Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 277 Return to Phoenix City

In the blink of an eye, Wang Xiaofei quickly left the ancestral land of the Haotian Sect and this time came directly to the capital of the Douluo Federation: Phoenix City.

When Wang Xiaofei came to Phoenix City, the population of Phoenix City was far less than what it was ten thousand years ago, and even the buildings had been changed a lot. However, the Phoenix City Palace where he had never lived was actually inhabited, and it seemed that it should be the Douluo Federation. The top executive is also known as Xu Jiawei.

Wang Xiaofei didn't care so much and went directly to the palace and in front of Xu Jiawei.

There seemed to be many senior officials of the Douluo Federation next to Xu Jiawei, and their soul power seemed to be quite high, and many of them were titled Douluo.

When Wang Xiaofei appeared, everyone at the scene was stunned, but Wang Xiaofei ignored everyone and walked directly to the throne. With a gentle wave of his hand, he knocked Xu Jiawei off the throne, and then sat on the throne alone.

Xu Jiawei quickly said: "Who are you, and why do you break into the capital of our Douluo Federation? How dare you sit on the throne?"

Wang Xiaofei just said calmly: "I just want to ask you a question, how did you people become the top leaders of the Douluo Federation? Who is the emperor of the Douluo Federation?"

When everyone at the scene heard this, they just looked at each other, not knowing how to answer Wang Xiaofei's questions.

But Wang Xiaofei continued to speak: "Is there anyone in the Dai family in Xingluo City now? If there is anyone, please come out now. I have some debts that I want to settle with the Dai family."

Everyone at the scene was even more speechless, not knowing how to answer.

In the end, it was Xu Jiawei who stood up: "I am the emperor of the Douluo Federation. If you need anything, come to me."

Wang Xiaofei looked at the person in front of him and couldn't help but nodded: "I remember you should be from the Star Crown Sect. Hasn't the Star Crown Sect always been hidden in the world? When did it appear? And it became the Douluo Federation. The emperor."

When Xu Jiawei heard this, his face was instantly horrified: "Who are you? How do you know about our Xingguan Sect?"

Wang Xiaofei shook his head: "I don't know what your Xingguan Sect wants to do? I don't know what the Dai family wants to do? My name is Wang Xiaofei, you should have heard of it."

When Xu Jiawei heard the name Wang Xiaofei, his face turned even darker, and he just said tremblingly: "Wang Xiaofei? Are you Wang Xiaofei, the founding emperor of the Douluo Federation?"

Wang Xiaofei smiled faintly: "I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, there would still be people who could recognize me. It's quite interesting."

"But I still say what I said, what is the current situation of the Douluo Federation? Why did an emperor appear, and why did the entire Douluo Federation become like this?"

"By the way, I heard that the most powerful ones in the world right now are Dragon God Douluo Muen, Xuanzi, and Long Xiaoyao. Let these people come to see me immediately. Don't wait until the expiration date."

"As for the Dai family, there is no need to scream. There is no need to scream for the dead."

Everyone was even more shocked when they heard this. According to what the man in front of him said, those peerless Douluo were probably like ants in his eyes.

Before anyone could say anything else, Wang Xiaofei continued: "In addition, the person in charge of the Tang Sect also called me over. I am too lazy to look for them. How did the Douluo Federation Soul Guidance Academy become the Tang Sect?"

Xu Jiawei still spoke tremblingly: "Master Wang Xiaofei, I don't know much about these things. These are things that happened thousands of years ago."

Wang Xiaofei just glanced at Xu Jiawei indifferently: "I don't care whether you know it or not, or you know something and don't want to say it. In short, I will kill all the Dai family and Yu Xiaogang's lineage. You should inform these people first. ”

Before Xu Jiawei could say anything, a huge dragon roar suddenly came out, and then, an old man in coarse linen clothes came to the palace. This man had an ordinary appearance, was not tall, and had a stooped figure, as if he was about to die. old man.

The old man came to the palace and looked at Wang Xiaofei on the throne. His whole expression seemed to have changed. His image instantly became much taller and even had infinite momentum. This should be Dragon God Douluo Muen.

Moon said with a serious face: "Who are you? Why are you sitting on the throne?"

Wang Xiaofei just raised his eyelids slightly: "You are Yu Xiaogang's descendant Moon, right? I just want to ask a question, how did the Douluo Federation Soul Master Academy become Shrek Academy? This has something to do with Yu Xiaogang What's the relationship?"

Moon's expression changed instantly: "How do you know the name of my ancestor? If you dare to be disrespectful to my ancestor, you will bear the wrath of my Shrek Academy."

Wang Xiaofei smiled slightly: "Yu Xiaogang is a waste. I didn't expect his descendants to be somewhat decent. It would be a pity to kill you."

When Munn heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and at the same time he summoned his martial spirit, the Golden Holy Dragon, and even the spirit ring on his body flashed, as if he wanted to launch an attack.

But Wang Xiaofei flicked his right hand, and an invisible divine power instantly suppressed Munn. Even Munn fell to the ground, and his originally powerful aura also dropped sharply, as if he had really turned into a Like an old man.

Xu Jiawei quickly spoke: "Master Wang Xiaofei, Dragon God Douluo has made great contributions to our Douluo Federation. Whether it is resisting evil soul masters or fighting against the Sun and Moon Empire, he fights bravely to kill the enemy. He is the leader of our soul masters."

Wang Xiaofei ignored what Xu Jiawei said, but looked at Mun En in front of him: "If he hadn't done something good, he would have died long ago. As for his so-called contributions, they were all disasters caused by his ancestors, and he can't blame others. "

"It seems that except for Moon, no one else will come. Then I will go find them. I hope they can withstand my anger."

After Wang Xiaofei finished speaking, a law flew out from his body. It was the law that Wang Xiaofei had established at the beginning. Then he spoke directly to everyone: "From now on, restore the laws of the Douluo Federation ten thousand years ago. I will give you one month. If you can't restore it, you people don't need to exist."

Xu Jiawei looked at the law in his hand and said tremblingly: "Master Wang Xiaofei, how is this possible? Now the evil soul masters are rampant, we have no way to eliminate the evil soul masters, and there is the Sun and Moon Continent coveting it from the outside. It can be said that we are facing internal and external troubles. We are now 's strength is simply not enough to do it. "

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help shaking his head: "How did the evil soul master come from? It was not created by Tang San and his group. I will solve the problem of the evil soul master."

"As for the Sun and Moon Continent, what a shitty thing, a good soul guide research institute, became a Tang Sect, and used national financial support for the research of hidden weapons, it's simply nonsense."

Xu Jiawei said with some doubts: "Lord Wang Xiaofei, have you known about the Sun and Moon Continent for a long time?"

Wang Xiaofei sneered: "Otherwise, where do you think the information of the Soul Guide Research Institute came from? As a result, you messed it up. "

After saying this, Wang Xiaofei left without paying attention to the people around him.

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