Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 152 152: Balzebul, I have become a god!

"Humph, you are still too young after all!"

Tang Hao snorted coldly, thinking with some disdain in his heart.

Such a huge area requires a large amount of soul power. It seems powerful, but in fact it is like a castle in the air...

A mere soul saint, how long can he last with this little soul power?

When Kong's soul power is exhausted, Tang Hao doesn't even need to take it seriously, it will be Kong's death!

Not to mention, this field is really powerful, but unfortunately, Sora's soul power is too low!

Fortunately, Kong didn't know what Tang Hao was thinking, otherwise, he might have to prove something!

This Thunder God's Domain, despite its huge momentum and large scope, consumes very little soul power!

After just being consumed, the Wheel of the Hundred Eyes of Wishes and the Soul Core were replenished. If Sora's physical and mental strength could keep up, there would be no difference between this field and the perpetual motion machine.

The Wheel of Hundred Eyes of Wishes can absorb the energy and soul core scattered nearby, and it will automatically operate. Adding the two together, it would be difficult even without soul power!

After all, he is a Titled Douluo. Even if his martial spirit is not a beast martial spirit, Tang Hao's body has been strengthened by nine spirit rings, one of which is a hundred thousand year spirit ring.

He himself has six soul bones. The sound of these thunders is huge, but it only makes his movements a little slow.

As time passed, Tang Hao's face became more and more ugly, almost as black as carbon.

It’s been half an hour! !

Above the sky, the thunderclouds remain as before, and their power remains undiminished!

Tang Hao was stunned by the fact that Kong's face was not red and he was out of breath, and his soul power seemed not to be consumed at all!

The Haotian Sect has studied the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Sect. Due to the spirit and attributes, although the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit is powerful, it cannot fight for a long time due to the spirit.

The thunder attribute is one of the most explosive attributes, and it requires more soul power than other attributes. Therefore, the general thunder attribute soul master's sudden burst is unparalleled. As long as he can withstand it After an explosion, it will plummet.

Although Kong's martial spirit is not a blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex, his attributes are indeed thunder attributes!

What's happening here?

"Could it be that this kid isn't the Soul Saint?"

Tang Hao fell into self-doubt. He was a ninety-fifth level Super Douluo. How could he be wrong about a Soul Saint's cultivation?

Shaking his head, he couldn't be mistaken. The other party was definitely a seventy-three-level soul saint. However, his soul power was as deep as the ocean and completely immeasurable!

Tang Hao didn't know why the slap in the face came so quickly. Half an hour ago, he was confident that Kong's soul power would be consumed very quickly. What was the result?

People release the domain for half an hour, just like playing!

He is indeed a monster that will never appear again for thousands of years!

"No, we must use absolute strength to kill him here!"

Tang Hao thought to himself, his eyes getting sharper.

His original intention was to kill Kong directly without causing an explosion. In this way, he would not cause injuries, and use the minimum cost to obtain the maximum benefit.

However, he found that in his normal state, there was nothing he could do about it, which was a bit embarrassing!

I miss Tang Hao, but he is the youngest titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent! Never would I have thought that there would be a day when I would face a Soul Saint and be unable to defeat him!

"Boy, if I'm to blame, it's because you're a genius. Remember, in your next life, you should keep a low profile until you have absolute strength!"

Tang Hao said softly, and then the seventh soul ring flashed.

"Haotian's incarnation!"

The handle of the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand instantly became more than ten feet long, and the hammer head was as big as a small mountain.

Seeing this, the corners of Kong's mouth curled up slightly. He knew that Tang Hao was anxious!

He couldn't be defeated in a short time, and Tang Hao was seriously injured and couldn't fight for a long time. How could Tang Hao not be in a hurry?

If he didn't kill him this time, Tang Hao would be afraid of taking Old Long with him and searching for him and Tang San all over the world!

"Martial Soul True Body? I haven't used my Martial Soul True Body since I obtained the seventh soul ring!"

"The seventh soul skill: Fujin Yujian calls the divine order!"

As Kong's seventh soul ring flashed, his figure changed slightly, and his clothes took on a new look. A white and purple "hooded suit" appeared on Kong's body, and on Kong's head, a A pair of "headdresses" similar to dragon horns.

A pair of giant hands stretched out from the void and dragged Sora's body up. Then, several more purple arms cut through the void and appeared behind Sora. Among them, the largest arm held the giant Naginus Rice. Light.

Tang Hao: "???"

what's the situation? ah! Let me ask you what's going on! ! !

They both use their martial soul avatars and both use their weapon souls. Why is there such a big gap?

Tang Hao's martial spirit avatar only made the Clear Sky Hammer bigger. No matter how you look at it, Sora's martial spirit avatar didn't look like it just made the Naginata Rice Light grow bigger!

The true form of Wuhun is full of strange things, and it is not surprising.

However, isn’t the true form of Sora’s martial spirit too outrageous?

The body of his body looks a bit like the spirit body armor of the beast spirit. The giant hand on his back also looks like the form of the spirit spirit form of the beast spirit. The naginata is only a little bigger, and the weapons are different. The soul's true form is almost the same.

Just a single situation would not make Tang Hao so confused, but this is not a single situation!

Fujin Yukenming's Divine Life is another form of General Raiden, and Sora's seventh soul skill was "designed" by Kage based on the general's second form!

This is also one of the reasons why Sora's seventh soul skill does not simply "enlarge" the rice light of Naginus.

The so-called martial soul's true form is also called the "divine costume form"!

"Baalzebul, I have become a god!"

Okay, let's get involved...

"Tang Hao, you are the first person to die in my divine form!"

"You deserve to die!"

After Sora said these words, the arm holding the Nagi no Ina Hikari behind him disappeared, as if hidden in the void.

Tang Hao: "???"

Damn it!

Everyone agreed on the martial soul's true form, so why don't you release the divine costume form!

By the way, what is the divine form? ?

Tang Hao couldn't allow himself to think too much. The void behind him shattered, and a giant hand protruded from it, holding the Rice Light of Naginus and slashed at him!

Carrying the power of supreme thunder, the power seemed to be able to cut through space, which shocked Tang Hao's mind!

"will die!"

Tang Hao's pupils shrank, he didn't dare to be careless, and he didn't dare to have any reservations. If he didn't fight with Kong, he would definitely die today!

There can be no reservations anymore. If the "big enemy" Kong is not killed here today, it will become a big trouble in the future!

"Explode the ring!"

Tang Hao roared, and then the first soul ring shattered. Of course, this power was not enough.

The second soul ring then shattered, until the sixth soul ring...

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