Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 213 213: Hello, sister-in-law!

Oscar is a food-type soul master and his cultivation speed is understandably slow.

What about Dai Mubai?

It took Dai Mubai two full years to break through from level 37 to level 41!

"There's something wrong with his training speed!"

"Wait, is there a possibility?"

Oscar pointed to his head and blinked at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai knew about that, that was the thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit head soul bone.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Not enough."

"Don't forget whose son he is..."


One thousand-year soul bone is certainly not enough to achieve such a big improvement, but what if there is more than one?

Tang San is the son of a titled Douluo, so giving Tang San a ten-thousand-year-level soul bone shouldn't be a problem, right?

"It can't be that we are too useless and he is too genius, right?"

"If it's Captain Kong, I admit it. Tang San is absolutely impossible!"

The corners of Oscar's mouth raised slightly and he smiled.

They guessed only part of the truth.

Tang San's Xuantian Kung plus two thousand-year-old soul bones gave him such a big improvement.

Oscar and others can only rely on meditation. There is no specific cultivation method, so the cultivation speed will naturally be slower. This is normal.

Ma Hongjun was different. He had accumulated a lot of experience and transformed the source of evil fire into soul power, so he was able to break through so quickly.

"It seems that we still have to work hard!"

Ning Rongrong sighed, it was normal to be inferior to Kong, but she didn't want to be compared to Tang San!

Even though she is an auxiliary soul master, her training is already full.

"Rongrong, you should calm down for a while. Soul Saint, you have reached your limit..."

Zhu Zhuqing turned his head slightly, lowered his eyebrows, looked at Ning Rongrong beside him, and said softly.


Ning Rongrong was stunned. Although Zhu Zhuqing's words were correct, she still felt something was strange.

"Damn Zhuqing, I will definitely find a way to break through Soul Saint!"

After Ning Rongrong reacted, she said angrily.

"I am a rare genius from the Qibao Glazed Sect, and I am the most likely to break through to Contra..."

When Ning Rongrong said this, the more she spoke, the less confident she became. Her family knew her own affairs. If the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda could not evolve, Soul Saint would already be her limit!

So what are you trying to do? It's just a soul saint, it will be achieved sooner or later...

Zhu Zhuqing also saw that Ning Rongrong was practicing like he was risking his life every day, so he reminded Ning Rongrong that hard work was both useful and useless for Ning Rongrong.

Soul Saint is her peak state.

The two women were silent. After just a moment, before the fight started on the ring, Sora returned to the rest area with a purple figure.

The three layers of thunder pattern on her waist were dull and dull. From here, it was not difficult to find that the person coming was not a shadow, but a general of thunder and lightning.

Holding General Thunder's hand, Sora led the general to his original position and sat down.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Ma Hongjun took the lead in shouting.

"Hello, madam, young master!"

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Everyone said hello to General Thunder and Lightning, which made General Thunder and Lightning somewhat uncomfortable.


After a moment of silence, General Thunder said.

"She is General Thunder and my wife."

Sora held General Raiden's hand and smiled.

Everyone rolled their eyes, was Sora just showing off? He must be showing off, right? !

Even though he already has a wife, why are so many girls liking him?

This makes Shi Mo, Shi Mo and others really puzzled!

Could it be that just because Sora is powerful, handsome, gentle, and has a powerful background...

Apart from these, what else is there?


Forget it, comparing people to each other is annoying.

"Sora, why don't they fight? Aren't they fighting spirits?"

General Thunder and Lightning looked at the ring and asked Kong in confusion.

"Well, they are still brewing."

Kong said with a red face and a heart that didn't beat.

This minute of preparation time is indeed a bit long. The one hour of waiting before was not this long.

"I see."

General Thunder nodded thoughtfully.

"One minute is up, the game begins!"

At this moment, the referee's voice sounded.


General Thunder turned his head and looked at Sora, whose face remained unmoved. She fell into deep thought again.

"Hmph, Blazing Fire Academy, let me test you guys!"

As the referee finished speaking, Tang San, standing at the back of the team, said: "The first soul skill, Blue Silver Coil!"

Blessed by the soul rings of three mandala snakes, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has already grown "scales" similar to those of mandala snakes.

Its toughness compared to the past is the distance between heaven and earth.

Just the first soul skill, several strands of blue silver grass flew out from Tang San's hands and twined towards the front row of Blazing Fire Academy.

The initial distance of this soul skill is fifty meters. With Tang San's current strength, although it cannot reach a hundred meters, seventy or eighty meters is still enough.

Huo Wushuang and others were just about to charge, but they were instantly entangled in the blue silver grass, which made them confused.

No, who the hell just comes up and unleashes soul skills! It’s also called a test wave!

This is not about martial ethics, okay?

A total of four people in the front row were all entangled tightly. They just didn't react.

"Humph, you don't have martial ethics!"

A flame burst out from Huo Wushuang's body, and then he struggled to break free from the restraints of the Blue Silver Grass.

The bluesilver grass that had just entangled him fell to the ground and broke into several pieces, like charcoal.

The other three Soul Lord-level Blazing Academy members also broke free from the shackles of Blue Silver Grass at this time.

"I thought your martial spirit had fire resistance, huh..."

Originally, they thought that Tang San's martial spirit had fire resistance, so they dared to come on stage, and they were still rushing to come.

I never expected that this "vine" had no resistance at all!

After hearing this, Tang San's face darkened. The fire attribute was really a great threat to him!

This attribute shouldn't exist!


Tang San shouted loudly, and was about to release his second soul skill, and then cooperate with the third or fourth soul skill to let the members of the second team of Emperor Dou beat Blazing Fire's front row. As a result, these people seemed not to understand what he was saying. ? ! Totally indifferent!

Didn't he say "disease"?

"Vice Captain, what's the hurry?"


"Go ahead, deal with the captain of the Blazing Fire Team first!"

Tang San said through gritted teeth.

"oh oh!"

"If you attack, just attack. It doesn't matter if you are in a hurry or not."

Xiong Wuhun's second team member complained, and then rushed towards Huo Wushuang and others.

Tang San: "What the hell are you!"


Taking a deep breath, Tang San finally calmed down a little. There was nothing to say to a teammate like this who was willing to die...

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