Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 204 204: You are weaker, but it becomes an advantage?

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to be held, and the event will be unprecedented.

Early in the morning, when the sky was dark, there were tens of thousands of spectators waiting outside the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena.

They arrived so early not to enter the venue, but to have close contact with the contestants outside the spirit fighting arena.

There are many nobles in the audience, and their goal is to recruit some young soul masters, and the nobles are happy to do this.

It doesn't matter if you are not strong yourself. As long as you recruit soul masters with strength and potential, the family will still prosper.

You must know that the young talents participating in this continent-wide advanced soul master academy elite competition are all young people under the age of twenty-five. They have a bright future and are the strongest young generation in the empire. They are the future of the empire. .

The Tiandou Soul Stadium began to be renovated half a month ago. Whether it is a sub-field or a home field, all the middle partitions were removed and arranged into a venue that can accommodate 80,000 people.

Of course, even if it can accommodate 80,000 people, there are still a lot of spectators who cannot enter. The high tickets did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm, but it was hard to get a ticket.

Those who cannot buy tickets can only buy tickets for subsequent games. Likewise, tickets are hard to come by!

In fact, this unprecedented prosperity only happens once every five years!

Meanwhile, what is the protagonist doing?

"Sora, wake up!"


Kong was stunned, what was he being asked to do so early in the morning? He rubbed his eyes and asked with a confused look, "What's wrong, Sister Yan?"

After hearing this, Dugu Yan's eyes twitched, his eyebrows raised, and his whole body felt bad!

What's wrong?

What did you say?

What day is today? ?

Today is the opening ceremony of the competition!

"Song, today is the opening ceremony of the Tiandou Division of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. What do you think is wrong?"

Dugu Yan said angrily, and she was also speechless. How could Kong sleep on such an important matter?

After hearing this, Kong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized. However, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and said: "Sister Yan, it is the opening ceremony, but what does it have to do with our Royal Fighter team? We are not recommended to the finals. ? There is no need to draw lots to participate..."

The Tiandou Empire, the Star Luo Empire, and the Wuhun Palace all have a quota for the finals. The spot for the Tiandou Empire is undoubtedly the Imperial Battle Team. They do not need to participate in the preliminaries and qualifying matches. (promotional competition).

"We don't need to participate, but as the captain of the Royal Fighter Team, you have to be the first to appear today!"

Dugu Yan held his forehead and said helplessly.


Kong was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Good guy, indeed, when the team enters the battlefield, he, the captain of the Royal Fighter Team, needs to be the first to appear, followed by the Second Team of the Royal Fighter... It is true that the First Team of the Royal Fighter did not join the battle, but they also need to Admission is a ceremony, also known as the "opening ceremony".

Thinking of this, Sora was quite speechless. He didn't remember this at all, otherwise he could have slept until now?

"Okay, I'll get up right now."

After knowing that it was his problem, he had no choice but to prepare to pack up and go to the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Tiandou Royal Academy is not far from Tiandou City, and everyone does not rest in Tiandou City, but in the academy. It is not that there are no rooms for everyone to stay, but the academy is afraid that the city may be noisy and affect everyone's rest.

"Well, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you."

Dugu Yan looked at Kong who was still a little confused and said.

She didn't want to go to the opening ceremony, but there was no other way. She was already here, so she had to obey the arrangement.

Normally, you can be willful and not participate in training, but when it comes to such important matters, you can't continue to be willful.

After a while, Kong and Dugu Yan arrived at the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy. There were already almost ten people waiting here. They glanced at Kong faintly. It was obvious that they had been waiting for a long time.

"Ahem, let's go."

Kong waved his hands in embarrassment and said to everyone.

Everyone looked sideways, but didn't say anything. It was just a trivial matter, but there was just a little resentment in their hearts.

Whoever left Sora alone left a group of them to wait for a full hour!

Fortunately, there is still a long time before the opening ceremony, otherwise, everyone might be laughing.

The dignified escort team was actually late!

"Excited heart, trembling hands, spirit fighting arena, here we come!"

Oscar whispered, his voice trembling slightly, which showed that he was really excited as he said.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun put a hand on his shoulder and said: "Xiao Ao, you are the best among us. When the time comes to enter the ring, whether the captain will take you or not is a question. Besides, Yes, Sister Lingling’s healing ability is the best in the world!”

"Think carefully about what advantages you have!"

Because Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Dai Mubai came to the Huangdou Team and became substitute members, the Huangdou Team also had two auxiliary members.

One is Oscar and the other is Ye Lingling.

Ye Lingling is now a powerful soul master, while Oscar is still just a soul master.

"Fat man, I'm not afraid of your jokes! My biggest advantage is that the healing effect of my martial soul is not as strong as that of Sister Lingling!"

Oscar curled his lips and said nonchalantly.

These words attracted the attention of everyone who was on their way. You are weaker, but it has become an advantage?

How can this be true?


Ma Hongjun looked confused, and his head was full of questions. What kind of genius is this Oscar?

What is he saying!

"Heh, with the captain and vice-captain sitting in charge, is it possible that our team will lose? Is it possible that there will be serious injuries?"

Oscar's face became even more distorted.

"Absolutely impossible!"



What he said made sense, but he was speechless!

"Sister Lingling's treatment naturally has no effect. Of course, this does not mean that Sister Lingling is not strong. The world's best healer is no joke. She can be saved in one breath. This is very incredible."

"But I'm different. I'm more balanced. Even if my first two soul skills have no effect on everyone, or I don't use the first two soul skills, my third soul skill is no joke! "

Oscar is also a smart man. He is considered to be the most normal-minded among the original Shrek members.

After praising Ye Lingling first, he explained his own advantages. In doing so, he would not offend Ye Lingling but also show off himself.

"Xiao Ao, by the way, what is your third soul skill? I haven't seen you use it since you obtained the third soul ring!"

Dai Mubai said at this time.

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