Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 150 150: Boy, you are so naive!

Before Tang Hao had the intention to kill, Kong really didn't know who the titled Douluo was following him.

With his sense of perception, he certainly knew that there was someone following behind him, and he was a strong man at the level of a Titled Douluo. As for who it was, Sora didn't know who it was.

There are only a few titled Douluo in the entire Tiandou City.

She Long, blood stabbing, sword, bone, and Tang Hao who may be protecting Tang San secretly.

The moment Tang Hao had the intention to kill, Kong suddenly realized that he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. It turned out to be Tang Dachui!

Stabbing blood, She Long had no reason to take action against him. It was impossible for Qian Renxue to issue such an order for the time being, and it was even more impossible for Ning Fengzhi. If they wanted to take action, they had already taken action six years ago.

Then, only Wuhun Palace and Tang Dachui Tang Hao are left.

This aura has an inexplicable sense of familiarity. It definitely can't be from someone I've never seen before. Then, it can only be Tang Hao!

During the last trip to the Star Dou Forest, he spared Tang Hao's life and did not pursue Tang Hao. Unexpectedly, this guy would not change his ways and wanted to assassinate him!

This time, it was absolutely impossible to let Tang Hao leave.

Kong sneered, his eyes showing three parts sneer, three parts coolness and four parts indifference.

The slightly raised corners of his mouth showed that Sora's heart was not at peace.

After hearing this, Tang Hao was stunned. Kong's performance shouldn't be so relaxed and carefree.

There are no strong men around Kong Kong, so aren't you afraid that Tang Hao will take action and strangle him in the cradle?

The majestic young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, a peerless monster that has never appeared in the entire Douluo Continent for thousands of years, he should not be so stupid.


He looked bearish, as if he was waiting for Tang Hao to come out?

"Boy, no matter how evil you are, you are just a Soul Saint, why are you so arrogant!"

In Tang Hao's eyes, Kong was not only arrogant, but he simply didn't take him as a titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year soul ring in his eyes!

What's more, his martial spirit is the best martial spirit in the world, the Clear Sky Hammer!

"It's good that I am Soul Saint, but are you the same person you were in your heyday?"

Sora said sarcastically.

In the last battle in the Star Dou Forest, Tang Hao's old illness relapsed and he used the Ring Explosion and the Big Sumeru Hammer. He didn't die on the spot in the Star Dou Forest, which was considered his good luck.

How long has it been?

Kong Neng is 100% sure that Tang Hao's current strength is definitely less than half of what he was at his peak, and maybe even lower.

As soon as these words came out, Tang Hao's face darkened. Kong was right. He was completely different from what he was in his heyday.

Now, he cannot use his full strength at all. Once the old injury breaks out, he is likely to die on the spot!

"Boy, even if I can't do it with all my strength, it's not something that a mere soul saint like you can resist!"


Sora said disdainfully.

Seeing Kong's appearance, Tang Hao was really furious. He had never been provoked like this before!

Even the former Pope Qian Xunji tried hard to persuade him to hand over the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, but without taking such direct action, how could He De dare to provoke him like this!

Is it just because he is a powerful Soul Saint who is less than thirteen years old?

"Just try it!"

How could Tang Hao be afraid? He held his right hand and a huge war hammer appeared in his hand. Even though his body was seriously injured, after holding the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao's body was still upright and his aura was terrifying.

Nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, four black, and one red, quickly rose up and appeared on Tang Hao, making his aura even more terrifying.

Different from the ordinary Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer has some white lines on it, which are produced after passing the Hell Road and obtaining the Killing God Domain.

Sora had been training his body before, and the Wuhun Naginusu Rice was only in the released state, so naturally there was no need to release it again.

"Tang Hao, seriously, don't you feel guilty for plotting against your wife, Blue Silver Emperor, for a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

Kong glanced at the hundred thousand year soul ring on Tang Hao and said subconsciously.

He didn't have any other thoughts, he just wanted to know whether Tang Hao was guilty?

When the Blue Silver Emperor came out of the Blue Silver Forest, she had already reached the Soul Saint level, and even the titled Douluo could not see her true form.

Tang Hao is the only one who knows the identity of the Blue Silver Emperor!

Good guy, when Tang Hao was about to reach level ninety, Qian Xunji learned about this transformed soul beast and came to hunt him down.

The Blue Silver Emperor owns the Blue Silver Domain and is almost immortal in the forest. It is unlucky that the place where Tang Hao took her to escape happened to have no forest and not many plants...

Doesn't he know that the Blue Silver Emperor owns the Blue Silver Domain?


The Blue Silver Emperor had already told Tang Hao the news that he was the soul beast incarnate, so how could he not tell him that he had the Blue Silver Domain and its domain effects!

It was because of this knowledge that Tang Hao did not dare to run into the forest with the Blue Silver Emperor!

After hearing this, Tang Hao was shocked, and a ray of light burst out from his hazy eyes. He stared at Kong, wondering how Kong knew about this!

Impossible, not even the eldest brother Tang Xiao knows about this matter, how could he, a kid, know about it! ?

Suddenly, Tang Hao smiled. No matter how Kong knew it, as long as he died, wouldn't there be fewer people who knew about it?

Thinking of this, Tang Hao smiled and said: "Boy, ask me if I feel guilty, so what if I feel guilty? For the sake of the sect, not to mention sacrificing a Blue Silver Emperor, but what if I sacrifice another Tang San?"

In Tang Hao's heart, the sect always comes first, and family ties come second. For Tang Hao, this thing is actually dispensable.

If Tang San didn't have twin martial spirits, he might have reached the realm of his grandfather Tang Chen, and Tang Hao wouldn't care about Tang San's life or death.

"You are really cold-blooded."

Kong said indifferently. Although he already had a guess in his mind, he didn't expect that Tang Hao would admit it shamelessly.

That's right, just take a look at the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Almost all direct descendants focus on the glory of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Personal feelings and family ties are placed second, even for Yu Yuan. Zhen is no exception.

"Cold-blooded? Boy, you still have too little experience after all!"

"In this world, only strength is real! If Qian Xunji hadn't died unexpectedly, why would I still be unable to return to the Haotian Sect? With me leading the Haotian Sect, it will definitely be stronger than before!"

Tang Hao said expressionlessly.

In this world of the weak and the strong, cold-blooded? too naive!

Only strength is the truth, the eternal truth!

Why is the Wuhun Palace so powerful?

It’s not because of Qian Daoliu, a level 99 peerless Douluo!

If Tang Chen was still in the Haotian Sect, why would Tang Hao plot against the Blue Silver Emperor?

He needs a hundred thousand year soul ring to improve himself and bring a powerful titled Douluo to Haotian Sect!

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