the entire continent and realize the real development of the entire continent.

All earth-based soul masters will join the Ministry of Construction for various infrastructure construction across the country. The construction efficiency of soul masters is very high, even far exceeding the previous infrastructure maniacs. Whether it is the future construction of the capital of the Douluo Federation or the infrastructure construction across the country, it is very important.

Soul masters of other attributes have their own arrangements, which will play a huge role in maintaining social order and social development.

And all this requires people and soul masters to execute.

Outside Xingluo City, the number of people selected on the first day was still relatively small. But starting from the second day, the number of people in front of the high platform of each department began to gradually increase, especially in some key departments.

Those who can cultivate to the level of soul master generally have a high IQ. Knowing that they have no chance to leave, they will try their best to choose a department that suits them or has a good development prospect.

Especially the administrative department and the financial department, which are basically overcrowded. No matter which world, administration and finance are the most important departments.

After almost five days of screening, more than 40,000 soul masters on site have been assigned. There are about 1,000 soul masters in the information department. Flying soul masters are the least in number among all soul masters and are relatively scarce.

The number of soul masters in the construction department is the largest, approaching 7,000 soul masters. After all, there are relatively more soul masters with earth attributes.

The attributes of soul masters on Douluo Continent mainly include gold, wood, water, earth, fire, wind, thunder, space, darkness, light, etc. Among them, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth have the highest proportion, all exceeding one-sixth, and the other attributes added together are probably less than one-sixth.

Plant-type soul masters are basically wood-attributed, and there are nearly 6,000 soul masters.

Except for the three departments of the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Agriculture, each of the remaining departments has about 2,800 people, and the total number of soul masters is about 42,000.

At this time, all the soul masters gathered together, and all the titled Douluo came to Wang Xiaofei.

"Your Majesty, may I ask, what arrangements should we make now?"

"This is Xingluo City after all, and many things are difficult to handle. Let's do this. Everyone will gather tomorrow, and each department will organize and arrange for all personnel to go to Jialing Pass."

"The Supervision Department, the Judgment Department and the Court will jointly maintain order and must not interfere with the people along the way."

"Senior Niu Gao, please design the capital of our Douluo Federation as soon as possible. After all the soul masters arrive, we will start preparing for construction."

"In addition, Senior Feng Xuan, please arrange all the personnel in the Information Department to spread the news of the founding of the Douluo Federation throughout the continent as soon as possible. At the same time, publish the laws of our Douluo Alliance in every city."

"The management personnel of each city will remain unchanged for the time being, and assessments will be added later, and they will be managed uniformly by the Administration Department. ”

“We will notify the Judgment Department to deal with all those who dare to cause trouble. Especially in Tiandou City and Wuhun City, we need to send Soul Douluo or even Title Douluo to maintain order.”

“For former nobles who dare to cause trouble, we will deal with them directly on the spot and confiscate all their property.”

“The Supervision Department will simultaneously go to various major cities for supervision, and no riots are allowed. All Soul Douluo and Title Douluo of the Supervision Department, the Judgment Department and the Court, except the Minister, will go out to various major cities to keep order.”

“I want all cities to have Soul Douluo or Title Douluo-level strongmen sitting in charge first. Let’s discuss together which people should be sent to each city, and set off with the information department staff tomorrow.”

In the world of Douluo Continent, a Soul Douluo-level strongman is enough to suppress a city. This can prevent people from causing trouble and prevent social unrest.

Early the next morning, all soul masters began to split into two groups and left Xingluo City.

Among them, more than 40,000 soul masters set out in a mighty manner and headed for Jialing Pass. In addition, 1,000 soul masters from the Information Department plus more than 100 soul douluos and titled douluos rushed to various cities.

The most critical Wuhun City directly sent Bone Douluo Feng Xiaotian and Golden Crocodile Douluo to go together. Golden Crocodile Douluo is the elder of the Wuhun Empire, with extremely high prestige and a certain persuasiveness. Bone Douluo and Feng Xiaotian went there to deter with force and also monitor Golden Crocodile Douluo. The three of them needed to master the treasure house of Wuhun City as soon as possible. Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were both in his hands, and he believed that Golden Crocodile Douluo would not dare to mess around.

Because he was worried about the turmoil in the large group of soul masters, Wang Xiaofei also followed the large group of soul masters to Jialing Pass.

In just a few days, the news of the destruction of the Wuhun Empire and the Xingluo Empire had spread throughout the Douluo Continent. At the same time, Wang Xiaofei established the Douluo Federation and issued new laws of the Douluo Federation, which also spread to all cities.

For a while, the world was in an uproar.

The people of Wuhun Empire and Xingluo Empire were full of confidence in their empires, but they received the news of the demise of their countries. Many celebrities were very excited, but they could not make any radical moves in the face of the high-level soul masters.

Especially some former nobles, with the promulgation of the Douluo Federation law, they will lose their noble status and privileges. Some people tried to organize their families to resist, but they were suppressed by the Soul Douluo masters at the first time. In the end, their families were destroyed and their property was confiscated. As for those nobles who did not resist, they were treated equally and all followed the law, and their lives and property would not be threatened.

The entire Douluo Continent, except for Poseidon Island and Hanhai City, basically received the news.

Poseidon Island is thousands of kilometers overseas, and there is no way to pass the information there. What's more, the people on Poseidon Island are panicking and the whole island is closed. Wang Xiaofei needs to deal with it personally. After all, Poseidon Island has seven Titled Douluos and more than two thousand soul masters, and its strength should not be underestimated.

As for Hanhai City, most of the people there are sea soul masters. The land soul masters are still relatively weak in suppressing the sea soul masters, especially at the seaside. If a battle really breaks out, it would be a bit troublesome for them to leave directly by boat.

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