Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 144 144: The smile will only shift, not disappear!

It is said that there are three soul bones, but in fact, the only one that is really useful is the wisdom skull that condenses the spirit.

As for the right arm bone of the bursting and burning flame and the left leg bone of the fast-moving Chasing Wind, these two soul bones are just "gifts", the kind of things that are tasteless to eat and are a pity to throw away.

The age of the two soul bones is almost 30,000 years old. For a powerful person at the Title Douluo level, such soul bones are actually dispensable.

The only more important soul bone is the skull of wisdom that condenses the spirit. Its age is more than 50,000 years old, but the specific year is unclear.

This soul bone can greatly increase mental power, and even those at the Title Douluo level are very jealous of it.

In other words, Hu Liena is Bibi Dong's disciple, otherwise, it would be impossible for Wuhun Palace to come up with such a treasure!

You must know that it is difficult to find spiritual beasts. Even if they are found, they may not reveal soul bones, let alone soul bones that are more than 50,000 years old.

The ninth soul rings of some Titled Douluo are only fifty thousand to sixty thousand years old. Only those Titled Douluo with good martial soul quality and powerful strength can have their ninth soul rings be around ninety thousand years old. beast!

Qiandaoliu's ninth soul ring was also not born from a 100,000-year-old soul beast, but was improved after passing the divine test.

Why are most of the titled Douluo from thousands of years ago no match for soul beasts of the same level?

First, physical strength.

Second, soul core!

This is the so-called insufficient battery life. Unless they are strong men above level 95, their soul power is beyond imagination and they can fight for a long time. Of course, in one-on-one situations of the same level, there are still very few people who can be the opponent of the soul beast. .

In the original work, if it weren't for Bibi Dong's poison, several titled Douluo might not have been able to push the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python into a desperate situation.

Among these titled Douluo, there are two who are ninety-five level super Douluo, and Bibi Dong, the "98" level peerless powerhouse!

"If you think about it carefully, the soul core has really helped me a lot!"

Sora burst out laughing!

"Young Sect Master!"

Just when Sora was still thinking wildly, a voice broke his thoughts!


Looking at the person in front of him, Kong looked confused. Why is Elder Yuyuan Yuan here?

"Elder, what's the matter?"

Kong asked doubtfully, and then helped Yuanyuan Yuan up.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's cheerful look, Kong became even more confused. What happened to deserve this elder's laughter?

After Yu Yuanyuan stood up, he didn't show off and said with a smile: "The second master has broken through to level ninety! Young Sect Leader, this is all thanks to you!"

Kong was stunned, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Damn it, this Yuluo Mian actually succeeded?

Good guy, this wave is really thanks to him. You know, this old guy actually doesn't have the qualifications to break through to the Title Douluo level.

Kong's smile gradually solidified and disappeared, then transferred to Yu Yuanyuan's face.

He was a little confused. Yu Luo Mian only failed twice before he successfully condensed the soul core and broke through to level ninety!

Among them, it was probably his grandfather Yu Yuanzhen who supported him in some ways. Otherwise, Yu Luo Mian, who had failed twice, would never have been able to condense his soul core so quickly!

"The second master has broken through to level 90. If you don't gather the elders to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings and become a titled Douluo, why are you sending you to me?"

This Yu Yuanyuan's combat power is not low. He is the strongest among the members of the direct lineage of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, except Yu Luo Mian, otherwise Yu Yuan Zhen would not have sent him to protect him in the first place.

With Yu Luomian's temperament, the first thing he should do after he breaks through to the ninetieth level is summon the elders or ask Yu Yuanzhen for help to hunt down the soul beasts and break through to become a real titled Douluo.

However, Yu Yuanyuan appears here. Obviously, something is wrong!

Yu Yuanzhen is now focused on condensing the second soul core, and has no time to accompany Yu Luo Mian to hunt soul beasts. Dugu Bo has a withdrawn personality. Although he has become the deputy sect leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, he is mostly in retreat, preparing to attack Higher level. The second in charge, Yu Luo Mian, obviously couldn't move this person!

After hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan nodded subconsciously, and then said with a smile: "Aren't you going to tell the young sect master the good news?"


It’s okay not to have such good news!

"Hehe, by the way, let's see if the young sect leader has time to witness the birth of another titled Douluo from our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!"

Although Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Luo Mian didn't deal with each other very well, Yu Yuan Yuan was really happy when Yu Luo Mian broke through to a titled Douluo!

Because, with the added combat power of a Titled Douluo, the disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect are a bit more tough when they go out.

This is a sense of family honor and personal matters are not important.

Even if two people meet with fire in their eyes, it is still something worth celebrating when the other person becomes a titled Douluo.

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan said these words, Kong suddenly realized!

He asked why Yu Yuanyuan appeared here!

What's weird, this Yuluo Mian actually invited him to hunt for souls together!

Good guy, he really knows how to choose people!

Yu Luo Mian is not stupid. In terms of who is the safest to be around in the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, his eldest brother Yu Yuan Zhen is not as good as Kong.

In order to be sure of this soul hunting, if nothing unexpected happened, Yu Luo Mian could only shamelessly find time to help.

What puzzles him is why his eldest brother Yu Yuanzhen has been in retreat recently!

So far, only Kong and Dugubo knew that Yu Yuanzhen had broken through to level ninety-eight. Others thought he was still at level ninety-six.

After level ninety-five, it is normal for him not to break through for decades. Isn't it normal for Yu Yuanzhen's cultivation to "not change"?

Kong thought for a moment and nodded. Since he didn't have much to do recently, it would be nice to hunt high-level soul beasts with them.

"Let's go. Did the second master say where to hunt for souls? Or should we go back to the sect first?"

Sora asked confused.

After hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Young Sect Master, the second master is in Tiandou City at this time, and he came with me and Long Wu."


Good guy, just wait for him to nod, right?

"The deputy sect leader said that he had encountered a sub-dragon that was more than 80,000 years old in the depths of the Sunset Forest. The second master wanted to try his luck. Such a powerful sub-dragon should not have been hunted yet."

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit needs to absorb the sub-dragon spirit ring before it can use the secret method to transform into a dragon. This is a secret that is not passed down, but Kong knows it.

If you absorb the true dragon soul ring, the effect will be better. However, all true dragons are extremely terrifying existences, and they may not be able to defeat them!

For the direct descendants of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, absorbing the soul ring of an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beast is not necessarily as good as absorbing the soul ring of a 90,000-year-old sub-dragon!

Therefore, Yu Luo Mian did not focus on the hundred thousand year soul beast at first. Besides, he still knew how much he weighed...

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