Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 74 Hanhai City

This time, Xiao Fei and his seven companions went to the Sea God Island. The Element Academy made a lot of preparations. A lot of various materials were prepared. Everyone's storage ring was full, and even the driver was carefully selected.

Now among the seven people in the group: Xiao Fei is level 75, Huo Wu is level 73, Huo Wushuang is level 72, Shui Bing'er is level 62, Feng Xiaotian is level 65, Yang Pojun is level 52, and Niu Meng is level 52.

Along the way, the seven people were cultivating their soul power and communicating with each other about some cultivation experiences.

After half a month of traveling, the group finally got to the destination of this time, Hanhai City.

According to Xiao Fei's plan, everyone will stay in Hanhai City for a while to learn some basic information about sea soul masters. Xiao Fei and his three companions have been to Hanhai City before, and they still have a certain understanding of Hanhai City. The other four have never even seen the sea, let alone contact with sea soul masters.

In the next few days, everyone needs to fight in the big fighting soul field. And through Xiao Fei's questioning, except for Shui Bing'er, all the others are landlubbers. It would be troublesome if they fight in the sea.

At the Hanhai City Soul Fighting Arena, the seven people first bought a ticket for a box and entered the Soul Fighting Arena. They immediately felt that it was completely different from the Soul Fighting Arena they had seen before.

The Soul Fighting Arena was not a huge arena like the large Soul Fighting Arena they had seen before, but a huge pool. The diameter of the pool was a hundred meters, and the clear blue water was like a huge sapphire without ripples. The Soul Fighting Pool was circular, with a diameter of one hundred and eight meters and a depth of ten meters. A Soul Fighter who left the vertical range of the Soul Fighting Pool was judged as a loser. A Soul Fighter who voluntarily surrendered or lost the ability to fight was judged as a loser.

Xiao Fei looked at the situation in the arena and said, "During this period of time, we must learn to swim first. Everyone must learn how to swim. Then, when fighting souls, we must ensure that we can fight in the water."

Xiao Fei and the seven people booked a small beach to practice swimming and fighting. Shui Bing'er, who was very good at swimming, acted as a teacher.

After the six people entered the beach, they always felt uncomfortable in various ways. The resistance of the sea water was too great, and even basic exercise methods could not work. Sometimes they simply choked on the water, and sometimes they shouted "First Soul Skill", but the soul skill did not come out, but they were choked.

In other words, now several people have to learn to swim first, and even their fighting habits have to change.

The worst are Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu, and Xiao Fei. Fire attribute soul masters are more restricted in the water. When the martial soul is summoned, the sea water will cause great pressure on the martial soul, especially Huo Wu's Hokage martial soul. After a day of training, Huo Wu was miserable.

But Xiao Fei, since he is now the ultimate flame, it will not go out in the sea water? This made Huo Wu and Huo Wu Shuang very depressed.

The training lasted for a week. Except for Huo Wu, everyone else basically mastered the underwater fighting method. Huo Wushuang's unicorn fire dragon directly turned into a unicorn Tyrannosaurus. Xiao Fei's fire phoenix was also greatly restricted in the water. No matter the attack speed or soul power consumption, it was far worse than on the mainland. Fortunately, it could fly on the water.

The one with the least impact was Niu Meng. No matter where he was, his defense was very good.

Next was various fighting spirits. Except for Huo Wu, all participated. Huo Wu simply gave up: I don't want to play anymore.

In the fighting soul field, Shui Bing'er, Feng Xiaotian, Niu Meng, and Yang Pojun were fighting non-stop. There were 5 fighting souls every day, and no matter who won or lost, they had to compete in 5 games.

As for Xiao Fei and Huo Wushuang, since there were no fighting souls of the Soul Saint level in the fighting soul field, the two fought souls in the rented beach. Under the water surface of the beach, Huo Wushuang and Xiao Fei fought happily. Xiao Fei's third and fourth soul skills had relatively little effect under the sea surface, while Huo Wushuang paid more attention to the application of strength.

After ten days, Xiao Fei and the other six basically mastered the fighting soul method under the sea surface.

Xiao Fei said to everyone: "There are still two main things that must be done. First, we have to find a boat that is willing to take us to the Sea God Island. Second, we have to buy a soul guide ship that can walk independently on the sea, so that we can protect ourselves in case of wind and waves."

After listening to Xiao Fei's words, everyone agreed.

Xiao Fei personally went to find a ship. Since it was necessary to travel far in the sea, especially to Poseidon Island, the requirements for the ship were very high. Xiao Fei directly found the largest ship nearby. After the two sides negotiated the conditions, they agreed to set off in a week. Before such a large ship departs, various preparations must be made, including supplies and personnel. Of course, Xiao Fei did not say that he was going to Poseidon Island, but just copied a map and asked the captain to follow the map. Xiao Fei also showed his strength to intimidate the captain and others to prevent pirates.

When Xiao Fei had negotiated the ship issue and just returned to the hotel, Huo Wu ran back excitedly. It turned out that they had bought a ship-type soul guide at the auction.

Xiao Fei took the soul guide and took a closer look. He couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Isn't this the Dragon Abyss boat used by Tang San and his friends in the original novel? How can there always be such a coincidence in the world?"

Xiao Fei shook his head and sighed: "Who cares? I didn't buy it from them. I just bought it at a normal auction."

Since arriving in Hanhai City, Xiao Fei and the other seven have become fascinated by Hanhai City's seafood and feast on it almost every day. In fact, Niu Meng's strength has greatly increased after his martial soul evolved into the ancient dragon rhinoceros, but his appetite has also increased accordingly. Every time he eats, he eats like an African refugee.

Even Shui Bing'er, who has always been elegant, has changed her previous image and is particularly fond of seafood.

Xiao Fei sneaked into Huo Wu's room several times at night when he was free. Although Huo Wu repeatedly rejected Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei refused to leave with his thick skin, and the two of them eventually had a big fight.

The night before departure, Xiaofei called everyone together again: "There are various dangers in the sea, including powerful sea soul beasts and many pirates. We must pay special attention to safety. Because Feng Xiaotian and I can fly, The two of us are responsible for keeping watch to ensure that the ship follows the route on our map." Feng Xiaotian nodded in agreement.

"Above the sea, if we feel there is any possibility of danger, we must inform others immediately. Many sea areas are very dangerous, especially the Demon Whale Sea. The strength of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King there even exceeds that of a hundred thousand year old soul beast. "

Huo Wu thought for a while and said: "Since we know that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is a hundred thousand year old soul beast, why are there no powerful people at the Title Douluo level who want to hunt him?"

Xiao Fei shook his head: "There should actually be many sea soul beasts in the sea, all of which have reached the 100,000-year-old level. But because they are in the sea, they can swim to the deep sea when they encounter danger, and the land soul beasts The division is very restricted in the sea, so it is very difficult to hunt the 100,000-year-old sea soul beast."

Early the next morning, Xiaofei and seven others arrived at the agreed ship. According to the communication, they paid half of the gold soul coins first, and then everyone boarded the ship.

The crew on the ship was obviously well-trained. When the captain gave an order, the people on the shore untied the ropes. All the crew members carried out their work in an orderly manner, and the ship began to move towards the deep sea.

Only when they are truly at sea can everyone see the real seascape and understand the majesty of the sea. The seven Xiaofei people stood on the bow of the boat, high-spirited and brave against the wind and waves.

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