Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 139 139: Good guy, best teammate Yu Xiaogang?

Outdoor barbecue has a unique flavor.

After finding a flat area with no weeds, I put down the special barbecue grill with peace of mind and started my barbecue journey.

Set fire to the mountain and sit in jail!

Sora noticed this.

General Raiden was taciturn and ate quietly, preparing to chat with Shadow about the taste of the barbecue after returning to the Pure Land.

Shadow: No need!

"Cucumber is beautiful and nourishing. It's sweet and delicious. General wife, would you like to try it?"

Green melon, also known as cucumber.


After hearing this, General Thunder nodded, took the skewers, and began to taste them.

"Sora, what do you mean, wife?"

Shui Yue'er asked with a puzzled look on her face. She heard Kong kept calling the purple-haired woman General's Wife, and she was a little confused.

General, she understands.

It should be the name.

After all, she doesn't look like a general of a country.

But she really doesn’t understand the title wife!


Kong was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and answered truthfully: "Wife means wife and daughter-in-law."


Shui Yue'er stood stunned on the spot, almost falling to the ground with the kebab in his hand.

Good guy, are all the people with wives?

On Douluo Continent, although it is not a monogamous system, a strong man can marry as many as he wants, as long as you can afford it. But, under normal circumstances, they are still monogamous.

Sora is a little younger than her, but in the end, he already has a wife!

Why is the kebab in your hand no longer fragrant?


Shui Yue'er smiled awkwardly and said, "That's it, I understand."

Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless.

Looking at the looks of Kong Kong and General Thunder, it was clear that they had a deep relationship. Shui Yue'er almost couldn't hold back. She was finally moved, but in the end, she lost so completely!

"No, Yue'er, you can't give up so easily! The big deal, the big deal is the small deal!"

Shui Yue'er secretly thought.

At this moment, Kong frowned and his hand that was playing with the stick paused slightly, because in his perception, two familiar scents appeared around him.

Hmm, a familiar smell?

That's okay.

Not long after, Liu Erlong and Flender appeared in sight.

Liu Erlong was stunned at first. He never expected that the person who "put poison" in the wild was actually her half-nephew!

Beside him, there were two girls... no, a woman, a girl.

The appearance of General Thunder and Lightning does not look like that of a girl no matter how you look at it.

"Hey, isn't this Shui Ningshuang's daughter?"

Both are strong soul saints, and they are both women. The most important thing is that they are both emo. In this way, Shui Ningshuang and Liu Erlong became best friends.

Shui Ningshuang's situation is more complicated. Her husband and sister died unexpectedly when they went to the Far North.

The entire Shui family relies on her alone to support her, and her emo is very normal.

Of course, Shui Ningshuang's mentality is much better than Liu Erlong's. After all, Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er are very talented and can carry the banner of the Shui family in the future.

Liu Erlong is different. The reason why she emotes is because the person she likes left her and ran away!

"Why is she with Sora?"

Liu Erlong was puzzled, and then walked in the direction of Kong and others.

After seeing Kong, Flanders hesitated slightly, but Liu Erlong walked over, so he gritted his teeth and followed.

This young sect leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is a ruthless master (because of the soul bone, the time of the killing), and is not so easy to deal with.

Flanders suspected that if he hadn't told Liu Erlong's name at that time, he would have died there.

"Sora, why are you grilling meat here?"

Liu Erlong walked to Kong, found a place to sit down, and said.

"Aunt Erlong, I don't need to report to you where I am, right?"

Kong's good mood was half gone because of Liu Erlong's appearance. This man is poisonous!

He even regretted why he had to ask for trouble and tell Liu Erlong the truth about that year.

The smile on Liu Erlong's face froze, and he nodded bitterly. Indeed, there was no need to report Kong's whereabouts to her.

Flanders opened his mouth slightly, but stopped talking. The words that came to his lips were swallowed back by him.

He still couldn't forget the way the two Contra-level elders looked at him.

Flanders was a little confused. What was going on with Yu Tiantian and Liu Erlong? Why were they so "smell of gunpowder"?

Shui Yue'er looked confused, what's going on? Is this an acquaintance?

She had never met Liu Erlong, but Liu Erlong knew her.

"Kong, thank you for letting me see Yu Xiaogang's true face."

After a long while, Liu Erlong said.

As soon as these words came out, Flanders was startled and his eyes widened. He was at least wondering why Liu Erlong seemed to have changed. Was it because of Kong?

So, isn't Sora his benefactor?

After Liu Erlong knew Yu Xiaogang's true identity, didn't his chance for Flanders come?

After hearing this, Kong shook his hand with the condiment bottle and couldn't help but pause, his face changed wildly, and a turmoil arose in his heart!

It shouldn't be. How could someone like Liu Erlong recognize Yu Xiaogang's true face?

Shouldn't she lie to herself?

Something is wrong, very wrong!

Which link caused the problem?

Kong really couldn't hold it back and asked: "Based on what I know about you, you are the kind of person who recognizes someone and even the eight titan giant apes can't pull him back. How could you suddenly recognize Yu Xiaogang? This is not That’s your style, Aunt Erlong!”

Liu Erlong's eyes twitched, was Kong praising her again, or scolding her?

"Logically speaking, as long as Yu Xiaogang makes up a story, even if the facts and evidence are placed in front of you, you will deceive yourself. What Yu Xiaogang said is true. This surprises me."

Sora said doubtfully.

"Is there a possibility that when Sister Erlong came to investigate, Yu Xiaogang subconsciously admitted it."

Flanders pushed up his glasses and said quietly.

Liu Erlong, Kong: "..."

Kong couldn't help but take a breath, the strongest assist was actually Yu Xiaogang and Ben Gang?

Good guy, he was still wondering why Liu Erlong figured it out. It turned out that it was Yu Xiaogang who exposed himself. This cut off Liu Erlong's last life-saving straw!

I gave Yu Xiaogang a thumbs up in my heart, these teammates are so scary.

After being silent for a long time, Liu Erlong said with some resentment: "My dear nephew, won't you introduce these two girls to my aunt?"

She knew Shui Yue'er, but this girl had never met her.

"This is General Thunder, my wife."

Sora put an arm around General Raiden and said. Then he pointed at Shui Yue'er and continued: "This is Shui Yue'er, a top student in Tianshui College."

Shui Yue'er's face darkened. This introduction was more or less perfunctory!

Although she didn't know what happened before, what happened to Yu Xiaogang...

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