Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 7 Harvest

After two days, the group finally completed the soul hunting, and everyone got a relatively satisfactory soul ring.

After leaving the forest, the group took back the carriage. Finally, they returned to school in the evening.

"It's getting late now. Tomorrow, everyone will go to the Wuhun Hall to register as a soul master. Today, you should go back to the dormitory to rest." The principal told everyone.

After Xiao Fei greeted a few people, he went back to the blacksmith shop. The people in the blacksmith shop had already started to get off work. He hurriedly greeted Tie Niu. "Xiao Fei, you are finally back. How was the soul hunting this time? Didn't get a satisfactory soul ring? Xiao Fei, you will be a soul master in the future, and you can go to the Wuhun Hall to receive the soul master subsidy."

"I was very lucky this time. With the help of our school principal, I still got a good soul ring. Tomorrow morning, our principal will organize us to register at the Wuhun Hall." Xiao Fei replied.

"Very good, Xiao Fei will be a soul master in the future. Let's drink more tonight and celebrate well." Tie Niu said happily. The people around also gathered together and laughed.

Dinner was more sumptuous than ever before, and everyone was very happy. How many people drank several jars of wine? It was also the first time for Xiaofei to drink since he came to this world. Looking at the group of simple people around him, Xiaofei felt very down-to-earth and very happy. Xiaofei said to himself: "These are ordinary people, and they are also a group of ordinary people. They just want the simplest and most simple life."

The blacksmith shop was closed at night, and Xiaofei was the only one sitting in the backyard of the blacksmith shop. Xiaofei was there sorting out his harvest from this soul hunting.

First, Xiaofei got his first soul ring, and it was super-year-old. Xiaofei felt that his flame seemed to have become stronger, and the flame on his body became more intimate. Summoning the Fire Phoenix Martial Soul, it was obvious that the phoenix was more solid, and the flame of the Fire Phoenix seemed to have become stronger. With a casual attack around, it felt that this ordinary attack was accompanied by fire damage. Thinking about it carefully, it felt like the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Martial Soul, and the attack was accompanied by lightning effects.

"First soul skill, Phoenix flame." Xiao Fei used the first soul skill and felt that the flame on his body increased by 50%, and this was continuous. The soul power in the body made the flame damage higher and continuously consumed soul power. According to the soul power in Xiao Fei's body, this skill can last for about 20 minutes. With the increase of soul power in the future, the duration will also become longer. Compared with the third soul skills of many soul masters, it is also similar.

Then, Xiao Fei cancelled the possession of the fire phoenix martial soul, and then summoned his right hand martial soul. The appearance of the right hand martial soul did not change much, but the strength seemed to increase by about 20%.

This should not be the second awakening of the main body martial soul. It can only be said that this hand has signs of awakening, but it has not fully awakened, and it has awakened about 20%. If you want to awaken, it is estimated that you have to obtain the sixth or even seventh soul ring. It may be more difficult to awaken than imagined. In short, the physical fitness has become stronger, especially the right hand.

Finally, it is the palm. In the past few days, Xiao Fei has been feeling numb in his hand, as if something is about to come out. But there are too many people around, and Xiao Fei has been deliberately suppressing this feeling. Now there is no one around, you can use your palm without worry.

After Xiao Fei input the soul power into his palm, five claws suddenly appeared on the whole finger. A closer look showed that the five claws were still very sharp, and with a trace of flame, and this claw was very similar to the claw of the Flame Lion King. Xiao Fei was so happy that his whole body was shaking a little.

"Could this be the legendary external soul bone? The palm of the Flame Lion King has an external soul bone! Hahaha, I finally have my first soul bone, and it is an external soul bone that can grow."

So far, the harvest of the first soul ring has been counted. It can be said that the harvest is full. It can be said that no one has harvested more than himself in the first soul ring. This may be the benefit of absorbing soul rings beyond the age limit. Of course, this also has a very big risk. If it weren't for the existence of the right hand martial soul, I'm afraid Xiao Fei would explode and die.

At night, Xiao Fei continued to meditate in the blacksmith shop. Xiao Fei always felt that his meditation speed seemed to have become faster than before. "What is the reason?" Xiao Fei couldn't help but shake his head, feeling confused. "Who cares? Anyway, faster meditation is a good thing."

In this way, a night passed inexplicably. The next morning, the principal took six people to the Spirit Hall. Entering the Spirit Hall, the principal asked directly: "Is Master Mashunuo here? Take us to see him?" Obviously, the principal and the staff here are familiar with each other. After all, in a small place like Notting City, many soul masters graduated from the Soul Master Academy.

Led by the staff, several people came to the hall of the Spirit Hall. Master Mashunuo and several staff members were there, including Master Su Yuntao. Liang Fei hurriedly nodded and greeted Master Su Yuntao.

Master Mashunuo said: "Principal, how come you have time to come here in person today? Are there a few good seedlings in the school?"

The principal laughed and said: "Not bad, this time six students have become soul masters." It can be seen that the principal is really happy. For a school principal, what is more worthy of joy than the excellence of students?

"Well, congratulations, I will test your soul power first." Master Mashunuo said.

Everyone lined up to take the soul power test, and they were basically all level 11. Mashunuo tested them one by one. After each test, he gave them an iron badge, and then took out a black booklet. On the box, their martial soul, soul power level, innate soul power and other personal information were clearly written. After stamping, he personally handed it to each student, and also gave each student a gold soul coin, and said a few words of encouragement. It can be seen that everyone is quite excited. After all, from today on, they are soul masters.

The last one to take the test was Wang Xiaofei. Looking at the shining crystal ball, Master Mashunuo was obviously a little excited: "This is level 13, just hunted the soul ring and it is level 13. Not bad, what soul beast did you hunt?"

The principal hurriedly said: "This time I personally led the team, and hunted the Flame Lion King, a soul beast over 400 years old." The principal had communicated with Xiaofei before. If you want to explain the soul ring hunted this time, just say it is 400 years. If you say it is 600 years, everyone may have trouble. Xiaofei was also afraid of trouble, so he readily agreed.

In fact, according to Xiao Fei's feeling, he seems to have touched the barrier of level 14, and he can break through to level 14 in a week at most.

"Little friend, you are only six years old this year, and you are already level 13. You are not interested in studying in our Wuhun Hall Academy. You will have better development in the Wuhun Hall Academy in the future. There will be some Soul Emperors or even Soul Saints to guide you?"

"Go away, this is a student of my Notting Academy. You are poaching in front of him?" The dean said angrily.

"It's for the future of the children. Let the children choose for themselves or their parents. This will be better for their future development." Master Mashunuo said with a kind face and a smile.

"I'm sorry, Master Mashunuo, my family lives in Shenghun Village. My family only has me and my grandfather to depend on each other. I can't bear to leave my grandfather and the villagers, and the dean is very good to me. So I don't want to go to other schools for the time being." Xiao Fei said seriously.

Master Ma Xiunuo looked disappointed, "Okay, I'll think about it carefully when you graduate from the Junior Soul Master Academy. The Soul Master Academy of the Spirit Hall is definitely the best choice for us civilians."

In this way, Xiao Fei got his soul master certificate and a gold soul coin, and he will have one gold soul coin every month in the future. It can be regarded as a temporary solution to his financial problems.

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