Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 237 Goodbye Tang San

Seeing that his children wanted to go out, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but ask: "Where do you two want to go?"

Daughter Wang Lanfang was the first to speak: "Dad, didn't you always say that you want to see the stars and the sea? This time I plan to go to Hanhai City and then take a boat to Phoenix Island. The main reason is to feel the breath of the sea."

"I remember I took you to see the sea, why do you still want to go?"

"Dad, it doesn't matter if you take me there, I just want to see it myself."

"Okay! You can go if you want, but the sea is more dangerous, so be careful."

"Dad, don't worry about this. I am also a strong person at the Soul Saint level after all."

Wang Xiaofei ignored his daughter and looked at his son Wang Mingxu.

Wang Mingxu also thought for a moment before speaking: "Dad, don't you often tell us that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. This time I plan to visit all the cities in Douluo Continent to see what is going on in each place?"

After hearing what his son said, Wang Xiaofei was a little relieved: "Son, your idea is very good, but you must pay attention to safety along the way."

"If you two want to go out, go and communicate clearly with your mother. Don't let them worry."

After hearing these words, the son and daughter both said "yes" and left quickly.

After a while, Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er came over and said, "Xiao Fei, I heard that you have agreed to the two children going out. Is it true?"

"Don't worry, the children are already 20 years old, and their strength has reached the Soul Saint realm. There will be no danger. And I will also pay attention to them at any time. If there is any problem, I will be by their side as soon as possible."

After hearing these words, both of them felt relieved, but they still looked at Wang Xiaofei full of resentment.

Wang Xiaofei himself was a little worried that his son and daughter would be in danger, so he secretly put a trace of spiritual consciousness on the two of them. If they encountered danger, they could resist it for a while, and then they would feel it, so that they could be rescued immediately.

In the evening, while Wang Xiaofei was practicing alone, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something abnormal in the space.

Wang Xiaofei glanced at the surrounding space and immediately stopped practicing: "Come out, long time no see. We are all old friends, there is no need to be secretive, right?"

I saw a wave of water ripples in the space, and then a huge blood-red shadow appeared. The entire virtual body exuded endless killing energy, like a god of death coming to the world, and like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The person coming was none other than Tang San. Tang San's face was full of resoluteness, and his aura and soul power were far better than the last time they met 20 years ago when he first became Shura God. However, according to Wang Xiaofei's current estimate, Tang San is only level 120 at most. It's still far from the God King's level 150.

Wang Xiaofei looked indifferent to this, as if he didn't doubt Tang San's arrival at all: "Sit down, Tang San, you can be considered an old acquaintance after all."

Tang San, on the other hand, had a serious look on his face: "I am the Shura God now."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but smile: "Then sit down, God Shura."

Tang San stared at Wang Xiaofei for a while, and finally sat down opposite him.

But both of them seemed to fall into silence.

Finally, Wang Xiaofei spoke: "God Shura, if you have nothing to do, you will come to the Three Treasures Hall. If you have nothing to do, you won't come to my place, right? If you have anything to say, just say it."

And Tang San looked at Wang Xiaofei, as if he wanted to see through Wang Xiaofei, but he always felt that he couldn't, especially since Wang Xiaofei's strength seemed to be far beyond expectations.

Finally Tang San spoke: "I came to Douluo Star this time for a few main things. The first thing is that according to the rules of the God Realm, gods cannot interfere with annoying things. Since you have become a god, don't stop Intervene in Douluo Continent’s affairs.”

After hearing this, Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but smile: "God Shura, what you said makes sense. Since gods can't interfere with people's affairs, what do those things about the previous Poseidon and God Shura count? They have many times Will I be punished for interfering in Douluo Star’s affairs?”

"The gods will handle the things you mentioned. You are just an ordinary god. Do you care too much?"

"Is it much? If it has nothing to do with me, I would naturally not bother to ask, but these things are all related to me. They are interfering in my life. Do they only allow the gods of the gods to interfere with mortal things? But they want to restrict my actions. Well, isn’t this a bit too much?”

"God Shura is the god of law enforcement. For the stability of Douluo Star and the God Realm, of course, he can obey the right."

"I don't care whether you are the Shura God or the Poseidon. You'd better not provoke me on Douluo Planet."

Tang San's face seemed to change suddenly: "Bold! Is this your attitude towards the God Realm Committee? If so, I will convene a meeting of the God Realm Committee to decide again whether to let you stay in Douluo Planet for 10,000 years?"

Wang Xiaofei still looked indifferent: "God Shura, who has a problem with his attitude? Who is violating the rules of the God Realm? Everyone knows it. Or just convene a committee of the God Realm now to see who is violating the rules? Are you here now? What does it mean to come with the permission of the God Realm Committee?”

After hearing these words, Tang San's whole body became gloomy, as if something hit him.

Indeed, as Wang Xiaofei said, when it comes to violations, whether it is the former Shura God, Poseidon, or even himself, they have secretly interfered with Douluo Star's affairs. Moreover, Wang Xiaofei has not left Douluo Star yet, so no matter what he does, it will not be considered a violation. ?

Wang Xiaofei continued: "You should know my character well. I don't want to interfere with the affairs of Douluo Star. No matter who it is, as long as they don't interfere with me and the development of Douluo Star, I don't bother to care about you. But if anyone interferes with my life, I will destroy him at all costs, even if it means destroying both of us."

After saying this, the two fell into silence again.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but complain in his heart: When it comes to the interference of the God Realm in the affairs of Douluo Star, who can compare with you, Tang San? Whether it is Huo Yuhao or Tang Wutong in the future, or even Wang Qiuer, which one is not under your interference and calculation? Now you dare to come to me and say these nonsense with a righteousness, the worst that can happen is that we will flip the table and break up.

"God Shura, if you have anything else to say, please say it all at once to save everyone trouble."

Tang San hesitated for a while before speaking again: "My parents will return to Douluo Star for personal reasons, and I don't want you to interfere in their lives."

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help laughing: "Uncle Hao and Auntie have become gods. Now they are back to Douluo Star. Does it count as gods interfering in the affairs of Douluo Star?"

"After they return to Douluo Star, their soul power will be compressed to level 99."

"God Shura, are you too naive? Or are you treating everyone else as a fool? Even if their soul power is compressed to level 99, they still have a soul and a body, and even a divine weapon. Their strength is far beyond level 99."


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