This muffled thunder was different from the previous thunder, which made Yu Yuanzhen instantly alert and guard Kong behind him.

After a moment, a vine flashing with dark blue lightning appeared in front of the two of them.

As if it had wisdom, it circled around Yu Yuan Zhen and Kong twice, as if it was confirming something.

"Huh? Thousand-year-old thunder vines?"

Yu Yuanzhen said with some doubts.

He had never seen the vine in front of him, but simply thought that it was just a mutated vine.

Plant-type soul beasts with the attribute of thunder and lightning are as rare as those with the attribute of fire.


For some reason, Mr. Kong felt that the "Thunder and Lightning Vine" in front of him seemed "familiar".

It seems like I have heard its name somewhere.

After thinking for a moment, Kong's eyes lit up. If he guessed correctly, the name of the "Thunder and Lightning Vine" in front of him should be called the Thunder Hell Vine!

Legend has it that the God of Thunder in the Douluo God Realm died in a shocking battle. With his demise, the Thundering Hell Vine appeared.

This Thunder Hell Vine is born with wisdom and has the ability to "draw thunder"!

Moreover, being struck by lightning can make you stronger.

Born from the thunder, upgraded in the thunder, and finally turned into ashes and dissipated in the thunder.

This is the life of Thunder Hell Vine.

According to Yu Yuanzhen, this Thundering Hell Vine only has a thousand years of cultivation. Why does it appear here?

"I didn't expect the Thunder Hell Vine to be in the Sunset Forest. Do you want to absorb its soul ring as the second soul ring?"

Kong thought to himself.

The Thunder Hell Vine is one of the top plant-type soul beasts. The Blue Silver Emperor is nothing in front of it!

Its thunder and lightning attributes are also the most top-notch, almost reaching the level of "ultimate thunder".

At this moment, the Thunder Hell Vine stopped, it had found its target!

The power of thunder is simply not too attractive to it!

The Thunder Hell Vine slowly approached the sky, and the blue thunder on its body became a little more violent. It was even more excited!

"Is this guy's target actually me? Could it be that the thunder attribute on Nagigusa's Rice Light attracted it?"

Sora thought with some confusion.

Yu Yuanzhen's expression changed. Although this plant-type soul beast was strange, it was just a thousand-year-old soul beast after all.

He actually wanted to murder his grandson in front of him!

"Grandpa, this is the Thunder Hell Vine. It is very powerful. I think it is the second soul ring!"

Just when Yu Yuanzhen was about to segment the Thunder Hell Vine, Kong's voice appeared.

Yu Yuanzhen was slightly startled, Thunder Hell Vine?

What kind of soul beast is this?

Although he doesn't understand, Yu Yuanzhen still agrees with Kong's point that this soul beast is very powerful.

Judging from the thunder emanating from its body, it is much more powerful than ordinary thousand-year soul beasts.

Yu Yuanzhen nodded, and then instantly completed the possession of the martial soul, and took action against the Thunder Hell Vine...

For the ninety-sixth level Yu Yuanzhen, it is easy to handle a thousand-year soul beast!

In a flash of lightning, the Thundering Hell Vine was suppressed by Yu Yuanzhen with one hand.

"Sending life to a vine from a thousand miles away is more important than courtesy and friendship!"

Kong didn't know how far the Thunder Hell Vine had run before it came to him.

Even if it is suppressed by Yu Yuanzhen, the Thunder Hell Vine is still struggling. Although it has wisdom, it is only a thousand years of cultivation. How high can it be, no matter how high its wisdom is?

In its mind, emptiness is a great medicine, and it is good to take it! By swallowing the lightning inside Kong's body, it can definitely take a big step on the road to "upgrading".

Seeing this, Sora's rice light appeared in his hand, and the Hundred-Eyed Wheel of Wishes was once again fully charged on his back, and in an instant there was only a bar pattern left. All the energy in it was drawn out by the sky and directed to the rice light of Naginus.

The rice light of Naginusu did not disappoint Kong. It flashed with purple lightning, and the blade combined with the lightning was so powerful that even ordinary Soul Lords would tremble when they saw it.

You must know that the energy in the Wheel of Wishes and Hundred Eyes has reached full value, which means that the total energy it possesses is equal to the total soul power possessed by Sora.

This blow was equivalent to a blow that Kong used all his soul power to complete!

With the appearance of Nagi no Inagaki, the suppressed Thunder Hell Vine struggled even more fiercely.

Suddenly, Sora, who was holding the rice light of the Naginus, was stunned and said to Yu Yuanzhen: "Grandpa, it has no foundation, how can I kill it?"

Yu Yuanzhen: "..."

I took a look at the Thunder Hell Vine. This plant is different from ordinary plants. It has no foundation. It is a little difficult to kill it and get the ring.

"Chop it into several pieces, or rub it into ashes, it should be fine."

Yu Yuanzhen said with some uncertainty.

This Thunder Hell Vine is about the size of a child's arm, and it is unable to resist when Yu Yuanzhen suppresses it in his hand.

Perhaps it listened to Yu Yuanzhen's words, and the Thundering Hell Vine became even more violent. There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and then a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, striking Yu Yuanzhen and the Thundering Hell Vine impartially.

Yu Yuanzhen: "..."

Will this little thing cause thunder and lightning?

Why do you feel exactly the same as that adult?

However, there are some differences. The thunder and lightning it attracts will kill itself!

This thunder and lightning did not have any impact on the Thunder Hell Vine and Yu Yuan Zhen. With Yu Yuan Zhen sharing the part, the Thunder Hell Vine had nothing to do.

"It's quite suitable for the sky."

Yu Yuanzhen seemed to have thought of something and smiled in the air.

It would be great if Kong could inherit this thunder-inducing characteristic after absorbing the soul ring of the Thundering Hell Vine!

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Sora was startled by the sudden lightning. He subconsciously took a step back with his naginata in hand and asked Tamaki Yuanzhen.

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head. He himself was the "Thunder and Lightning Dharma King" and had also used thunder to practice. The power of thunder had little impact on him.

"That's good, that's good."

Sora breathed a sigh of relief and slashed at the Thunder Hell Vine with the fully-charged Naginata Rice Light. He first divided the little thing into segments. If it didn't die, it would be crushed into ashes!

After a few knives fell in the air, Yu Yuanzhen moved the Thundering Hell Vine very cooperatively. In a moment, the Thundering Hell Vine was divided into several sections.

Its "blood" is all dark blue.

"Grandpa, this blood can be collected, and it will be of great benefit to soul masters who practice the thunder attribute."

Even if the Thunder Hell Vine is divided into several sections, it is still not completely dead at this time, but it has no fighting power.

"Oh, it actually has such a miraculous effect?"

Yu Yuanzhen was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out a jade bottle. After thinking for a while, he poured the wine in the jade bottle directly on the ground. Even if he couldn't faint with this little wine, he couldn't spoil the child. If it was empty, What about drinking in the primeval forest in the future?

Seeing this, Sora felt a little dumbfounded...

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