Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 130 130: Not everyone is called Yu Tiantian!

If it weren't for Tang San's request, Dai Mubai would have challenged Yu Tianheng because he had a problem with his head!

No matter how confident he is, Dai Mubai still knows the gap between Soul Lord and Soul Sect.

"Mubai, I think that Yu Tianheng is just a bidder. What can he learn in this Tiandou Royal Academy?"

"He is surrounded by playboys. Even if he becomes a Soul Sect, it is just the accumulation of family resources."

"If I become a formal team member, I will definitely challenge him. He, Yu Tianheng, is not worthy of this position of captain!"

"Mu Bai, I am a control type soul sect, and he is an attack type soul sect. It is unfair for me to challenge him now. How about this, you challenge Yu Tianheng first, and I will see how strong he is..."

"After this is done, this vice-captain will be yours."

Tang San's words still echoed in his ears, and Dai Mubai curled his lips in disdain, deputy captain?

If he didn't want you to owe Tang San a favor, he would definitely not participate in this kind of competition.

Dai Mubai was used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Dai Mubai couldn't do this kind of thing.

"The damn resources have been piled up! Tang San doesn't know the meaning of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit at all!"

Dai Mubai complained in his heart that he just hoped that he would not lose too badly.

Yu Tianheng looked at Dai Mubai who was sweating coldly, and the fighting spirit in his heart instantly dropped by 70%.

The beating hasn't started yet, and you're still looking like this. Will you still be able to fight later?

I really don’t understand how such a person dares to challenge Yu Tianheng in public.

Not everyone is Jade Sky!

So far, Yu Tianheng has only received two blows. The first time was when Dugu Yan's soul power surpassed him by ten levels.

The second time was against Sora, who was less than seven years old.

Yu Tianheng often wonders, will he be the empty opponent he was then?

The best beast spirit in the world was powerless to fight back in front of that naginata.

Sad, deplorable.

Fortunately, Kong is one of our own, otherwise in a few decades... no, in ten years at most, Kong's strength will be enough to overwhelm the entire Douluo Continent!

Yu Tianheng looked at Dai Mubai again, and most of his fighting spirit disappeared, but this battle still needs to continue.

"The first soul skill: White Tiger Protective Barrier!"

Dai Mubai didn't dare to be careless. The first yellow soul ring flashed, and he directly used the first soul skill, White Tiger Body Barrier!

White light flashed on his body, and Dai Mubai's sense of security improved a bit.

Yu Tianheng rushed towards Dai Mubai without using any soul skills.

The two of them were thirty meters apart, and this distance was nothing to them.

Dai Mubai did not retreat. Seeing that Yu Tianheng did not use soul skills, a smile appeared on his lips.

Humph, you are careless!

If we really want to say that there is a big difference between Soul Master and Soul Sect, it is because of the power of the fourth soul skill, a soul ring that is thousands of years old. If a strong Soul Sect master uses it twice, he will almost have no soul power left.

The gap between high-level soul masters and low-level soul sects is actually relatively small, if you don't count the martial soul gap and the fourth soul ring.

Dai Mubai's first soul skill is the amplified soul skill. When he uses the amplified soul skill, his strength and attack are definitely much stronger than most soul sects who don't use soul skills!

But he himself had forgotten that among the so-called majority of soul sects, Yu Tianheng, who possessed the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex martial soul, was definitely not included!

Thirty meters away, the two of them collided in the blink of an eye.

The dragon fist versus the tiger palm, the powerful soul power fluctuations even set off a breeze... (The expressiveness of Soul Master and Soul Sect is almost like this.)

With a sound of "Bang...", Dai Mubai's face changed wildly as he used the soul skill. The opponent's powerful force numbed his jaw and almost collapsed it.


Taking a breath of cold air, Dai Mubai's eyes changed when he looked at Yu Tianheng.

You know, he used the first soul skill, and his power increased by about 50%, but his power is still not as good as Yu Tianheng!

One can imagine how powerful the other party is!

"As expected of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Martial Spirit!"

Dai Mubai thought to himself.

At this time, Dai Mubai couldn't allow himself to think too much, Yu Tianheng's second punch was coming!

The two of them were going back and forth, and in a short time, they had already passed ten moves. Yu Tianheng was okay, his face was not red and he was out of breath, which meant that he did not use his full strength at all.

Dai Mubai's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He didn't understand why Yu Tianheng said hello to his face every time. !

Don't slap people in the face when you hit them, don't expose their shortcomings when scolding people.

This Yu Tianheng really doesn’t care about martial ethics!


The two exchanged punches again. Dai Mubai took advantage of the situation and took a few steps back. He shook off his numb hands. Because he received two punches and one slap on his face, Dai Mubai's anger at this time had reached the peak. A tipping point.


"The third soul skill: White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

As Dai Mubai's only purple soul ring flashed, his figure couldn't help but surge a bit again. Looks bigger and stronger.

Strength and defense are increased again, and they are combined with the first soul skill.

The evil-eyed white tiger martial soul has been inherited for thousands of years, and has long developed a set of the most reasonable "amplification" routes for soul skills.

Many families and forces do not have this, or are unable to do so.

First of all, it must be a top force and a top martial spirit!

Even after ten thousand years, the first and third soul skills of the descendants of the Dai family will still be these two soul skills!

There must be enough manpower to find or keep these two spirit beasts in captivity.

Dai Mubai, who released his third soul skill, was instantly full of confidence again.

With such a powerful amplified soul skill, even if the opponent's martial spirit is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is impossible for him to have such a powerful soul skill!


Dai Mubai roared angrily, and instead of using his second soul skill White Tiger Fierce Light Wave, he rushed towards Yu Tianheng. He wanted to regain his position with strength, and at the same time, he also wanted to punch Yu Tianheng in the face!

"Don't be angry, anger will make you stupid!"

Yu Tianheng said calmly, and then the first soul ring flashed.

"The first soul skill: Thunder Dragon Claw!"

Following the release of the first soul skill, Yu Tianheng's whole body instantly burst out with streaks of blue thunder, almost turning the area within ten meters into a thunder pool.

Waves of blue thunder converged on his dragon claws, making the blue scales even more dazzling.


Dai Mubai was not far away from Yu Tianheng, only a few steps away. As soon as the Thunder Dragon Claw came out, he was instantly electrocuted!

Among all the attributes of thunder attribute, power and damage are ranked among the best.

Among the basic attributes, it is even more powerful than the fire attribute.

Dai Mubai himself didn't have much lightning resistance, but in just a moment, he was electrocuted. Fortunately, he used the first and third soul skills, and his defense was also...

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