Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 221 Liu Erlong from the Ministry of Education

After hearing these words, Liu Erlong became serious.

"Xiao Gang, don't say that. The Douluo Federation is actually quite good now, and the treatment of government personnel is still very good. Although many people were reluctant at first, they now agree with the Douluo Federation. Besides, all The Soul Master College is integrated into the Douluo Federation. Although it is not as free as before, it will be better for the students. After all, there will be financial support. "

After all, Liu Erlong has opened a soul master college for many years, and he understands the huge consumption of the soul master college. Without the support of the national finance, the tuition fee alone is far from enough.

Yu Xiaogang is still a little puzzled: "What's so good about this? After all soul masters graduate, they must first obey the arrangements of the Douluo Federation. So what future do these soul masters have? Shouldn't soul masters work harder after graduation? Why are you going to work in the Douluo Federation instead of practicing? Isn’t that a waste of training time?”

"Xiao Gang, what you say makes sense, but after joining the Douluo Federation, the Douluo Federation will provide certain financial and resource support, and the impact on cultivation will not be that great."

Yu Xiaogang seemed to be a little disdainful: "It is not that the two major empires and even the Wuhun Empire have never thought about these high-level soul master academies, but which of them has succeeded? Aren't these high-level soul master academies still considered by these big families? Are the big forces in control?"

Liu Erlong took a deep look at Yu Xiaogang: "Yes, the two great empires in the past have also had the idea of ​​these soul master academies. Even the Tiandou Empire has a deep relationship with our Shrek Academy and has given us a lot of financial support. . But the Douluo Federation is completely different. They don’t care about the life and death of these academy leaders, let alone what we think.”

Yu Xiaogang seemed a little confused: "Then can he still kill us?"

Liu Erlong glanced at Flanders, and then at everyone around him: "Yes, if anyone violates the Douluo Federation, the Douluo Federation will kill anyone without hesitation. Wang Xiaofei went to Wuhun City to summon everyone When people arrived at the square in front of the Pope's Palace, all those who couldn't make it were burned to ashes, thousands of them."

"Wang Xiaofei killed thousands of people in an instant, and his expression almost didn't change. Now the entire Wuhun City is a little scared when they hear Wang Xiaofei's name."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene became gloomy. In the past, no matter who it was, there was at least a bottom line. Even Bibi Dong would not kill thousands of people for this reason.

This Wang Xiaofei is more cruel and terrifying than imagined.

Everyone at the scene began to discuss.

"Is it true that no one dares to resist him?"

"Resist, what are you using to resist? Now that all the titled Douluo are basically in his hands, who dares to take the lead in resisting?"

"How is it possible for all titled Douluo?"

Flanders, on the other hand, is relatively calm: "Erlong, please tell us more about the situation of the Douluo Federation now and see if we have any chances? Or are there any other options?"

Liu Erlong nodded: "Now the Douluo Federation has 12 departments, and each department head is basically a titled Douluo. When we fought in Star Luo City, it was said that he conquered all the titled Douluo on the spot plus 40,000 Soul Master. The Demon Bear Douluo of the Wuhun Empire was burned to ashes just because he spoke and resisted."

"Later, all 40,000 soul masters were building Phoenix City, the capital of the Douluo Federation. All soul masters needed to work. However, when the Douluo Federation was established, Wang Xiaofei opened the Douluo Federation's treasure house, and everyone who joined the Douluo Federation The rewards are at least at the Millennium Spiritual Grass level. As long as you contribute to the Douluo Federation, you can even get soul bones."

"Now the 40,000 soul masters and more than 20 titled Douluo have basically been subdued by him."

"You may not know how powerful the Douluo Federation is. The Douluo Federation's Ministry of Education alone has more than 3,000 soul masters who specialize in managing the entire education sector. In addition, there are more than 3,000 soul masters in the Judgment Department who specialize in eradicating enemies. Encountered Sects, forces and individuals who are dissatisfied will be directly killed or captured and sent to labor reform.”

"As for the people who resisted as Xiaogang said, there are not none, but there are four titled Douluo in the Judgment Department. Among them, Sword Douluo and Golden Crocodile Douluo are already level 98. No one dares to resist at all."

"In addition, the Ministry of Awakening has dispatched 7,000 soul masters to awaken children across the country. All children who have awakened martial souls will receive unified education arrangements, and the Douluo Federation has provided a large amount of finance for education. I am afraid that in the future The number of soul masters in the Douluo Federation will grow rapidly."

"In addition, various cities are recruiting free soul masters. Even if those free soul masters do not join the Douluo Federation, they must obey the laws of the Douluo Federation, otherwise they will all be punished."

"Now all soul masters have no privileges. Everyone in the Douluo Federation is equal. They are not allowed to kill, threaten, or rob other soul masters or civilians. Otherwise, they will be severely punished according to the laws of the Douluo Federation. Many soul masters In order to use the internal resources of the Douluo Federation, we have gradually joined the Douluo Federation. It is said that the number of people in the Judgment Department has skyrocketed recently, and other departments are also competing with the Judgment Department for people. "

After hearing what Liu Erlong said, everyone became stunned. The strength of the Douluo Federation must have been exaggerated too quickly.

And Ning Rongrong couldn't help but ask: "Have Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone joined the Douluo Federation?"

"Sword Douluo is now the Minister of the Douluo Federation's Judgment Department. His soul power has reached level 98. I'm afraid no one in the entire Douluo Continent can be his opponent. Bone Douluo is now the Vice President of the Supreme Court of the Douluo Federation, responsible for the trial of all criminals. The former Wuhun City has now been renamed Angel City, and the former Pope's Palace has also been named the Supreme Court of the Douluo Federation."

"Mubai, your father Dai Yutian is now the Deputy Minister of the Administrative Department of the Douluo Federation, including several Titled Douluos of your Dai family, who have all joined the Douluo Federation."

After hearing this, Dai Mubai's face turned pale in an instant: "How could my father, the Great Emperor Xingluo, join the Douluo Federation as a Deputy Minister?"

Liu Erlong ignored Dai Mubai's changing expression: "I advise all of you to read the laws of the Douluo Federation carefully. If you stay within the law, the Douluo Federation will not do anything to anyone, and will even protect the safety of all citizens. However, if you violate the law, you will be dealt with by the Judgment Department."

"In the Douluo Federation, except for Emperor Wang Xiaofei, the law is supreme and no one can violate it."

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but speak again: "Then what kind of monster country does Wang Xiaofei want to build?"

Liu Erlong pondered for a moment before speaking: "According to Wang Xiaofei himself, he wants to build a country without exploitation and fairness. There will be no more nobles in the country, and all people will be fair, equal, democratic, and self-reliant."

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