Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 157 157: Miss Ning pays for all the expenses!

"Hey, isn't this Sora and General Raiden?"

Ning Rongrong blinked and whispered to Zhu Zhuqing beside him.

The two looked at each other, slightly bitterly.

It took a long time to get excited, but it turned out that he was a family man!

So angry!

"It's so leisurely. He actually brought his wife with him... No, according to Sora, it should be his wife. He actually still has time to take his wife shopping!"

"We have practiced hard, but we have not been able to catch up with his pace, but he can be so leisurely and elegant!"

Having said this, I am even more angry!

Kong's age is only more than two months older than Ning Rongrong, but his strength puts her, a genius who has not been born in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect for a century, beyond the reach of her!

The two of them had met General Raiden. Last time, Sora took General Raiden and introduced him to them.

However, this time the two admitted their mistake. The person shopping with Sora was not General Raiden, but Kage.

How to distinguish the two is actually very simple. Just look at the opponent's triple thunder pattern. The one that shines is the shadow. The more dim one is General Thunder.

After the two changed academies again, they both practiced very seriously, hoping to close some distance between themselves and Sora.

But they didn't know that the distance between Sora and them was not getting closer, but actually getting farther and farther!

If the genius is useful, why bother?


Although their voices were very small and far away from Sora and Shadow, how could Sora not sense them since they were all named?

Kong and Ying subconsciously looked at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Looking at each other, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing turned red and felt a little embarrassed.

The two of them like Sora, but Sora's wife is right next to them...

How can this not be embarrassing! ?

"Sora, General Raiden, hello."

Ning Rongrong quickly calmed down, her expression remained unchanged, she walked over with Zhu Zhuqing and said.

"Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, hello."

"By the way, this is Ray Movie, my wife."

Kong slightly corrected Ning Rongrong's title and introduced the two girls.


After hearing this, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were obviously stunned. They looked at each other and then at the shadow, feeling very confused and confused.

what's the situation?

Isn't this General Thunder and Lightning? Why did it become a thunder movie again?

The two women looked confused, but Ning Rongrong was the bolder and said subconsciously: "Isn't she General Thunder and Lightning? When did she change her name?"

After hearing this, Sora didn't know how to explain. Kage can also be called Raiden General. After all, Raiden General was originally Raiden Shin, which is the title of Kage's sister Baal. However, the one who really protects Ina's wife secretly is... It's a shadow.

After Zhen's death, Shadow inherited the priesthood and title of Thor.

However, after the Thunderbolt General was created to manage Inazuma, in order to distinguish the two, the title of General gradually became distant from Shadow.

Of course, outsiders don't know the specific situation, and they all think that General Raiden is General Raiden.

Baal, Baalzebul, General Thunder... I couldn't tell them apart.

"Ahem, a thunder movie is a thunder movie, and a thunder general is a thunder general."

Kong said without blushing and his heart not beating.

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's expressions changed, and their eyes towards Kong changed slightly.

He, really!

It's obvious that he's a scumbag!

Good guy, really a good guy!

They are enlightened!

Both Shadow and General are named Raiden, so they must be twin sisters, right?

This guy!

Thinking of this, the two women gritted their teeth.

He was such a scumbag, why did he just ignore them?

I originally thought that Sora was pure love, but I never expected that he would actually find a pair of twins...

"Hello, I'm Lei Qian."

Shadow said without changing his expression.

She had met Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, but the two women had never met her.

After hearing this, the two women looked at the shadow carefully. They couldn't say they were very similar to General Thunder and Lightning, they could only be said to be exactly the same!

Even the mole in the corner of his eye is the same.

The same goes for the tone and voice of speaking.

Body, figure...

Do such twins really exist in the world?

No matter how similar they look, there must be something different, right?

"Hello, let's..."

At this point, the two girls were a little confused about how to introduce them. After thinking for a moment, Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth and said firmly: "We are Kong's suitors."

After saying this, Ning Rongrong was observing the changes in Ying's face.

However, time passed by like this, and she didn't show any fluctuation at all!

"Well, sister Ying, I said we are Sora's suitors."

Ning Rongrong was afraid that Ying didn't hear clearly, so she said it again.


Ying blinked and looked at Ning Rongrong with some confusion. Why did this girl say it again? Does she have indirect amnesia?

I heard that people with this symptom are very pitiful. What they said or did one second ago, they forget the next second.

Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red. She didn't expect that Ning Rongrong would be so bold and directly hit the big A.

What she didn't expect even more was Ying's attitude!

She doesn't seem to care at all?

Is it her absolute confidence in herself and General Thunder, or is it because of other reasons?

Kong was stunned at the side. He really didn't expect that Ning Rongrong would actually make such a "joke".

She is really ignorant and fearless!

If Ying gets angry, whether the entire Tiandou City can withstand her blow is a question!

If she cuts him off with a single blow, it may take hundreds or thousands of years, and no one can live in the place where she cuts him off!


It's just so terrifying.

Shadow Treasure's attitude was within Sora's expectation. Isn't it normal for her to like Sora?

Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment. She was suddenly a little discouraged. She turned on the big gun and hit A directly, but the other party just said "oh"!

Suddenly, as if she thought of something, Ning Rongrong's originally sad mood suddenly improved!

This shadow sister doesn't seem to be annoying. She doesn't care about Kong's suitor. So, doesn't she and Zhu Zhuqing have a chance?

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong raised the corner of her mouth slightly, walked towards Ying with a smile on her face, and said, "Sister Ying, today we meet for the first time. As a meeting gift, I will pay for all of sister's expenses today!"

Ning Rongrong was very grand. As the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, her pocket money was unimaginable to ordinary people.

Empty, Zhu Zhuqing: "???"

Is this how rich people make friends? Why, why do you always feel that this "rich man" is weird?

"Sister Ying and I hit it off right away, please don't refuse!"

Ning Rongrong said this to Ying, but why was her eyes looking at Kong?

What an insincere statement!

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