Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 216 Heading to Poseidon Island

An hour later, Wang Xiaofei gathered together Jin Douluo, Jian Douluo and others.

This time, in addition to Wang Xiaofei himself, there were Jian Douluo, Jin Crocodile Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, and Jiangmo Douluo, a total of five people, basically all top masters, including two level 98 and two level 96. In addition, ten Soul Douluos from the Judgment Department were found, and the lineup was extremely powerful.

Wang Xiaofei directly wrapped these 14 people with divine power, and then quickly flew to the Sea God Island.

Although the Sea God Island is far away, thousands of kilometers away from Hanhai City, it is not a troublesome thing for Wang Xiaofei.

In less than an hour, the group has arrived above the Sea God Island.

At this time, the Sea God Island seems to be heavily guarded, and there is no longer the sacred atmosphere of the past. The Sea God's divine power that used to cover the entire Sea God Island has disappeared, and even the Sea God Temple in the past has no divine power, just like an ordinary island.

When Wang Xiaofei and his party came directly to the Sea God Temple, the seven sacred pillars of the Sea God Island were all together, but their expressions did not seem as solemn and calm as before.

Sea Dragon Douluo looked at Wang Xiaofei and his party and became a little nervous unconsciously, especially the five people in the lead. Even with Sea Dragon Douluo's strength, he could not see through them. This meant that the strength of these five people was probably higher than his. Wang Xiaofei brought so many masters here, and he might have bad intentions.

"Wang Xiaofei, what are you doing on Poseidon Island?"

Wang Xiaofei said casually: "Senior Sea Dragon Douluo, and the six seniors of the Seven Sacred Pillars. I came to Poseidon Island this time to make the entire Poseidon Island join our Douluo Federation."

Hearing this, Sea Dragon Douluo was furious: "Wang Xiaofei, you used to be the examiner of Poseidon, but you actually tried to conquer Poseidon Island and disrespected Poseidon."

"Sea Dragon Douluo, please listen to me."

"There is nothing to say about Poseidon Island. We will not succumb to any force."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaofei was speechless. Are all religious believers so stubborn?

So without saying anything, he took out the huge Poseidon Trident from his body.

The Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island were instantly furious: "Wang Xiaofei, how could the Poseidon Trident of Lord Poseidon be in your hand?"

Wang Xiaofei did not answer him, but directly inserted the Poseidon Trident into the ground, and then activated his divine power. The Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island instantly fell into infinite pressure.

Half a minute later, Wang Xiaofei withdrew his divine power, and the Seven Saint Pillars felt the pressure on them disappear.

"Now you can listen to me, my patience is limited, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Although the Seven Saint Pillars were unwilling, they also understood that Wang Xiaofei's strength was probably far beyond their imagination.

Sea Dragon Douluo then spoke: "Wang Xiaofei, just say whatever you want to say."

Seeing that the Seven Saint Pillars seemed a little overwhelmed, Wang Xiaofei spoke: "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Wang Xiaofei, the current emperor of the Douluo Federation, Phoenix God. The two next to me are Sword Douluo and Golden Crocodile Douluo, and the two behind me are Qianjun Douluo and Demon Subduing Douluo, with soul power level 96. I have now unified the entire Douluo Continent, except for the Sea God Island, so I came here in person this time."

"My Sea God Island believes in Lord Sea God and will not be coerced by you."

Hearing this , Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but smile: "Sea Dragon Douluo, I don't know if the Sea God you are talking about is the former Sea God Poseidon or the current Sea God Tang San?"

"No matter which Sea God it is, it is the faith of our Sea God Island. Now of course it is Sea God Tang San."

"Sea Dragon Douluo, that's a bit embarrassing. The former Sea God Poseidon has left the God Realm, and the current Sea God Tang San has lost the Sea God Trident to me, and Tang San's Sea God position has been broken. Now he has inherited the Shura God position and left Douluo Continent."

The seven people of the Seven Saint Pillars were all in disbelief: " How is this possible? How could Seagod Tang San's throne be broken? "

"Seniors, I'm really sorry, Tang San's throne was broken by me, and he also lost this Seagod Trident to me. I think you should understand the significance of this bet."

"Since he lost the Seagod Trident to me, it means he lost the entire Seagod Island to me, and even the entire Seagod throne to me."

"Do you have any questions?"

The seven people were silent for a moment, and Sea Dragon Douluo finally spoke: "Then what are you doing here on Seagod Island this time?"

"Since Tang San You have already lost the Sea God Island to me, so you now belong to my Douluo Federation. I will naturally take over the entire Sea God Island. Do you have any questions? "

"My patience is limited. I can tolerate the people of my Douluo Federation, but if you are not a citizen of my Douluo Federation, you will be killed. I hope you will think carefully before making a decision. "

When the seven people heard this, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva, especially when there seemed to be waves of murderous intent in the air, as if they would be killed in the next moment. Obviously, this was not a verbal threat. As long as they opposed it, they might not end well.

The seven people pondered for a moment, and finally Sea Dragon Douluo spoke: "Wang Xiaofei, how do we count as joining the Douluo Federation? How do you plan to deal with the people of my Sea God Island?"

Wang Xiaofei smiled: "Everyone should talk nicely. I have also received some favors from the former Sea God. Although I have repaid it, I still don't want to kill them all. As long as you become the people of my Douluo Federation and obey the laws of my Douluo Federation, that's enough. "

"In addition, my subordinates are currently short of personnel. It may be necessary for you and the sea soul masters from Poseidon Island to work under my subordinates for a period of time. As long as you can reach the age of the Golden Crocodile Douluo next to me, I promise to make you glorious. Retirement, of course, and joining our Douluo Federation will also have related benefits and protection policies.”

After saying that, seven copies of Douluo Federation Laws flew out of his body and flew into the hands of seven people. At the same time, seven copies of Douluo Federation Government Personnel Welfare Policy fell into the hands of seven people.

The Golden Crocodile Douluo next to him was speechless for a while. Why does Wang Xiaofei like to compare everything with his own age? Aren't you just a little older?

As for Sword Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, and Demon-Conquering Douluo, the corners of their mouths were twitching a little. Judging from Golden Crocodile Douluo's age, I'm afraid the seven people present would not be able to retire even if they worked hard to death.

Before the seven people could react, Wang Xiaofei spoke again: "By the way, there is one more thing. I will go to Hanhai City soon. It is estimated that Hanhai City will soon be integrated into our Douluo Federation. By then, I am afraid no one will give Poseidon The island is transporting supplies, so everyone should think carefully.”

The Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island were even more speechless. Wang Xiaofei not only suppressed them with force this time, but also cut off the material supply of Poseidon Island. Wouldn't that leave no way for everyone on Poseidon Island to survive.

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