Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 210 210: It’s the opening ceremony after all, and the audience bought tickets!


The captain of the second team agreed so straightforwardly, but it made Tang San feel a little uncomfortable. After giving the captain of the second team a confused look, Tang San didn't see any problem.

The teacher leading the second team had a bitter look on his face. Their second team, the Emperor Dou Team, was still very strong. Even if Tang San wasn't counted, as long as they didn't meet the Five Elements Academy, it was almost impossible to lose.

However, they happened to draw the Blazing Academy, one of the five element academies.

The expressions of the three education committee members, Xue Ye and others changed, and they looked at Salas in confusion.

Could this guy be deliberately trying to embarrass their Tiandou Second Team?

Salas was really wronged in this matter, he really didn’t cheat!

It was luck, and it was completely luck to be chosen to fight between Blazing Fire Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the original work, he also had no intention of targeting Tiandou Royal Academy and Shrek Academy.

Regarding Tiandou Royal Academy, why didn't he draw the Five Elements Academy and directly defeat the Second Emperor's Team of Tiandou Royal Academy?

As for targeting Shrek Academy, that is even more nonsense.

I've never heard of an unknown college. Why should he target the platinum bishop?

As far as the lottery in the original work is concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is giving benefits to the second team of Emperor Dou, but Tang San and others are cheating!

"My drawing of lots is absolutely fair. I can swear by the honor of Wuhun Palace!"

After saying this, Salas returned to his seat and sat down, regardless of whether everyone believed it or not.

He sat under the right hand of Emperor Xue Ye. Even though he was just a platinum bishop, the height of his seat was at the same level as Ning Fengzhi.

After hearing this, everyone's doubts became much quieter. Salas had sworn on the honor of Wuhun Palace, so how could he cheat?

In Douluo Continent, everyone still values ​​​​the oath very much, especially high-level soul masters. The more powerful the soul master, the more so.

Once you swear an oath, there seems to be a pair of eyes watching you. If you violate the oath, your cultivation will not be smooth and it will be difficult to break through.

In severe cases, the body dies, the soul disappears, the martial soul is broken, and inner demons are haunted.

"I didn't expect that the first round of our first game would be the second team of the Imperial Fighter, haha..."

The members of the Blazing Fire Team laughed. In the eyes of ordinary high-level soul master academies, the Second Imperial Fighter Team was very powerful. However, to the Blazing Fire Team, the Second Imperial Fighter Team was no threat at all!

They wouldn't be able to meet the Huangdou team that was threatening and capable of defeating them before the finals.

"Don't be careless, it is Tiandou Royal Academy after all."

The leader of the Blazing Fire Team said with a smile on his face. Obviously, he also looked down on the second team, but, I must say this, to give Tiandou Royal Academy some face.


Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang and others answered quickly, but they did not take the second team seriously.

Again, it's just the second team. How much combat effectiveness can a team composed of a bunch of dudes have?

"Try to fight for as long as possible. After all, it is the opening ceremony and the audience bought tickets!"


Students with hot tempers like Blazing Academy know that they don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face. In the opening ceremony, winning over the opponent also gives the opponent face.

You must know that most of the subsidies for all soul master colleges come from the empire's finances. If they don't give the other party face, it's okay if the other party doesn't hold grudges. If they hold grudges, it will be difficult for them at Blazing Fire College in the future.

The player resting area is quite large, but Blazing Fire Academy is not far from the location of the second team of Emperor Dou.

After hearing these words, the others were angry, but they didn't say much. After all, Blazing Fire Academy made a good point, and they couldn't refute it. This was because their skills were inferior to others.

However, after hearing this, Tang San's expression became even weirder.

What on earth is this Blazing Fire Academy?

So "arrogant"?

The captain of the second team of Emperor Dou was relatively short in stature. The original vice-captain, the only female spirit master of the second team, was his girlfriend. Because of Tang San, she also became an official team member.

In this battle, knowing that he was no match for him, he naturally would not put his girlfriend in danger. No, he randomly found a substitute member and replaced you with his girlfriend.

"Tang San, I know the reason why you don't obey me as captain is because your strength has reached the Soul Sect level, just like me."

"This battle against Blazing Academy is your chance to prove yourself! If you can win, although the position of captain cannot be given to you, I can give you the command of the second team in the future."

The captain of the second team said with an unchanged expression.

Tang San's martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, a plant-type martial spirit, but he is facing a Blazing Academy with all fire attributes. It is almost impossible to win this match.

When Tang San plays, he has less chance of winning than when the captain of the second team plays.

After hearing this, Tang San felt that things were not that simple, but he couldn't explain it.

Does Blazing Academy have to be very strong to allow this playboy to say such a thing?

The combat effectiveness of Blazing Fire Academy should be considered at the bottom among the Elemental Academy, but their overall strength is not weak.

"Thank you very much, Captain."

Tang San said without changing his expression, his opponent was strong, but it didn't scare him. He was so conceited that even if his martial spirit was just a useless martial spirit like Lan Yincao, he would still be strong.

A hint of disdain flashed in the second team captain's eyes, and then he took his girlfriend to the side, too lazy to talk nonsense with Tang San.

To be honest, he should also thank Tang San. He had found all the excuses after losing this round.

In order to prove himself, Tang San had to seize the command of the second team. As the captain, he took the harmony in the team into consideration, so he reluctantly agreed.

However, Tang San was completely defeated...

Thinking of this, the captain of the second team gave Tang San a deep look, with a sneer on his lips. Tang San was definitely going to take the blame!

Moreover, he himself asked to take the blame. I can't blame him for this!

"Sora, who do you think will win between Team 2 and Team Blazing?"

As soon as Dugu Yan said this, he immediately attracted many eyes to look at the first team. They also wanted to hear the captain of the first team's evaluation of the second team.

Kong thought for a while and said: "The comprehensive strength of the second team should be ranked in the top ten in this qualifier. Although their lineup is simple, they can defeat all kinds of methods..."

When he said this, Kong was a little embarrassed. He had learned how the second team maintained the first team before they came, which made Kong slightly uncomfortable.

After a pause, Sora continued: "Except for the Five Elements team, it's hard for me to think of any team that can defeat such a second team."

"Of course, luck is also part of the strength. Although the second team started a little worse, who knows where they will get to in the end?"

That's right, Tang San, the original protagonist, is in the second team. If we lose this time, what if he explodes?

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