Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 224 Yu Xiaogang's Ten Core Theories of Wuhun

Yu Xiao just woke up the next day, but when he woke up, he immediately went to Liu Erlong and wanted to ask more about the situation of the Ministry of Education.

But Liu Erlong didn't dare to say anything after seeing Yu Xiaogang's situation yesterday, for fear that Yu Xiaogang would die after hearing this.

Yu Xiaogang himself is quite stubborn. According to him, he wants to go to the Education Bureau headquarters to have a theory with the group of researchers.

When Liu Erlong saw this, he knew he couldn't stop it. If I, Yu Xiaogang, were allowed to go to the Phoenix City of the Douluo Federation and make a big fuss, I wouldn't even know if I would survive. What's more, if I was refuted in public, then Yu Xiaogang's face can no longer be hidden, and it will be even more embarrassing and painful.

Finally, Liu Erlong decided to tell some things from the Ministry of Education that refuted Yu Xiaogang's theory. At least now there are few people and Yu Xiaogang's life can be saved.

Article 3 of Yu Xiaogang’s Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun: “Martial souls only have weapon souls and beast souls, nothing else.”

Liu Erlong heard this and said: "Xiao Gang, in fact, in addition to the beast martial spirit and the weapon martial spirit, both Wuhun Palace and other forces have discovered many other martial arts. For example, the Seraphim martial arts inherited by the Wuhun Palace Soul, is this a weapon soul or a beast soul? In addition, there are very few people who have a martial soul, which is a certain organ of the body. Just like Wang Xiaofei, he has a second martial soul, which is his right hand. What kind of martial spirit is this?"

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was a little confused: "These martial spirits are very rare. I have never seen many of them. How can it be considered that my theory of martial arts is wrong?"

"The fourth of my top ten core competencies of souls is that most weapon souls advocate assisting, while most beast souls advocate attacking. This theory, let's forget about it for now. It is indeed a bit problematic."

Yu Xiao had just finished saying the fourth item, and she felt something was wrong, so she rejected it herself.

"The fifth of my top ten soul core competencies: Soul masters all have their own development directions. After each soul master has his own martial soul, he actually has his own development direction, such as the power attack system, the agility attack system, Auxiliary system, food system, control system, etc.”

"Xiao Gang, you also have a problem with this one. Take Oscar for example. Now that Oscar also has certain combat capabilities, can't he be said to be of the power attack system? What's more, many soul masters with beast martial arts have both the power system and the power system. The characteristics of the agility attack system, and even the healing and auxiliary characteristics. For example, the martial spirit of Dugu Yan we have seen is the green-scaled snake. You can use it as a control system or as a power attack system. Just look at him. It’s just the use of martial arts.”

Liu Erlong still didn't say a word, what is the type of Yu Xiaogang's own martial spirit, Luo Sanpao? The strong attack system obviously has no attack power, and other systems cannot do it either.

After hearing these words, Yu Xiaogang began to stutter again: "The sixth core competitiveness of my ten soul beasts: among all the soul beasts, there are five levels in total, among which there are ten-year soul beasts , a hundred-year soul beast, a thousand-year soul beast, a ten-thousand-year soul beast, and a hundred-thousand-year soul beast.”

After hearing this, Liu Erlong was a little speechless: "Xiao Gang, don't forget that Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor's ninth soul ring is golden, and Wang Xiaofei even has two golden soul rings. And..."

Liu Erlong was a little speechless, but Yu Xiaogang became anxious: "Erlong, what more? Is there anything you can't say?"

Liu Erlong saw Yu Xiaogang's eager expression and couldn't help but speak: "Furthermore, the colors of soul rings and the classification of soul beast levels are common sense issues in the eyes of many soul masters and cannot be regarded as theories at all. No matter it is Any child will know about any soul master family."

After hearing these words, Yu Xiaogang seemed to be dumbfounded. He couldn't help but say: "Common sense question? Can't common sense question be a theory?"

Everyone saw that Yu Xiaogang seemed to be a little hysterical, and they all cast sympathetic glances. For a master of theory, this statement was the greatest irony and the greatest insult to her.

But Yu Xiaogang still seemed unwilling to give in: "Item 7 of my ten core competencies of the soul: to obtain a soul ring and kill the soul beast is the fundamental condition. There is no problem with this, right?"

"Xiao Gang, have you forgotten that Tang Hao's ninth soul ring comes from Blue Silver Emperor A Yin, and Tang San's sixth soul ring comes from Xiao Wu. In addition, Shrek student's last two soul rings come from As for the soul rings given by God, Xiao Wu can condense the soul rings on his own. Recently, the Ministry of Education and the R\u0026D Department are working together to see if they can develop a method for soul masters to condense their soul rings on their own."

"How to condense soul rings on your own? How is this possible? The soul master is not the soul beast incarnation..."

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaogang stopped immediately. Whether the Douluo Federation can continuously condense the soul rings on its own? Your own theories are always wrong.

As for the last three items, Yu Xiaogang himself couldn't say any more. Even if he still had a glimmer of hope, it was obvious that there must be loopholes in them, but he just couldn't find them, or he was just deceiving himself.

Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought of something and spoke again: "Even if there are loopholes in my ten core competencies of Wuhun, the theory itself is not problematic, it's just missing something. Also, I also provided the soul ring absorption years. "This is a huge contribution to the soul world. Since I released it, there have been very few body explosions in the soul master world."

After hearing these words, everyone at the scene looked at each other a little bit, not knowing how to reply to Yu Xiaogang's topic.

Yu Xiaogang saw the expressions of the crowd and couldn't help but speak again: "Is there something wrong with my soul ring age table? Isn't this a huge contribution to the soul world?"

Before Liu Erlong and the others could speak, Dean Flanders seemed to see Liu Erlong's pain and couldn't help but speak: "Xiaogang, your soul ring age table does provide the greatest contribution to civilian soul masters and reduces the explosion of soul masters. But don't forget that except for the first two soul rings, all the other soul rings of Tang San exceed the soul ring age table."

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but speak: "Xiao San's soul rings, all of Xiao San's soul rings except the first two are beyond the age limit. These first two soul rings were obtained by me personally, and Xiao San's other soul rings have exceeded the absorption age limit..."

"This, isn't this because I harmed Xiao San? Otherwise, Xiao San wouldn't be defeated by Wang Xiaofei."

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang spit out a mouthful of old blood again when he saw his proud disciple Tang San, and he fainted again.

Seeing this, Flanders couldn't help but shook his head, and then helped Yu Xiaogang back to the room. Yu Xiaogang had just recovered from his vomiting blood yesterday, but he vomited blood again and fainted. Judging from the situation this time, it was probably much more serious than yesterday. He vomited blood yesterday because he was angry, and today Yu Xiaogang himself was probably hit hard. I wonder if he can recover? After all, heart disease needs heart medicine.

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