Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 243 Two children visit Shrek

After visiting the Advanced Soul Master Academy in Tiandou City, the two decided to continue visiting other academies, and the second stop was Shrek Academy.

Today's Shrek Academy is completely different from the past. In the past, Shrek Academy belonged to Liu Erlong's assets, and could even be said to belong to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Now that it has all been nationalized, Shrek Academy is directly under the management of the Ministry of Education. The dean is still Flanders, the deputy dean Zhao Wuji, and Liu Erlong, who has left the Ministry of Education, serves as the honorary dean. It can be regarded as a small A small backer.

Especially Flanders and Zhao Wuji, who are directly under the management of the Ministry of Education, can be regarded as middle-level personnel of the Douluo Federation.

However, after so many years of hard training, neither Flanders nor Liu Erlong nor Zhao Wuji could reach the realm of high-level Soul Douluo and could not break through to Titled Douluo.

Now the three of them are working hard to break through the title Douluo, so they are now trying their best to train the students of the academy, which is also a contribution to the Ministry of Education.

However, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong finally got married, and gave birth to a child named Yu Xiaolong. The name was taken from one of the characters in the names of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, in order to commemorate them. Yu Xiaogang's love also placed his last hope.

When Wang Lanfang and Wang Mingxu came to Shrek Academy, they were also warmly received by Dean Flanders.

After all, what is the importance of Elemental College in the Ministry of Education and even in the entire Douluo Federation? A discerning person still knows something. After all, almost half of the top leaders of the Douluo Federation came from the Elements Academy, especially their direct superiors.

Dean Flender made tea for the two of them, and then said: "I wonder why these two kids came to my Shrek Academy from the Academy of Elements?"

Wang Lanfang straightened her face: "There is nothing important for us to come here. The college arranged for the two of us to have training on the mainland. We happened to arrive in Tiandou City, so we came here to visit."

Numerous questions popped up in Flanders' mind. Judging from the age of the two people in front of him, they were probably around 20, but the specific soul power levels could not be checked. They were either extremely strong, extremely weak, or there was some hidden soul power. method.

Moreover, although the School of Elements is powerful, it does not have much overlap with Shrek Academy. It can even be said to be a bit of a feud. Shrek Academy has also lost to the Academy of Elements many times recently.

Flanders still continued to speak patiently: "What is the purpose of the two of you coming to visit?"

Before Wang Lanfang could speak, Wang Mingxu spoke first: "I heard that the teaching quality of the College of Elements is very high, so I came to visit and study. Is it convenient for Dean Flender?"

"Shrek Academy naturally welcomes you two kids to visit us. I wonder what you two would like to see?"

"Then I would like to ask you about the teaching situation of the Element Academy, including the training of soul masters."

Flender secretly thought, could it be that Minister Huo Tianchen arranged for the private visit incognito? Otherwise, there will be no arrangements for two young people whether it is communication or study.

Wang Lanfang, who was beside him, felt bored for a while. He took a sip of the tea next to him and couldn't help but spit it out: "Dean Flender, you are also the dean after all. This tea must be too bad."

Flanders was speechless for a while, and at the same time he was even more certain that the two of them came for a private visit in private, otherwise even the teachers of the academy would not be so direct.

The two of them visited the entire Shrek Academy under the leadership of Dean Flender. I have to say that Shrek Academy's teaching is relatively rigorous, especially the teaching staff is pretty good. In addition to Dean Flanders, there is actually a Soul Douluo, and there are many Soul Saint level teachers.

But the school's atmosphere seems to be relatively poor, at least much worse than that of the original academy. In just a few hours, there were actually many fights between students, and judging from the situation of the people around them, it was obvious that fighting was not prohibited in the school. It can even be said to have become the norm.

Wang Mingxu couldn't help but think that this was an alternative teaching plan. It would be a good way to enhance the students' competitive character through daily fighting.

After a tour, we finally came to a relatively large training ground. There were about a dozen people on the training ground who were training profusely. Judging from their soul power and mental state, they were much stronger than ordinary students. They had basically reached or It's close to the state of Soul Sect.

Dean Flender quickly introduced: "These 11 people are our lineup to participate in the Douluo Federation Soul Master Competition next year. By next year, there should be a lineup of all soul sects, and there may even be one or two soul kings. ”

Although the two schools are in a competitive relationship, the Elements Academy is much stronger than Shrek Academy in terms of foundation and strength. Moreover, this lineup has no need to hide anything when facing the Elements Academy. After all, the Minister of Education has everyone's information.

In addition to the students, there are two teachers on the training ground. One of the teachers looks more decadent, older, and has lower soul power. The other teacher is relatively young, but very powerful. He is probably a Contra.

The two teachers were very puzzled when they saw Dean Flender actually bringing someone to the training ground. After all, the director of Hunan rarely brings people to the training ground, and the training process needs to be kept confidential.

Especially the old soul master said directly: "Friend, this is a training ground and needs to be kept secret. Why did you bring two outsiders here?"

Flanders introduced directly: "Xiao Gang, these two are not outsiders. They are teachers from the Elements Academy and came to our academy for exchanges."

Yes, this decadent old man is none other than Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang's face was full of doubts: "Flender, are you mistaken? Even if we want to communicate, we will not send two students here to communicate."

"Xiao Gang, these two are not students, they are teachers from the Elements Academy."

"How is it possible? Is Flanders mistaken? Judging from the age of the two of them, they are probably in their twenties. It's not like you don't know the level of the teachers at the Elements Academy."

Although Yu Xiaogang is confident in himself, he is also confident in Shrek Academy. But he is still a little self-aware. The Academy of Elements was jointly established by several major families. The strength of the teachers can be said to be far superior to other soul master academies. The most basic point is that there are many titled Douluo in the Academy of Elements.

Not to mention that the Academy of Elements has many training methods designed by Wang Xiaofei, as well as training towers known as training cheating tools, and there is no shortage of resources. This is one of the reasons why the Academy of Elements has been strong for many years.

Flanders looked a little heavy and said: "I just carefully checked the teacher's certificates of the two of them, it should be true, and I can't detect the specific soul power of the two of them, but they can ignore my pressure, He is obviously a soul master, and he probably has treasures on him."

"In a situation like theirs, it can't be fake."

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