Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 269 Flying towards the sun

After everything was done, Wang Xiaofei looked at his wife and children, and seemed a little reluctant, but after thinking carefully, for the future and for his own better development, he resolutely decided to leave.

It is not so simple to leave. The gods in the divine world cannot leave the divine world because of the limitation of the divine position, but when the beings of the divine sword passed on the divine position, they all chose to leave the divine world.

It can be seen from this that the divine world is a place leading to the outside world, and after the gods leave, they generally like to travel the universe and explore the unknown universe.

But Wang Xiaofei has never wanted to go to the divine world, mainly because he is afraid of being restricted. Like the previous sea god, he wants to leave the divine world in order to pursue a higher realm. The divine world is more like a shackle.

Wang Xiaofei stood on the top of the golden ancient tree, looking at the sky full of stars. This may be the universe.

Wang Xiaofei left a trace of divine thoughts and injected them into the golden ancient tree. Then he turned into a huge fire phoenix and began to fly into the starry sky.

All the people, soul masters, and gods of the entire Douluo Star were looking at the huge flame, a huge fire phoenix thousands of meters long and wide, rising directly into the sky.

Everyone understood that this was the emperor of the Douluo Federation. It was him who ended the war on the Douluo Continent, and it was he who brought long-term peace and stability to the Douluo Federation. It was also he who led humans and soul beasts to coexist peacefully and led the rapid development of human soul guides.

Countless people watched this fire phoenix, which seemed to have become everyone's belief.

Wang Xiaofei ignored everyone and didn't care about all the changes, but turned into a fire phoenix and flew quickly into the starry sky.

As Wang Xiaofei flew higher and higher, the air became thinner and thinner, even to the point where normal people couldn't breathe.

But Wang Xiaofei was a god, he didn't need air or breathing, and he could survive even in the simplest environment.

When Wang Xiaofei was about to leave the range of Douluo Star, there seemed to be an invisible repulsive force in the space, asking Wang Xiaofei not to leave, but Wang Xiaofei was unmoved, and his body was shining with fire, like a huge fireball, instantly dissipating these repulsive forces, and then leaving the range of Douluo Star.

In the starry sky, Wang Xiaofei turned into a huge fire phoenix and flew quickly. The flying speed of the fire phoenix is ​​extremely fast, and it can fly tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, just like a meteor.

In fact, there are only two places where Wang Xiaofei really wants to fly to. One is the edge of the universe, which is the so-called land of chaos, where he can use the power of chaos, which is a higher level of energy, and can even be said to be the origin of all energy.

The power of chaos is more complex and elusive, and it represents disorder and chaos. The power of chaos has a strong destructive power and can subvert all existing rules. To a certain extent, the power of chaos is the opposite of the power of creation, which challenges the order and balance of the universe. However, the power of chaos also contains the possibility of creation, but it is more difficult to use.

In the original work, the gods had relied on the power of chaos to reach a higher realm.

On the other hand, there must be extraordinary fire power at the core of the sun in the sky, and even as the Silver Dragon King said, you have the power of the Phoenix Ancestor God, which is the real God King realm.

But the distance between the sun and the Fallen Star is very far. I remember that when I was on Earth, the distance between the earth and the sun reached 149.6 million kilometers. Although Wang Xiaofei is now a god, he is only tens of thousands of kilometers per hour now. According to the distance from the earth to the sun, it will take one or two years to fly.

What's more, it is now on Douluo Star, and it is even more unclear how far the distance is.

But Wang Xiaofei didn't care so much. After leaving the range of Douluo Star, he began to fly towards the brightest sun in the sky.

As time went by, Wang Xiaofei had been flying for a full year, and even he himself had begun to forget everything around him. He just felt that the space seemed to become hotter, but the sun was still a long way from the diary. According to Wang Xiaofei's own estimation, it would take at least another one to two years to reach the sun.

But Wang Xiaofei didn't pay attention to so much, but continued to fly and move forward, even if there was danger.

Wang Xiaofei felt that since flying for a year, the energy around him seemed to have changed. On Douluo Star, even if the sun shone on the body, it could only bring warmth to people. The accident was a pure flame energy.

But after walking one-third of the distance, the energy seemed to have changed greatly, becoming more violent, the temperature became higher, and even had a strong destructive power, and this destructive power was like the existence of the origin.

Wang Xiaofei even felt that if a fire attribute soul master practiced here, the improvement speed would probably be very fast.

But Wang Xiaofei didn't care about these, but continued to fly quickly towards the sun.

When flying two-thirds of the distance, the temperature seemed to become higher, even reaching nearly a thousand degrees, and even began to approach the temperature of the earth's magma. The energy in the air seemed to become more violent. Even the Titled Douluo among the soul masters might find it difficult to withstand this energy.

Especially in the energy, it seems to contain the power of destruction. If ordinary creatures enter, they will probably turn into ashes in an instant.

Wang Xiaofei stopped for the first time and carefully felt the energy in the space. As he felt the energy more and more deeply, his eyes widened.

As Wang Xiaofei felt, there was indeed a very small amount of destructive power in the space. This power was very weak, and it could not even be felt. That is, Wang Xiaofei had reached the realm of quasi-god king, and could only feel a slight difference in power.

Wang Xiaofei looked at the sun in front of him, which seemed to be getting closer and closer, like a fireball getting closer and closer. The accident contained infinite power. Whether it was his body or his heart, he felt a little desire, a desire to become stronger, a desire to have this power.

Wang Xiaofei no longer cared about so much. The strong man's inner excitement and desire quickly flew towards the sun.

Finally, after spending three full years, Wang Xiaofei came to the vicinity of the sun. At this time, what came into view was a huge fireball, which was countless times larger than that of Douluo Star, and even the energy was countless times stronger. Wang Xiaofei even felt that the energy in the sun in front of him was far greater than those so-called supreme gods. I am afraid that the energy intensity has reached the level of the dragon god.

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