In the sunset forest, three uninvited guests were welcomed today.

They are Yu Xiaogang, Tang San and Qin Ming.

Tang San hasn't gone to the second team of Emperor Dou yet. He has been waiting for him to get the fourth spirit ring, and then it won't be too late to go to the second team.

As the leader of the Imperial Fighting Team, Qin Ming needs to help his team members obtain soul rings if they have a breakthrough or the like.

Even if he didn't like Tang San very much.

Even Flanders didn't like Tang San.

"Teacher, if I can't find the mandala snake, can I use other types of soul beasts instead?"

Tang San asked Yu Xiaogang respectfully, not paying any attention to Qin Ming who was standing beside him.

You know, Qin Ming is Tang San's mentor now, and he is still the one to accompany Tang San in soul hunting. As a result, instead of asking Qin Ming for advice, he asked Yu Xiaogang for advice.

I don’t even know how to pretend!

That's right, Tang San is such a person!

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back, which was his usual posture when preaching.

It makes him look more knowledgeable!

"Xiao San, the mandala snake is one of the most terrifying soul beasts among the middle and low-level soul beasts. Their soul rings can give you the most powerful increase."

Yu Xiaogang said calmly. After saying this, he paused, as if he had thought of something, and then continued: "Since you want to strengthen the soul skill of blue silver entanglement, the best way to get the fourth soul ring is to obtain Man The soul ring of the Duoluo Snake.”

"After all, you have already obtained two mandala snake soul rings. The martial soul has strong adaptability to mandala snakes."

Yu Xiaogang's words made Qin Ming's mouth twitch. Good guy, these master and disciples just caught the wool of a kind of soul beast!

Strengthen the blue and silver winding?

What else can be done to enhance this skill?

Besides Dai Mubai, who else can be restrained?

Not as good as...

Forget it, it's none of his business, he doesn't care what he does!

"Thank you teacher for clarifying my doubts. Then the goal of this trip is the Mandala Snake."

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, Yu Xiaogang waved his hand again and continued: "It's not that there are no soul beasts that can replace it, but the effect may not be as good as the Mandala Snake Soul Beast, such as the Titan Python..."

Qin Ming twitched the corner of his mouth and returned the Titan Python. The master and disciple wanted to eat shit!

What kind of existence is Titanoboa?

Even if it is four to five thousand years old, it is not something that he, a mere Soul Emperor, can kill. If there is no powerful Soul Saint sitting in charge, how can he dare to attack the Millennium Titan Python!

This is only for a thousand years. If it encounters a thousand-year one, the average Soul Saint powerhouse will have to run away!

This pair of master and disciple are truly ignorant and fearless!

Qin Ming rolled his eyes and followed indifferently without saying anything else. Flanders had instructions for this trip, try not to offend the two of them. As for the reason, Tang San's father was a titleholder!

This is also the reason why Qin Ming can endure until now. If it were anyone else, he would have been impatient!

There is no way to hunt soul beasts like this. You just choose one kind, and you have to have the right age. What is the difference between this and finding a needle in a haystack?

Time passed, and something happened that shocked Qin Ming. He blinked, but he still didn't come back to his senses.

"4,000-year-old mandala snake???"

Wait, can this happen to them?

How long have you been shopping for?

Just met it?

Qin Ming couldn't understand it, but since he had encountered it, it was impossible to let this mandala snake run away!

Unfortunately, this datura snake had no intention of escaping, but instead regarded the three of them as prey.

"It's strange that we encountered a powerful soul beast like the Mandala Snake in less than half a day of walking around?"

Yu Xiaogang was also stunned, but he quickly reacted and said to Qin Ming: "Qin Ming, that's it, help Xiaosan get it!"

There was no surprise when Tang San obtained the spirit ring. The mandala snake that was more than four thousand years old became his fourth spirit ring. At the same time, it also brought him the fourth spirit skill: "Blue Silver Coil!"

That's right, it's still a winding skill, but this winding skill is more than four thousand years old!

Coupled with the previous two entanglement skill increases, it is almost impossible for soul masters of the same level to break free from the shackles of blue silver entanglement!

Of course, this is only theoretical knowledge. What can be achieved will only be known after actual combat.

"It's a pity that this mandala snake didn't explode its soul bone. If..."

"No, Tang San, Tang San, you can't be so depraved. Soul bones can indeed increase soul power quickly, but there are only six parts in total that can absorb soul bones. When the time comes, if you meet a suitable soul bone, it will be too late to regret... …”

Tang San secretly thought to himself that at this time, he didn't know the existence of external soul bones, let alone the fact that he himself had missed an external soul bone!

Even if he now obtains an attached soul bone, it is impossible for him to reach the level of the original work.

Without the two eyes of ice and fire, without the fairy grass, at least two of the other soul bones are just thousand-year-old soul bones, and his foundation has been ruined.

The spirit bones in other locations can also be removed by breaking off the arm. The torso spirit bones and head spirit bones, unless the gods themselves took action, would be absolutely impossible to help Tang San remove them.

The scene turned to Tiandou Royal Academy.

After Kong left the Prince's Mansion, he left Tiandou City and walked towards Tiandou Royal Academy.

In a short time, he arrived at Tiandou Royal Academy.

"Um, Sister Yan is out of confinement?"

Kong was stunned, Sister Yan came out of seclusion so soon? Has he broken through to level sixty?

This speed is really fast!

If you think about it carefully, Dai Mubai in the original work was able to break through from level 40 to level 60 within five years, while Dugu Yan only took two years to break through from level 50 to level 60. I can understand it too.

After all, Dugu Yan also got a soul bone increase. If you don't think about it quickly, it's impossible.

"Captain, you'll find out when you return to your dormitory."

Shi Mo said without changing his expression, but Shi Mo on the side seemed to have something going on and hesitated to speak.

Shi Mo wanted to say that Yu Feng was about to be broken by Yu Tianheng, and he wanted Kong Bang to help and asked Ye Lingling to help him.

"Forget it, the boss still has some sense of proportion."

"Whoever makes Yu Feng unable to tell the difference between east, west and north is better to let him have a long memory."

Kong didn't say much. After bidding farewell to the brothers Shi Mo and Shi Shi, he walked directly towards the dormitory. Unexpectedly, the twitching of his right eye was actually related to Sister Yan's release from seclusion.

Is the left a bad thing and the right a good thing, or is the left a good thing and the right a bad thing?

Sora touched his chin, which was temporarily beardless, and thought in confusion.

In a short time, Sora arrived at the door of his dormitory.

Tiandou Royal Academy is famous for not being short of money. The student dormitories are all single rooms. This dormitory is an independent small villa.


Looking at the two pairs of "show shoes" at the door, Sora fell into deep thought again!

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