Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 190 190: Only the most shocking thunder can crush the heaviest

Chapter 190 190: Only the most shocking thunder can crush the heaviest...

How can a plan that has lasted for more than ten years give up or fail so easily?

In order to win the power of Heavenly Dou, she even gave up the best time to practice. Even though she knew that Kong's cultivation was higher than hers, she didn't give up easily!

"I believe that you will definitely bring a different Tiandou Empire. As for the Star Luo Empire, when the army comes to conquer the territory, the Douluo Continent will definitely be unified."

With the support of the Tiandou Empire's army and the Spirit Hall, no matter how powerful the Star Luo Empire was, it would not be able to withstand it.

The high-end combat power cannot be defeated, but the low-end combat power is not lacking. As long as Qian Renxue's plan can succeed, Douluo Continent will usher in great unification.

As for whether it will go so smoothly, Kong has no idea. It depends on whether the gods in the sky and the Douluo Continent plane consciousness will seek death.

In the original work, Qian Renxue was sure of victory, but wasn't it still destroyed by Tang San, Yang Wudi and others?

Among them, if there is no plane consciousness or the guidance of a certain god, Kong will not believe it.

"You have changed a lot."

"You didn't seem interested in this before."

Qian Renxue said with a serious look on her face, she always felt that Kong had changed a bit, but she couldn't pinpoint the specific changes.

"A King of Thunder and Lightning was right when he said that in life, it is inevitable that we will be contaminated by some dust. I believe in the human heart, we are still too far away from such a world..."

"Pity is the greatest luxury in the world."

"The road to light is doomed to be full of thorns."

"Weakness is not terrible, but cowardice is terrible."

"Only the most shocking thunder can break the heaviest darkness."

"The foundation of the Tiandou Empire has been completely rotten. If you can't destroy it and rekindle the dawn of hope, then I will!"

After Kong said this expressionlessly, he recalled Ten Faces, Catwoman, and the Royal Knights.

How sad is their fate!

Qian Renxue: "???"

For some reason, Qian Renxue always felt that the space in front of her was similar to the ultimate villain in the novel Storytelling Club?

That's not right. How could he be a villain if he could say such a thing?

She shook her head. Now that she recognized Kong, she didn't care what kind of person Kong would become. Even if he fell into the abyss at the same time, what's the harm?

"These are what you said, right? How can there be such a thing as the King of Thunder and Lightning?"

Qian Renxue curled her lips and said. Still want to lie to her? impossible.

Not to mention, Kong also has the attribute of thunder. According to the descriptions of She Long and Thorn Blood, it is not an exaggeration to call him the King of Thunder and Lightning.

Sora: If you say yes, then that’s it.

Suddenly, Kong seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he did not argue with Qian Renxue about who said this.

Instead, he changed his voice and said: "Xiaoxue, what I want to say next is very important. Let's leave the city first and let the two go back first."

The two people Kong mentioned refer to She Long, who stabbed blood.

After hearing this, Qian Renxue frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. What on earth forced She Long to leave with blood stabbing?

You know, what Kong said just now was so treacherous and he didn't carry these two people behind his back.

Of course, Qian Renxue was just confused about what was going on, rather than being annoyed that Kong asked She Long and Thorn Blood to leave.


She Long and Zhang Xue were stunned for a moment, the corners of their eyes twitching. The two looked at each other in confusion, really not knowing whether they should leave or not.

"You two uncles, please leave first. If Sora wants to attack me, you can't stop him."

"An enemy that Sora cannot deal with, you cannot deal with either."

Qian Renxue's words were not a joke, it was true.

She Long and Zhang Xue were speechless. These words were too true. They did not withdraw. They could only nod secretly before leaving.

If Kong Zhen is planning to take action against Qian Renxue, and they don't go, the probability of Qian Renxue's survival will be greater. If they go, it will be bad if they are all caught in one fell swoop.

Besides, the relationship between them needs to be made clear. Qian Renxue made it so clear before.

Kong, it is almost impossible to take action against Qian Renxue. If Kong can protect Qian Renxue, what else is there to be afraid of?

After a while, Kong and Qian Renxue arrived side by side at the outskirts of Tiandou City, where there was no one around for a kilometer.

"You just trust me so much?"

Sora smiled and said.

"As long as you think about it, the whole person is yours, what do I have to be afraid of!"

Qian Renxue turned her head slightly, rolled her eyes at Kong Kong, and said.


"Okay, no kidding."

"I'm not joking!"


After a moment of silence, Sora continued: "This matter is of great importance. Only you can know about it. Even if it is your grandfather Qian Daoliu, try not to tell him as much as possible."

After hearing this, Qian Renxue's smiling face gradually turned serious. What on earth is going on that even grandpa can't know?

After thinking for a moment, Qian Renxue nodded and said, "I won't tell grandpa, just tell me."

After receiving Qian Renxue's reply, Kong nodded. This was just to tell Qian Renxue that this matter should not be taken carelessly.

Even if Qian Daoliu knew that Poseidon's Heart was Poseidon's inheritance, how could he possibly let someone obtain Poseidon's test?

Doesn't this mean that the person he can't love should die?

"You should know about the national treasure collected and enshrined by the Tiandou royal family, the Vast Sea Universe Cover, right?"

After hearing this, Qian Renxue was stunned. She never expected that Kong would actually say that thing was just a soul guidance device left over from ancient times.

This thing was tasteless and was a pity to throw away. Her "teacher", Ning Fengzhi, the teacher of Xue Qinghe's identity, had repeatedly requested to exchange this "national treasure", but unfortunately, Emperor Xue Ye refused.

The Vast Sea Universe Barrier contains "soul skills", whether they are defensive soul skills or offensive soul skills, which are not possessed by auxiliary soul masters. This is why Ning Fengzhi has requested exchanges many times.

It's a pity that the Tiandou Empire is not short of gold soul coins and some valuables, even soul bones. Once the exchange comes, will the royal family use it themselves?

Isn't it a waste for the Swan Martial Spirit to absorb soul bones? ?

There is no meaning of exchange, so it is better to cover the vast sea and the universe and offer it as a thought.

"I know, Ning Fengzhi requested to exchange this treasure many times, but Xue Ye refused. I have also seen this treasure, it is just a special ancient soul tool. Is there anything special about it?"

Qian Renxue said calmly, since Kong Neng brought it up, there must be some unknown secrets in this Vast Sea Universe Cover?

"It's correct to say it's an ancient soul guide, but it's not that simple."

"It is also the core of an artifact, and without it, the inheritance of that god cannot be inherited."

As soon as these words came out, Qian Renxue was shocked and looked at Kong blankly!

"Artifact core..."

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