"By the way, Sister Ying, why do you only eat sweets?"

Seeing the food on the table, Ying seemed to have only eaten sweets, which made Ning Rongrong ask with some confusion.

Could it be that eating sweets can promote... Ning Rongrong looked at Zhu Zhuqing and then at the movie, thoughtfully.

In the sect, most of the young ladies who like to eat sweets are sideways. Although their body shapes are not as exaggerated as those of the Elephant Armor Sect, they are definitely not good-looking.

However, Ning Rongrong has never seen Ying and Zhuqing like this!

She was very envious, and she really wanted to know the reason!

They have become good best friends, and Zhu Zhuqing didn't even tell her why this happened, which made Ning Rongrong somewhat unhappy!

Could it be that there are really people with extraordinary talents?

No, it must be for other reasons!

Maybe it was on the food they were eating, but they just didn’t notice it!

"Ning Rongrong, you are so smart!"

After Ning Rongrong praised herself in her heart, she opened her big eyes and looked at Ying.

"Of course, I heard..."

"Cough cough... cough cough!!!"

At this moment, Kong seemed to suddenly become "worse", coughing non-stop, and suddenly attracted the attention of Ying and the two girls.

Of course Sora knows what Kage wants to say: Of course, I heard that most humans like sweets, so it is not strange for me to eat sweet desserts.

However, it would be very strange if this was said by a "human"!

"Sora, are you okay?!"

"No, it's okay."

Kong waved his hand and continued: "Both Shadow and General like sweets. That's because sweet desserts can bring a feeling of happiness."


Although this is true, it still feels like something is strange.

In response to Sora's words, Kage nodded without refuting.

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong was stunned, feeling a little confused and a little disappointed at the same time.

She thought that eating sweet desserts would turn her into a human beauty with her head bowed and her toes invisible.


Ning Rongrong sighed, planning to let Zhuqing tell her what she should do after going back this time!

You know, Zhu Zhuqing is much younger than her!

This is not a matter of age at all. Could it be that she really has no talent in this area?

She didn't pay much attention to this matter before, but since she met Kong and met Zhuqing, Ying, and General, she became more and more concerned about it.

Because Ning Rongrong discovered that Kong's eyes looking at Zhu Zhuqing were full of appreciation.

Of course, this was a look that was unadulterated by other emotions, very clear and without any distracting thoughts.

It has been said that it is human nature to yearn for beautiful things.

There was nothing wrong with Sora's eyes, he was just admiring it.

"Sora, I really envy you. It would be great if I were as laid-back as you and so strong."

Ning Rongrong said quietly that her talent was not bad, and she was the most promising person in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to break the "curse" of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower in the past hundred years. This was one of the reasons why she was so highly regarded.

It is impossible for a soul master with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to break through to level 80. An innate soul power of level 7 or 8 is completely sufficient.

Ning Rongrong possesses innate ninth-level soul power. If there are no accidents, there will be no problem in breaking through to Soul Saint. However, this is not the reason why she is taken seriously.

Rather, because she might be able to break the "curse" of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial spirit!

Become a strong person above level 80.

"What you lack is not your talent, it's just your inability."

Sora replied subconsciously.


Ning Rongrong was stunned, and Zhu Zhuqing was also confused.

What is hanging?

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Even if you understand and you're not worried, wouldn't you be more upset?"

Sora smiled and said.

Now that you have said it, you don’t say it clearly, which is even worse!

Ning Rongrong complained in her heart.

She really wanted to know what hanging was, but with Kong's unwillingness to say more, she was too embarrassed to ask.

Ask again when you have a chance in the future.

"By the way, Sora, Zhuqing and I have both broken through to level 30! Haha, we have also become soul master level experts!"

Zhu Zhuqing actually broke through to level 30 more than a month ago, but she had been waiting for Ning Rongrong to break through, and then they went to hunt the soul beasts and obtain the soul rings together.

No, after just hunting the soul beast and absorbing the soul ring, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were going to relax for a day and go out to bomb the streets. They never expected to meet Kong and Ying.


He said insincerely, he had already noticed it, but he didn't expect that Ning Rongrong would share such joy with him.

Besides, what does their breakthrough to level 30 have to do with him?

Sora himself had already reached level 30 when he was less than seven years old!

"I am currently level 31, how many levels are I still behind you?"

It is common sense that the further you get to the later stage, the slower your cultivation will be.

Ning Rongrong was able to break through from level 26 to level 31 within one year, which is already considered a genius among geniuses.

After improving so much, the distance between her and Sora should have been shortened a lot, right?

Zhu Zhuqing stared at Kong. She also wanted to know the answer. Her soul power level was one level higher than Ning Rongrong, reaching level thirty-two.

After hearing this, Kong's eyes twitched. He was really afraid that the young lady would be deeply shocked after hearing about his soul power level! Then he fell into despair and asked him to take responsibility again.

"You actually don't have to care about my soul power level. No matter how high or low my soul power is, at least we are friends now, right?"

Kong said tactfully, don't let this eldest lady practice crazy after hearing about his soul power level, and then practice to be good...


The more Kong didn't want to say anything, the more Ning Rongrong wanted to know!

"Tell me, aren't we friends? Don't worry, I'll take a picture of Zhuqing here and promise that I will never tell anyone!"

As soon as Ning Rongrong finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing's face darkened. Where was Ning Rongrong's hand? !

No, we must be optimistic about Ning Rongrong from now on, and we cannot let her make blind promises! What if her vow comes true?

"Otherwise, still..."

"No, tell me!"

A black line appeared on Kong's forehead. Since Miss Ning was "unappreciative", he didn't have so many worries. Anyway, this matter was not a secret among the big forces.

"I have now broken through to the Soul Saint level, level seventy-three. The soul power gap between you and me..."

Having said this, Kong paused, and under Ning Rongrong's dull eyes, he continued: "It's up to you to figure it out yourself."

"Seven...seventy...seventy-three levels???"

"Hun, the powerful soul saint?!!"

It's not like Ning Rongrong has never seen Soul Saints before. There are many Soul Saints in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and there are even two titled Douluo.

However, a soul saint of Sora's age...

Wait, wasn't Kong only level 62 when we last met?

How did he suddenly reach level seventy-three?

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