Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 114 114: I only need to make a small move, and that’s your limit!

The two women plus a beautiful woman looked at Sora with eyes full of pity.

This kid (boy, handsome guy) is so pitiful.

The mutation of martial soul must have been a big blow to him, right?

This is also the reason why he married so early, why not go to college?

Thinking of this, Shui Yue'er felt a little touched in her heart. She might as well put more water on it so that Kong could lose evenly, which would be regarded as fulfilling his dream of being a soul master.

No wonder he doesn't reveal his soul power level, he has low self-esteem!


God is so inferior. He is afraid of scaring a few people!

In the state of being possessed by the martial spirit, Shui Yue'er's figure did not change much, except that he was surrounded by water and vapor, and hung with three yellow, yellow and purple spirit rings.

She was a little confused, why didn't Kong release his martial spirit?

If you don't release your martial soul, how can you fight it?

The bodies of most soul masters are very fragile. Without releasing their martial souls, their strength is much, much weaker.

"Tian Tian, ​​why don't you release your martial spirit?"

Shui Yue'er asked doubtfully, blinking her big eyes. Even if she wanted to let go now, she was definitely not able to resist in the state of being possessed by Wuhun.


"No problem, Miss Yue'er just attacks."

Kong said expressionlessly.

After hearing this, Shui Yue'er hesitated because she was afraid of really hurting Kong.

Seeing this, I feel thoughtful.

In just a moment, Kong raised his right hand and turned into a sharp claw in the puzzled eyes of the women.

The sharp claws were dark gold in color, more than one meter long, and flashed with purple thunder. This was the result of Kong's control. Without control, the body of this dark gold fear claw would have been about one foot long.

"This is?"

"External soul bone!"

Shui Ningshuang and Qian Renxue almost shouted in surprise.

Even a proud woman like Qian Renxue has never possessed an external soul bone.

Looking at the power emanating from the soul bone, it seems that he is quite old!

This dark gold Terrorclaw Bear right metacarpal bone was exploded when Kong absorbed the first soul ring.

After so many years, after being baptized by fairy grass, water and fire spring water, and soul power (elementary power), it is no longer the original piece of soul bone that existed for hundreds of years.

The current number of years is not more, not less, exactly one hundred thousand years!

After Shi Kong broke through to the Soul Saint level, he absorbed the 100,000-year-old Titan Great Ape's right arm soul bone, which allowed the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear's right metacarpal bone to be upgraded to 100,000-year-old.

Moreover, it also extended the second soul skill of a hundred thousand year soul bone!

"The size is as you wish!"

At this time, Shui Yue'er's face was pale, and she was sweating profusely. The sweat had already wet her aqua blue clothes, and she was looming... cough cough.

"It smells so scary, will you die?"

Shui Yue'er shivered as she thought that she was really numb.

She had thought that the other party was weak before, but she never expected that the other party's strength might be beyond her imagination!

There was no spirit ring on the claw, which meant it was not a martial spirit, but its power was like metal, emitting a dark golden luster.

There were also traces of purple thunder flashing, which made Shui Yue'er's heart skip a beat.

Seeing this, Shui Ningshuang knew that Shui Yue'er had no fighting spirit at this time, and she was also a little anxious. After all, Shui Yue'er was her daughter.

"Miss Yue'er, my martial soul is quite special, far beyond what this external soul bone can match."

Kong's face was not red and he said breathlessly: "Let me use this soul bone to compete with Miss Yue'er!"


Everyone fell silent, and the eyes they looked at Sora changed.

What human language was he speaking?

Oh my God, he said that his martial soul was even more powerful, but this soul bone fell into pieces!

Is this possible?

Even Shui Ningshuang was frightened when she saw this attached soul bone. How could his martial spirit be even more powerful?

Wait, do you know what a close match is and what a showdown is?

Qian Renxue even rolled her eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched violently.

This guy, doesn’t he know how weak others are? Doesn’t he know how strong he is?

Shui Yue'er swallowed. She didn't know where the confidence came from. She gritted her teeth and rushed towards Sora.

As an agility attack soul master, her speed is actually not that fast among agility attack soul masters of the same level, because her soul skills actually have little to do with the agility attack system, and are more like a fast-moving "Mage".

The distance of twenty meters is only a distance that can be reached by a breath for a soul master level expert, but Shui Yue'er did not use his "advantage" of speed to come directly to Kong's side, and the two met for ten seconds. When she was about 3 meters away, the second soul ring on Shui Yue'er flashed.

This is a century-old soul ring, probably released around seven hundred years ago by a powerful soul master, and its power cannot be underestimated.

"Second Soul Skill: Zero Degree Shock Wave!"

As the second soul ring flashed, the water vapor around Shui Yue'er turned into ice, and a sound wave carried a large amount of ice attacks, appearing in a straight line, attacking towards the sky.

Dolphins can make sound waves themselves and transmit information through sound waves.

Shui Yue'er's soul skill is similar to Dai Mubai's White Tiger Fierce Light Wave. They are both straight-line attacks. However, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave is spit out from the mouth, Shui Yue'er's is not.

Seeing this, Sora's expression did not change, his right hand... his right claw was placed in front of him, and the five sharp claws were like several dancers, dancing on the ice.

Easily and freely shattered the ice cubes released by Shui Yue'er.

As for the sound waves, these sound waves couldn't affect him at all.

Even if it was released by Shui Yue'er's mother, Shui Ningshuang, a powerful soul saint, it would definitely not be able to affect Kong.

Sonic attacks are mainly attacks on the spiritual level. Kong's mental power is extremely powerful. Although he has not yet reached the realm of Peerless Douluo, it is not something that any Soul Saint can match.

What's more, Sora's spiritual consciousness is connected to Shadow and General Raiden. Attacking his spiritual consciousness is equivalent to attacking these two wives.

Thinking of this, Kong couldn't help but trembled. Fortunately, he was wise at that time, otherwise he didn't know how he died.

Seeing Kong resisting his second soul skill so easily, Shui Yue'er was a little discouraged. Is the gap between her and Kong really that big?

Biting her lip, Shui Yue'er's eyes flashed with a gleam of grievance. She said she was going on a date, but this man wanted to beat her up!

The mentality explodes!

"The third soul skill: Extreme Cold Storm!"

Shui Yue'er's only purple soul ring flashed. This was her most powerful soul skill. It was so powerful that most soul sects would not dare to take it head-on.

As Shui Yue'er's words fell, a blizzard-like storm suddenly blew around her... almost exactly the same as (Kamizato Ayaka's elemental explosion).

"It's a pity that the difference in strength is too big."

Shui Ningshuang shook her head. When Kong released the attached soul bone, she knew that Shui Yue'er could not be Kong's opponent...

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