Although the members of the second team are at odds with the members of the first team, for some reason, the members of the second team admire the first team very much.

Without him, the team is too strong, especially that woman!

Yu Tiantian is the new captain of the first team, and the members of the second team still know this.

Unexpectedly, this girl from Tianshui Academy actually knew Sora. Looking at her expectant eyes and longing expression, even the captain of the second team who had a girlfriend couldn't help but feel envious and jealous.

This is a top student from Tianshui College!

He is not bad either. He is the captain of the second team of the dignified Dou Team, and his soul power level has reached the soul sect level. But here, no one is his little crush?


"Comparing people with each other makes people angry."

The captain of the second team's appearance is naturally not worth mentioning compared to readers, but in Douluo Continent, he can be regarded as a young talent. Just like this, there is no little fan girl, which is a pity and a sigh.

"Great! I~"

Shui Yue'er wanted to say something, but stopped mid-sentence. She knew what was going on with their Tianshui team, and there shouldn't be any problem in entering the finals. However, if they were to play against Sora, it would be a hundred million points worse. .

After a pause, Shui Yue'er continued: "I won't disturb you all anymore. I'll go back and make preparations first, otherwise the captain will have to teach me something."

Shui Yue'er waved her hand and walked towards the rest area of ​​Tianshui College after saying this.

After Kong's guidance, she has made rapid progress during these times. Although she has not yet broken through to level 40, her soul power level is much higher than in the original work.

"The captain of the first team is very lucky."

I don’t know which member of the second team said this, and everyone nodded subconsciously.

With Shui Yue'er's appearance, temperament, and figure, she is still a top student at Tianshui College. Naturally, her soul power level will not be too low. She still looks very young and has a promising future.

Tang San clenched his fists at the side, why didn't anyone pay attention to him, Tang San?

It's not that he likes Shui Yue'er, he just feels a little unbalanced in his heart.

Without contrast, there is no harm.

Once compared, Tang San felt very hurt!

"Yu Tiantian, you will die prematurely on your way. I am different. I will definitely replace you, defeat you, and surpass you!"

"When I cultivate my second martial soul, we will be people from two different worlds!"

Tang San showed a determined look in his eyes.

He is a descendant of the Tang clan, and he never thinks that he will lose to his peers or that his talent will be inferior to others.

This is why he is often inexplicably confident, feeling that he can "strategize and win a victory thousands of miles away."

It's a pity that regardless of whether he cultivates the second martial spirit or not, he and Kong are people from two different worlds.

Time passed, and after almost fifteen minutes, Kong, Duguyan and others arrived at the players' rest area. Why is it so slow to enter the spirit fighting arena?

It’s not because the audience is so enthusiastic!

Seeing Kong and others arriving, Qin Ming breathed a sigh of relief. He was really numb!

Some of the other teams had arrived at the Soul Fighting Arena an hour and a half ago. As the leader of the Imperial Fighting Team, no one from his team came...

The three education committee members in the stands were all looking at him for six out of ten minutes!

Tremendous stress!

Fortunately, these little ancestors have arrived, otherwise Qin Ming would have been ready to run away!

"My little ancestors, you have finally arrived!"

Qin Ming said without tears, he was sitting here as if there was a lump in his throat, as if he was sitting on pins and needles, as if...

"Sorry, Teacher Qin, the audience was so enthusiastic that we were delayed a little when we came in."

"I originally planned to come later, which would be more convenient, but I didn't expect these spectators to be ambushing me outside. I miscalculated."

He said with a calm expression on his face, as if that was really the case.

After hearing this, Qin Ming's eyes twitched and he was about to cry without tears. He knew clearly that Kong was lying, but he couldn't expose it. Everyone was here. Although it was a little late, it would be great if he was not late!

Didn't you notice that the three education committee members looked away with "joyful smiles"?

"After all, this is a recommended team. It's normal for everyone to be enthusiastic. Get ready. You will be the first to enter the venue later!"

Qin Ming is not entangled in this matter. It would be great if they can come. What else can he say?

Besides, neither Zhao Wuji nor Teacher Zhao is the enemy of this person. Qin Ming, after thinking about it, let it go.

"Okay, everyone, get ready."

It's said to be preparing, but in fact it's just a break, just entering the venue. What's there to prepare for?

When Sora and others appeared in the rest area, the entire rest area was a little boiling.

In fact, it has an empty appearance, more than a celestial being!

"The captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, is he so young? He looks less than sixteen!"

"Yeah, isn't Yu Tianheng the captain? He seems to be just a team member now, which is strange."

"Yu Tianheng is a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. His position as captain is actually given up?"

Everyone is confused, but there are still people who know the truth.

Shui Yue'er, who had already returned to Tianshui Academy, hurriedly walked towards Kong again.

"Xiao Qi's vision is good. This one is called Kong. I'm moved."

"Yes, Yue'er looks like love..."

"When she comes back, we must question her carefully!"

The girls of the Tianshui team laughed and said, only the captain Shui Bing'er looked at Shui Yue'er's back in a daze, her sister was much braver than her, whatever she liked, she dared to go directly to her.

She couldn't do it. Whether it was a girl's reserve or managing the Tianshui team, she didn't have time and didn't dare, for fear of being rejected.

The blond lady's appearance was a bit better than hers and Yue'er's, but didn't Sora refuse the same?

At the same time, there were two figures walking towards Kong one after another. Their speed was a little faster than Shui Yue'er, and they arrived at Kong's side first.

"Song, I didn't expect you to join the Tiandou Royal Academy and become the captain of the first team. If I had known this would happen, Zhuqing and I wouldn't have run away."


The first sentence comes from Ning Rongrong, and the second sentence is from Zhu Zhuqing greeting Kong. As for Dai Mubai in the team, he was completely ignored by Zhu Zhuqing.

They have no relationship now and are strangers, so of course they have to be ignored.

"Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, hello."

Sora nodded and said.

"Things are unpredictable, I didn't plan to come, hey~"

"By the way, are you playing on behalf of Lanba Academy?"

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, and then shook their heads together.

Zhu Zhuqing, who usually had few words, was the first to say: "Due to our relatively low soul power levels, Rongrong and I did not participate in this edition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition..."

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