Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 132 132: Suppress Liu Erlong with a backhand?

Kong stood at the entrance of Lanba Academy and waited quietly. Not long after, a fiery figure ran towards this side.

She was happy and looked very anxious.

"The sun is rising in the west today? Your kid actually came to visit my aunt!"

Liu Erlong came to the front and back of Kong Shen and crossed his arms. He didn't look anxious at all.


Unexpectedly, this half-aunt, a 40-year-old aunt, was actually a proud woman. She was obviously very happy in her heart, but she had an indifferent look on her face.

"Kong always thinks of my aunt. However, he is busy with cultivation and has heavy responsibilities, so it is difficult to spare time to visit. It's just a mistake. I still wish my aunt Haihan."

Kong cupped his hands and said.

"You kid, don't act so educated. It makes me, the dean of the Advanced Soul Master Academy, look stupid!"

"You have the nerve to say that! Why are you busy with cultivation? You have been in Tiandou City for so long, have you ever practiced?"

Liu Erlong curled his lips disdainfully and said.

"Have practiced..."

He was still fighting against the general before, why didn't he practice?

The condensed soul core is also being cultivated all the time. Why is there no cultivation?

You can say he is lazy, but you can’t say he doesn’t practice!

Sora is very enthusiastic about cultivation!

If he doesn't practice hard, when will he be able to defeat Ying! You have to practice hard. If you don't want to defeat the shadow directly, you have to get a tie anyway, right?

After hearing this, Liu Erlong's eyes twitched, his eyebrows raised, and his whole body felt bad.

Forget it, she was very happy that Kong could come to visit her.

"Let's go, what's the point of talking here? Let's go take a look around the academy."

After Liu Erlong said this, he wanted to pat Kong's shoulder. As an elder, this kind of thing is very normal.

However, Sora is almost ten centimeters taller than her, which makes her a little unnatural. It's not impossible to photograph, but it's just very inelegant.

After thinking about it, she grabbed Sora and led him towards the academy.


At this time, the teacher who went to report came back panting, his face full of despair. Dean Liu Erlong ran away instantly when he heard that Yu Tiantian was coming, which made him look confused.

Liu Erlong is a strong person at the Soul Saint level, and her speed is not comparable to that of his Soul Sect.

Seeing Liu Erlong pulling Yu Tiankong towards the academy, the teacher breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party was not lying, and he was right. Who dares to come to Lanba Academy to deceive Liu Erlong!

The most important thing about a powerful Soul Saint is that she has a very hot temper. You can imagine the consequences of lying to her.

"Tian Tian, ​​let me tell you, two more beauties came to our Lanba Academy a few days ago. One of them is Ning Fengzhi's daughter. Haha, our Lanba Academy is much more powerful than Tiandou Royal Academy. Look, you are so discerning, you just dropped out of Tiandou Royal Academy and came to my Lanba Academy!"

Liu Erlong said with a smile on his face.

Kong was stunned. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing came to Lanba Academy?

Thinking about it, with Miss Ning Rongrong's temper, how could she bear to be with Dai Mubai, Tang San and others again, and running away was completely normal.

Liu Erlong gave Liu Erlong a rollicking look. Do you really think your Lanba Academy is better than Tiandou Royal Academy?

Without the participation of Tang San and others, it would be hard to say whether the members of Team Lanba would be the opponents of the Second Team of Emperor Dou in this elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Most civilians' martial arts are relatively average. Apart from obtaining resources from the academy, they have almost no other sources of training resources. They are simply incomparable with those noble children.

"Aunt Erlong, the two people you are talking about should be Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, right? I know them."

Kong whispered, he was not here to discuss beauties with Liu Erlong, and he didn't want to waste time on these things.

Liu Erlong was stunned. Thinking about it, Ning Rongrong often went to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect before, so it was normal for Kong to know her.

It was class time at this time, and there was no one else on the playground except for one or two teachers passing by. So Kong said confidently and boldly: "Aunt Erlong, I have a question I want to discuss with you."

"what is the problem?"

Seeing Kong's serious look, Liu Erlong asked curiously.

It turns out that Sora came well prepared today, and I thought he really missed her aunt.


Now that I have a daughter-in-law, I forgot about my aunt!

Liu Erlong sighed in his heart.

"Aunt Erlong, I think we should find a secret place to talk about this. When the time comes, if you get too emotional, I can suppress you at any time to prevent you from being embarrassed in front of the students..."


After hearing this, Liu Erlong's face darkened, his whole body went numb, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

To prevent her from getting emotional?

Just suppress her?

Is this what a nephew should say?

Liu Erlong's face was as black as carbon. She wanted to pry open Kong's head and see what was inside!

She didn't know that Kong Zhen was telling the truth and that he was not joking when he said he was going to suppress Liu Erlong.

This woman is going crazy, what if she can't control herself?

If you don't suppress her, what else can you do?

"Hmph, I want to see what you will say. If you try to trick me, I will tell you the majesty of elders!"

Liu Erlong snorted coldly, then ignored him and walked towards the back mountain.

Kong spread his hands helplessly and followed.

With her current strength, she couldn't tell him the majesty of her elders.

"Hey, trouble."

He sighed in his heart. If he didn't dislike Yu Xiaogang, he wouldn't bother to care about such nonsense.

What happens to Liu Erlong has nothing to do with him.

Not long after, the two of them arrived at the back hill of Lanba Academy, a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a small wooden house where Liu Erlong often emotes...

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Liu Erlong said angrily. She was very happy to have Kong come to see her, but when this guy opened his mouth, she was furious.

Suppress her Liu Erlong?

The sky is floating!

"It's no big deal, it's just that it concerns you and Yu Xiaogang."

Kong said with an indifferent expression. He didn't owe Liu Erlong anything. Telling him what happened back then was already a kindness on his part.

"What, do you have any news about Xiaogang?"

Liu Erlong exclaimed and said in a different tone. She was a little panicked and confused at this time, and her eyes were full of nostalgia.

"I do have information about him, but what I want to say now has nothing to do with it. After I finish, if you want his address, I can give it to you."

"Now, please be quiet and calm down!"

Kong Ke didn't give Liu Erlong a good look. After all these years, he still hasn't forgotten Yu Xiaogang?

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