Seeing this scene, Kong's mind was running wildly, and he felt like his CPU was about to die!

He couldn't help but take a breath of air to cool himself down.

"Girl, I am the Fourth Prince Xue Beng. With me, I will never treat you badly, girl!"

Seeing this, Sora's eyes kept twitching.

Good guy, Xue Beng actually teased Qian Renxue!

This time, he must not be pretending to be a playboy. After all, with Qian Renxue's beauty, who wouldn't be confused after seeing her?

Kong swallowed, feeling that Xue Beng's life might be over.

Xue Beng looks quite handsome, with a bohemian look on his face, dressed in fine clothes, and followed by seven or eight "dandy" kids.

Could Xue Beng be faking, couldn't they, the children of big families, be faking?

"Yes, girl, His Highness the Fourth Prince fell in love with you at first sight! If you make His Highness the Fourth Prince happy, you might be rewarded with becoming a prince's concubine or something like that!"

Said the playboy behind Xue Beng.

After they saw a beauty like Qian Renxue, they really couldn't walk! This is not pretending!

Unfortunately, their status cannot be compared with Avalanche, and as for their strength, they are not strong either.

Xue Beng glanced at the speaker with admiration. He liked hearing these words. He thought so too.

When he was having fun in the past, there was no woman who could make his heart flutter. He never expected that when he took his legs out for a walk, he actually saw a peerless beauty!

At this moment, Xue Beng was really excited!

Qian Renxue had a frosty look on her face, and she took a deep look at Xue Beng and these legged men.

She never expected that Xue Beng would actually tease her!

Originally, the incompetent Xue Beng Dandy was not on Qian Renxue's kill list, but at this moment, Qian Renxue decided to eliminate harm for the people!

Such a person does not deserve to live!

Just as it happened, after killing Xue Beng, Tian Dou's throne was stable.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with murderous intent.


Qian Renxue shouted sharply, her voice containing soul power. Her voice was ethereal, but in Xue Beng's ears it was like a magic sound surrounding her.

Xue Beng was shocked. The beautiful woman in front of him was actually a high-level soul master!


Xue Beng subconsciously took a few steps back, his whole body in shock.

She looked no more than twenty years old, around twenty years old.

But her soul power level must be above level 40, right?

The sound of rolling just now made his heart tremble and his body tremble. If he hadn't been concerned about the prince's face, he would have been trembling!

Damn it, is he so unlucky?

He is teasing a beautiful woman casually, no, he is not teasing, he really wants to marry this beautiful woman.

As a result, he offended the other party!

It doesn't matter if it's an ordinary person, but the other party is a soul master!

Soul masters are not easy to offend, especially those genius soul masters.

Xue Beng is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart, otherwise he would not have deceived Qian Renxue and others.

Wait, he is the fourth prince of the Tiandou Empire, and this is still Tiandou City!

In the entire Tiandou City, except for his father and that Xue Qinghe, who dared not to give Xue Beng some respect?

No matter how dandy he is, he is still a prince, and the other party is a "soul sect", even if he is a genius, can the other party offend him?

A "Go away" and some soul power frightened him, fearing that the other party would beat him up without saying a word. What was the result? He just scared himself!

"Girl, what can't you say properly?"

Thinking of this, Xue Beng said with a smile.

With his status as Xue Beng, he didn't believe that the other party dared to attack him in Tiandou City!

He was always pretending before, but today, he revealed his true nature!

"How can I, the majestic fourth prince, treat you badly?"

When Sora saw this, his whole body went numb.

Xue Beng hopes that he will die faster!

When Qian Renxue asked him to roll, the avalanche rolled. He could at least live for a few more years and not die so quickly.

Not only did he not quit, but he actually wanted to get worse. If Xue Beng could survive until the start of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Kongdu was willing to give him a thumbs up!

It is different from the original work because Dugu Bo joined the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and became the deputy sect leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

The Tiandou Empire doesn't trust Dugu Bo that much anymore.

Xuexing even began to wonder if Dugu Bo and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect had any plot against the Tiandou Empire.

He, Xue Xing, was a life-saving benefactor to Dugu Bo. He repeatedly invited Dugu Bo to join the Tiandou Empire and serve the empire. What was the result? Dugu Bo simply refused to agree, and instead joined the neutral Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

He also accepted the position of a marquis in the empire.

Xuexing couldn't understand Dugu Bo's behavior at all, and was even a little angry!

Dugu Bo repays kindness, Prince Xuexing would think so, and he understands it.

But he didn't want to see Xuexing's face, so he left Tiandou City directly and went to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to practice in seclusion.

He promised to save Xuexing three times, but after three times, the life-saving grace was canceled!

After so many years, Xuexing still has one last chance to ask him to take action!

In other words, there is no titled Douluo in charge of the current Tiandou Empire!

The only titled guest minister has also joined other forces and is no longer trusted by the Tiandou Empire.

Without Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo, sitting in Tiandou City, Qian Renxue and others' plans would go more smoothly.

"Let's just say Xue Beng is brainless. The things he did are reasonable and reasonable. After all, he is the fourth prince of the Tiandou Empire. There are really not many people in Tiandou City that he cannot afford to offend."

"Let's just say he has a brain. He just slapped his face and opened it up! He wouldn't even survive the day when Xue Ye died."

Kong shook his head and thought to himself.

This kid is so unlucky!

Qian Renxue had a headache and frowned. If she killed Xue Beng openly, there would definitely be a big problem.

In this case, it was not impossible to kill Xue Beng, but she couldn't do it herself. After killing Xue Beng, she was unable to escape Tiandou City immediately.


Qian Renxue was stunned. She saw Kong watching a show not far away, with no intention of coming to help her!

This made Qian Renxue very angry!

It's not that she has no way to solve the current predicament, it's just that Sora's approach makes her not happy at all!

You know, this is going to happen. Most of the reasons are because of emptiness!

Suddenly, Qian Renxue rolled her eyes and had a bold idea in her mind.

Ignoring Xue Beng and the others, Qian Renxue showed a bright smile on her frosty face, and then walked towards Sora's seat.

Xue Beng and others: "???"

Kong was also stunned. What was Qian Renxue planning to do?

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