Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 19 019: Refining Immortal Products

You cannot swallow the dew of autumn water, but put it on your eyes like eye drops.

Looking at the two drops of autumn dew, Kong dropped them on his left and right eyes respectively. Then he sat cross-legged and started refining.

Time passed bit by bit, and the first person to open his eyes in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi was not Dugu Bo who was the first to start refining the immortal products, but Yu Yuanzhen who swallowed two immortal products at once!

When Yu Yuanzhen opened his eyes, he subconsciously put away the pressure of his soul power.

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were filled with confusion and surprise, and he could not recover for a long time.

After a while, he felt his soul power and realized that it was not a dream.

"The peak of level ninety-seven, the power of bloodline is one step closer..."

"If you give me another five years, the threshold of level ninety-eight will definitely be passed..."

"The power of blood..."

Yu Yuanzhen murmured.

He never expected that this divine item would be so effective!

The current him can hit at least 1.7 against the one he played before.

Although the soul power has only been improved by one level, the overall combat power has almost doubled!

This is the difference after level ninety-five. One level difference is a huge difference!

Yu Yuanzhen was stunned for a while, and then stood up, wanting to see what his precious grandson was doing.

At this moment, not far away, in Dugu Bo's cabin, a loud dragon roar resounded throughout the Ice and Fire Eye.

Yu Yuanzhen: "???"

Isn't Dugu Bo's martial spirit the Jade Phosphorus Snake King?

What's going on with his dragon roar?

Just when Yu Yuanzhen was confused, Dugu Bo's figure appeared in front of him. He saw a single horn, which could also be said to be a poisonous horn, growing on Dugu Bo's forehead due to the possession of the martial spirit.

The snake phosphorus on the body has evolved into dragon scales. Although the two look the same, if you look closely, you can still find differences.

The hands also turned into dragon claws, which were green and looked very eye-catching.

The resistance of the dragon martial spirit is not comparable to that of the snake martial spirit. After Dugu Bo's martial spirit evolved, almost all the toxins in his body were used to condense the dragon horns on his forehead.

Fortunately, he has enough poison on his body. Otherwise, if the dragon horn condenses into a small one, would Dugu Bo be shameless?

Dugu Yan probably won't be able to. Her dragon horns are definitely small. After all, she doesn't have enough martial soul poison in her body.


Dugu Bo smiled heartily and said: "My martial spirit turns into a dragon, from now on it will be called the Jade Phosphorus Dragon Emperor!"

Yu Yuanzhen: "..."

His Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit has been cultivated to this point, and he doesn't even dare to claim the throne. Dugu Bo is so brave!

After being possessed by the martial spirit, Dugu Bo's green hair disappeared and returned to the gray-white color of a normal old man.

He walked towards Yu Yuanzhen with a smile and said, "Sect Master, my strength has increased by two levels, reaching level ninety-three."

"I don't know when I will surpass you!"

Dugu Bo, who had just woken up, needed someone to show off to him, and Yu Yuanzhen became the best target.

"I'm at the peak of level ninety-seven."

Yu Yuanzhen crossed his arms and replied indifferently.

Dugu Bo: "..."

This old guy has no martial ethics!

When did he break through to level ninety-seven? What the hell is the pinnacle?

Wasn't he level ninety-six before?

Yu Yuanzhen is the sect leader of the Shangsan Sect, and his cultivation was not a secret before!

In order to intimidate Xiao Xiao, it is normal for his soul power level to be made public.

Just like Chen Xin and Gu Rong, their soul power levels are no secret.

On the contrary, for some elders in the sect, their soul power level is a secret!

Titled Douluo is equivalent to a nuclear weapon that deters the world. It clearly tells the world the specific power of this nuclear weapon. Think carefully about whether you can mess with it!

As for those Contra-level elders, they are the secrets in the sect. How much secrets they have, who will tell them without any problem? Maybe one day one of these foundations will break through to become a titled Douluo.

Dugu Bo's pupils shrank. Thinking about it carefully, he has already joined the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. The higher Yu Yuanzhen's strength is, isn't that a good thing?

If Yu Yuanzhen can break through to level ninety-eight, or even level ninety-nine, and he has Dugu Bo as the deputy sect leader, wouldn't that mean the tide has risen and all boats have risen?

"Congratulations, Master!"

"Same joy, same joy!"

The two old men looked at each other and smiled, completely forgetting about their previous plans to snatch the Earth Dragon Golden Melon.

At this moment, Kong, who had absorbed the autumn water dew and looked through it, woke up. He had actually absorbed it long ago and was just using his mental power to observe his surroundings.

His mental power at this moment and his mental power before were completely different concepts.

With his previous mental power, Sora could not see externally at all, he could only see internally.

But it was different now. Even if he didn't use his eyes to observe, everything within a radius of a hundred meters appeared in his mind just like 3D printed graphics.

It wasn't until Kong felt a little dizzy that he regained his mental strength.

"Grandpa, deputy sect leader, how do you feel?"

Seeing Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo walking side by side with smiles on their faces, Kong asked.

Yu Yuanzhen should have the background to absorb two immortal grasses and break through to ninety-seven, right?

Sora thought so, but he completely underestimated the celestial grass in the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi!

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen has not only reached the peak of level ninety-seven, but is not far away from level ninety-eight.

"It's great, it feels like never before!"

Dugu Bo said with a smile on his face.

The soul power breakthrough is secondary, the main thing is that the poison of the martial soul has been resolved.

Dugu Boka has been at level ninety-one for a very long time. Coupled with the increased soul power from Earth Dragon Jingua, it is normal for him to break through to level ninety-three.

"Hahaha, sky! Grandpa's soul power level has reached the peak of ninety-seven!"

Yu Yuanzhen is much prouder than Dugu Bo. With his current strength, how many people in the entire Douluo Continent are his opponents?

After hearing this, Kong was slightly startled, peak level ninety-seven?

How is this possible?

As if he thought of something, Kong continued to ask Yu Yuanzhen: "Grandpa, have you completely refined those two fairy grasses?"

Yes, there is a big difference between complete refining and partial refining.

For example, after the Shrek Seven Monsters obtained the fairy grass, none of them completely refined it directly. They all refined it slowly in the later period.


Yu Yuanzhen nodded. His previous ninety-sixth level soul power had completely refined two immortal grasses. Is there any problem?

After receiving Yu Yuanzhen's affirmation, Kong's eyes twitched. It seemed that Yu Yuanzhen would be able to break through to level ninety-eight in the next two days!

As for the ninety-ninth level, it is too difficult. It cannot be achieved with such a small amount of fairy grass, unless the lovesickness is broken...

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