Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 126 126: What! Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing ran away?

Suddenly, Yu Xiaozhang seemed to have thought of something. He frowned and said, "Xiao San, Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Royal Dou Team, is my eldest brother's son. I don't want him to know that I am a student at the Tian Dou Royal Academy."

The current Tang San is not good enough for Yu Xiaogang to prove himself, so he can only hide and cannot be exposed.

Yu Tianheng is the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, and Tang San has now joined the Imperial Fighting Team as a substitute member. Yu Xiaogang was afraid that Tang San would reveal his identity, so he said this.

After hearing this, Tang San was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, teacher, I will inform Dai Mubai and the others."

Tang San can keep the secret himself, but Dai Mubai and others still need him to make arrangements.

He didn't understand why Yu Xiaogang said this, but Yu Xiaogang's words were no different from holy words to Tang San. He just had to do what Yu Xiaogang said. The reason was not important. ! Anyway, it’s impossible for Yu Xiaogang to harm him!


Yu Xiaogang nodded with satisfaction. When Tang San can defeat Yu Tianheng, that's when his identity will be revealed!

As for defeating Yu Tiantian, this matter is too long ago.

Kong's strength is simply not what Tang San can match now. Even Yu Xiaogang has to admit this.

Him, or rather them. That is to say, Flanders and others have already found out that Kong is not currently a student of Tiandou Royal Academy. As for why he and Prince Xue Qinghe are together, it is because the prince is thirsty for talents and hopes that Kong will join Tiandou Royal Academy. , prepare for the next continent-wide elite soul master academy competition, and bring back the glory of the championship for the Tiandou Empire.

After learning the "truth" of the matter, Flanders and others couldn't help but twitch their mouths. If Kong really joined a certain academy, wouldn't the championship be within reach?

Among a group of players in their 30s and 40s, there is a strong Soul Emperor who can defeat the Soul Saint. This is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing them indiscriminately!

Even if Sora has no teammates, the possibility of him taking back the championship is very high!

After learning the reason, many people breathed a sigh of relief. Especially avalanches…

As long as Kong didn't accept Xue Qinghe's solicitation, he would still have a chance.

Xue Qinghe already had the support of the Qibao Glazed Sect, but he could not be allowed to get the support of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

"Xiao San, try your best to become an official member of the Imperial Fighting Team before the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. It is best to defeat Yu Tianheng and become the captain."

Yu Xiaogang said calmly.

During the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Imperial Fighting Team, especially the first team, will not have substitutes.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care what would happen to Ma Hongjun and others, but Tang San was his disciple, and he hoped that Tang San would succeed.

If they can't become official players by then and still remain as substitutes, then Tang San and others will be "kicked out" of the first team and enter the second team.

The first team and the second team are obviously two concepts, both in terms of the quality and strength of the players.

Tang San also knew about this, and he was thinking about how to defeat the control spirit master of the Imperial Fighting Team.

He is a control soul master. It doesn't mean that you can just find a regular member to defeat the opponent and kick him out of the Royal Fighter Team.

Only by defeating the original control soul master can he have a chance to become a formal team member.

Dai Mubai is an offensive soul master, so he must defeat Yu Tianheng before he can become an official member of the Imperial Fighting Team. For Dai Mubai, this is simply a disaster...

Speaking of the members of the Imperial Fighting Team, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San looked at each other, both eyes filled with strange meanings.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing are actually in the Imperial Fighting Team!

Yu Xiaogang was a little better, after all, he had never met Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, and the information he learned was all told to him by Tang San.

Tang San, Ma Hongjun and others, including Flanders and others, knew exactly how Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing left Shrek Academy!

Now, after going around and around, except for Xiao Wu, it is impossible for everyone to come back, and everyone has become teammates again.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were also numb at this time. After they left Shrek Academy and joined Tiandou Royal Academy, their leading teacher was a former student of Shrek Academy!

Forget it, now, all members of Shrek Academy have joined Tiandou Royal Academy!

They did change colleges, but they didn’t seem to have changed...

"Zhuqing, why don't we run away? I can't stay at Tiandou Royal Academy any longer!"

Ning Rongrong whispered to Zhu Zhuqing.

"I don't care."

Zhu Zhuqing's expression was not very good, but now she had terminated her relationship with Dai Mubai and could go anywhere.

"The level of the sect leader..."

Ning Fengzhi arranged for them to come to Tiandou Royal Academy. If the two of them ran away, Ning Fengzhi would go crazy, right?

Before Zhu Zhuqing could finish speaking, Ning Rongrong waved her hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry about Dad, we're not too far away."

"There is also a high-level soul master academy in Tiandou City called Lanba Academy. They only recruit civilians. Neither you nor I have a title, so we are considered civilians. Why don't you give it a try?"

Zhu Zhuqing raised her eyebrows and twitched her eyes. Are they still considered civilians?

That's right, she is not Miss Xingluo's Zhu family now. Ning Rongrong is just Ning Fengzhi's daughter. She does not have a title, so she can be called a commoner.

"Then when do we leave?"

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. We'll leave early tomorrow morning!"

Little did the former Shrek members know that because of their arrival, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing ran away again!

Lanba Academy, in the original work, was changed to Shrek Academy during this period. Originally, the first generation of Shrek's Seven Monsters joined them, but now there are only two...

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong left Tiandou Royal Academy and walked towards Tiandou City.

With their qualifications, there is no problem joining Lanba Academy.

"What, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing dropped out of school?"

Meng Shenji looked at the letter on the table and didn't know what to say for a moment.

It was fine before, and the legendary little witch was fine after she joined the Tiandou Royal Academy. This made the three educational committee members like her.

This is a good seedling, and she is Ning Fengzhi's daughter. Calling her a little witch is probably just a way for Ning Fengzhi to protect her.

How could he suddenly run away with Zhu Zhuqing?

Meng Shenji was confused and confused, and finally sighed.

She is Ning Fengzhi's daughter. She can drop out of school if she wants to, and he has no control over her.

"Inform Sect Leader Ning about the matter, and that's it."

Meng Shenji sighed and said weakly.

Why can’t Tiandou Royal Academy retain talents?

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