Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 186 186: Qian Renxue: My pain is greater than yours!

This old man was also a wonderful man. After chatting with him for a few words, the old man left in a hurry and walked towards the palace.

After Kong said this, he realized that something big was going on. Why didn't he go to the palace and wait for Emperor Xueye to summon him?

As time passed, Tiandou City became more and more chaotic. Fortunately, there were many royal knights and order was maintained.

Everyone was speculating as to what happened!

What's more, they thought that Emperor Xueye had passed away!

"Bang..." sounded from the dragon case.

Emperor Xueye has white hair and wrinkles on his face, but he is not angry and proud.

However, now he has been overwhelmed by anger!

The prince was stabbed in the street!

What a provocation, how incredible!

He was stabbed in the street!

The most important thing is that the other party succeeded!

Looking at the avalanche lying in a pool of blood below, Xue Ye almost couldn't catch his breath.

Of the four princes, only one is left now, Xue Qinghe!

"Could it be you? Qinghe!"

Emperor Xueye was not as useless as he appeared, otherwise he would not have become the emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

The person most likely to take action against Xue Beng's death is Prince Xue Qinghe!

As long as Xue Beng dies, his position as the prince and the throne will be stable, and there is absolutely no possibility of any accidents.

"I hope it's not you!"

"It's better not to be you!"

"The throne was originally planned to be passed to you. There is no need for you to kill Xue Beng..."

How did Emperor Xueye know that the first of the four princes to die was Xue Qinghe!

Now, not one of the four princes is left.

The only Xue Qinghe is played by "Qian Renxue".

He was just thinking about the battle for the throne, and did not expect that Xue Qinghe might not be Xue Qinghe long ago.

Xue Xing and Xue Beng had some guesses about this, but they couldn't be sure whether Xue Qinghe had been switched.

Because Xue Qinghe has never shown any flaws, it is impossible for the two of them to take action against the prince because of their suspicions.

At this moment, Prince Snow Star, who had just come out of the auction house and got the news, hurried in from outside the hall.

He looked at Xue Beng with a look of disbelief on his face, and then at the furious Emperor Xue Ye.

"Brother! This must be done by that boy Xue Qinghe!"

Snowstar roared.

Xue Beng died, his only hope was gone!

He never thought that Xue Beng, who was so coquettish, would be killed!

Xuexing's first reaction was, this is what Xue Qinghe did!

Apart from him, Xuexing could not think of anyone else who would dare to take action against the prince!

Assassination in the street!

When they got the news, everyone in Xuexing felt numb and almost fainted.

"Above the court, call me Your Majesty!"

Xuexing: "..."

What the hell!

How long has it been and you still have to maintain the majesty of the emperor!

Your son is dead!

Prince Snow Star was about to cry but had no tears, so he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

He is a prince and the younger brother of Emperor Xue Ye. When meeting him, all he needs to do is verbally salute.

As for the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping, the prince does not need it.

"Your Majesty, the death of the fourth prince Xue Beng is definitely related to Xue Qinghe. I, Xue Xing, dare to guarantee it with the head on my neck!"

Xue Xing said with a look of sorrow and anger. Among the princes, he and Xue Beng had the best relationship. He had watched this child grow up. How could he not be sad?

After hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Xue Xing indifferently, and he didn't doubt that it was Xue Qinghe who did it.

But, kill Xue Qinghe?

Kill Xue Qinghe, and after a hundred years, who will fight against the emperor?

Is it that girl Xue Ke or this Prince Xue Xing?

"The matter hasn't been clarified yet, so don't talk nonsense!"

Emperor Xue Ye said this because he wanted to keep Prince Xue Xing. After all, he was his younger brother. Even if he was a bit more useless and a bit more coquettish, he was still his younger brother.

If Xue Qinghe listens to these words, will Xue Xing still be alive after he takes over?

Of course, if Xue Qinghe really did this, he does not necessarily have to pass the throne to Xue Qinghe!

What I give to you is yours. If I don’t give it to you, you can’t take it!

This is the tyranny of the emperor.


Xue Xing wanted to say something else, but under Xue Ye's murderous eyes, he finally didn't say anything.

After a while, "Xue Qinghe" arrived. "His" face was full of sadness and his body was crumbling. Emperor Xue Ye and Prince Xue Xing were stunned for a moment.

Good guy, I don’t see how close you are to Xue Beng in normal times!

Is this going to happen right from the start?

"I have met my father."

"Fourth brother!"

"Xue Qinghe" was on the verge of collapse. When he came to Xue Beng's side, a trace of disgust flashed through his eyes, and then he seemed to be overly grieved and almost fell down on the spot!

Snowy Night, Snow Star: It doesn’t look like an act!


what's the situation?

"Fourth...fourth brother, are usually uneducated and incompetent...but, second brother has never given up on you!"

"I just... hope that you can... change your ways and contribute to the empire and... the royal family..."


Xue Ye and Xue Xingren are both numb, is that the case?

The two of them seemed to be in less pain than Xue Qinghe!

"My pain is greater than yours, I want to see how you deal with it!"

The grief of "Xue Qinghe" is so real that it doesn't even look like it was staged!

That’s right, it’s so real!

Because Qian Renxue had been planning this matter for a long time, and she had also thought a lot about how to deal with it.

How to represent real sadness in this paragraph?

That's so easy!

All she had to do was think about Qian Xunji, and then think about Bibi Dong who had tried to kill her several times, and she couldn't help but feel sad in her heart. She was helpless in every way!

"Bang...", the dragon case sounded again, hp -1.

"As a prince of a country, how unbecoming it is to cry and cry in the court!"

Emperor Xueye shouted sharply.

The emotion of "Xue Qinghe" was too real, but it did not dispel the suspicion of Emperor Xue Ye and Prince Xue Xing. Of course, they became less suspicious.

Her approach still has some effect.

"Father, the death of my fourth brother is Qinghe's fault!"

"If Qinghe brought his fourth brother by his side on weekdays to learn how to govern the country, learn etiquette, and learn... him, how could he be in such a big trouble!"

"Xue Qinghe" said with a sad face and tears in his voice. It is called a listener who is sad and a listener who sheds tears.

Snowy night, Snow Star: "..."

Xuexing wanted to expose Xue Qinghe's true face, but he didn't know how to say it.

In fact, Xue Qinghe admitted his mistake when he came up, which made him look confused and interrupted all his thoughts.


Emperor Xue Ye frowned. He always felt that things were not that simple, but he couldn't explain it.

After taking a look at "Xue Qinghe" wearing a "pain mask", this premonition became stronger.

"Okay, just say a few words. We're just waiting to catch the thief and find out whether the behind-the-scenes..."

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