Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 211 Management Meeting

Wang Xiaofei then introduced everyone's specific work content, including the work of each other department. In this way, the entire country's structure was almost completed.

At this time, Liu Yan from the Ministry of Finance suddenly said: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, how can we maintain our country's finances in this way? We only have expenditures now, but no income. How do we collect taxes? How much do farmers need to collect from planting? What about taxes?”

After hearing this, the most prominent and obvious ones were Dai Yutian and Bibi Dong. Both of them were emperors of the empire and understood the importance of balancing financial revenue and expenditure.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help complaining: What kind of people are these? They have no business vision at all, and they actually focus their thoughts on the lowest level of the people.

"This is also very simple. Regarding taxation, there are the following points. Please pay attention to them together."

"First of all, no agricultural tax or planting tax will be levied in the future. How much do farmers have to pay to grow that little grain?"

"I don't know what force was behind the previous soul fighting arena and auction house. From today on, there is only one force behind it, and that is our Douluo Federation. All industries of this type will be nationalized in the future."

"Regarding the properties confiscated by the original Wuhun Empire, Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire, the property can be returned to the national treasury, and the excess can be distributed to the people or returned to the individual. All real estate properties will be nationalized and will be subsequently rented or invested, such as It is said that some of the current shops and residences in the entire capital will be allocated to office workers, and the rest will be rented out, and all rents will be included in the Ministry of Finance. "

"In the future, our R\u0026D department will carry out research, development and production of soul guides and the like, and it will also become one of the country's most important financial sources."

"In addition, heavy taxes are levied on those so-called sects. The specific number is based on the number of people in the sect. If they are not registered with the federal government, they will be defined as illegal gatherings and will be dealt with severely in the future."

When Wang Xiaofei finished speaking, everyone in the audience was a little dumbfounded. This was simply shocking. The merchants in the future would be in a bit of trouble. It is estimated that no one would dare to protect those merchants. On the contrary, it is quite good for those civilians and farmers, and the burden will be reduced a lot in the future. And according to this situation, it is estimated that no big sect will appear in the future.

At this time, someone couldn't help but say: "Excuse me, Your Majesty the Emperor, what exactly is the so-called illegal gathering?"

Wang Xiaofei rolled his eyes at this person: "The so-called illegal gathering means that more than 1,000 people are doing the same thing in a certain place, such as meetings, parades, soul fighting competitions, etc. All need to be reported to the administrative department. After approval by the administrative department It’s okay, otherwise it’s all illegal gathering.”

Everyone was speechless when they heard this. If this is done, there will be no large sects with more than a thousand people in the future, because as long as the sect has more than 1,000 people, or even 800 people, it will be an illegal gathering.

Depending on the situation, the Douluo Alliance will not have much power in the future and will need to rely on this method to manage, and there will even be very few people who oppose it in the future.

"By the way, there are two more things to confirm. Three more departments will be added in the future, but the personnel are not fixed."

"First of all, the Supreme Gods Pavilion will be established, which I will personally organize. It will include all the titled Douluo, and will determine the country's subsequent development direction, as well as the implementation of some major plans, including the modification of laws, etc."

"Secondly, there will be a meeting to establish the Douluo federal government. The members of the meeting include senior officials from all departments. Everyone can put forward some proposals, and everyone will jointly confirm whether to implement them."

"Finally, there will be a federal meeting, and federal representatives from each region will participate. Specifically, it will be based on counties."

"The meeting of the Pavilion of Gods can be held as long as it is proposed."

“Every other type of conference is held every five years.”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless again. What the hell is this thing? Never heard of it before.

Wang Xiaofei seemed to have seen everyone's doubts: "Everyone can rest assured that anyone who contributes to the Douluo Federation will receive corresponding rewards. In the future, Douluo Federation personnel will also adopt a points reward system. In the future, the Finance Department will establish a treasure Pavilion, including treasures obtained from all over the world, can be redeemed by points."

"These treasures include various types of elixirs, fairy grass and even soul bones, as well as quotas for obtaining some soul rings."

"Every titled Douluo present has been busy for a while, and it can be considered as a contribution to the Douluo Federation. Everyone present can receive a soul bone from me."

After saying that, more than 300 soul bones flew out of Wang Xiaofei's body. Of course, the highest age was only 30,000 years. As for those older than 30,000 years, all of them were collected separately.

After hearing this, everyone seemed to be relieved a lot. If there is no benefit, who would want to be an official? Unexpectedly, I have only been working for a month and I am still rewarded with soul bones. This was an unimaginable benefit no matter where I was before.

On the other hand, Dai Yutian and Bibi Dong were a little speechless. Most of the soul bones they took out seemed to be from their previous treasure troves. Now that Wang Xiaofei actually used this as a reward, they were a little speechless.

At this time, Yang Pojun and Niu Meng couldn't help but say: "Dean Wang Xiaofei, what do you think our department is used for?"

One of them is the director of the prison, and the other is the deputy director of the R\u0026D department. After working on it for a long time, both of them were confused and didn't know what to do.

"Both of you, don't be in such a hurry now, the real work hasn't begun yet."

"The prison will be responsible for the detention of all offenders. You will be responsible for all subsequent criminals, including whether they are arranged to go to labor reform or jail, or not to go to other places for labor reform. For example, some obedient personnel can be arranged to help the Ministry of Construction. Those who work hard and make contributions can be given appropriate sentence reductions."

"Otherwise, the prison can also conduct some re-examinations of personnel. For example, if someone reports that they have been wronged, they can be gathered together for a retrial. Severe shocks can be directly reported to me."

"Don't move the R\u0026D department for now. I will bring Dean Yang Wudi back and start work again."

"The R\u0026D department will focus on the production of soul guides, research on martial souls and soul beasts, and the production of some ironware. The subsequent blacksmith association will be managed by the R\u0026D department."

"Of course, the R\u0026D department will also cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture. Some research on plants is needed to increase the output value of crops or the processing and planting of some plant soul beasts."

At this point, everyone now understands the work content of each department of the Douluo Federation Government, and also understands Wang Xiaofei's attitude towards managing the entire Douluo Federation.

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