"Why does this evil soul master feel so weird..."

As Sora walked, he was reviewing what happened today in his mind.

Soul Saint, Evil Soul Master, Hunting Genius...

Wait, could it be because Shi Nian died two years ago and World Consciousness guided this evil soul master to Tiandou City in order to temper Tang San?

Then, Tang San didn't touch him, but he touched him!

Thinking of this, Kong shook his head, forget it, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it.

In the entire Douluo Continent, there were not many people who still threatened him.

"Hey, little brother, why do you look so sad?"

Suddenly, a sound interrupted Sora's thoughts. He raised his head in a daze and looked towards the source of the sound.

This is a woman who looks very charming. She cannot be said to be good-looking, but she is very attractive. She is the kind of woman who looks better the more she looks at her.

She looked to be in her twenties, and was over 1.7 meters tall. She was wearing a fancy dress, not a skirt, which was suitable for combat. She also had a purple medal in front of her body, which seemed to be awarded by Wuhun Palace.

What exactly it is, Sora doesn't know.

Beside her, there were two young men. One had red hair, was tall, and looked resolute. The other was a bit dull, silent, and his eyes were like eagle eyes, ready to attack.

Not far away from the three of them, there was this man wearing golden armor and heavy makeup on his face!


What's going on with this inexplicable feeling of familiarity?

Sora thought in a daze.

The characteristics of these three people reminded him of the three leaders of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace. The most important thing was the man with orchid fingers and heavy makeup!

He should be Yue Guan, Ju Douluo, right?

The strength, outside, is comparable, it should be Yue Guan.

They were not in Wuhun City at this time, so why did they come to Tiandou City?

"Boy, Nana is asking you something. What do you mean by not speaking?"

As soon as the red-haired young man opened his mouth, Sora confirmed their identities!

Licking Gou Yan will lead to a good death!

"Okay, don't scare people. After all, he is a noble of the Tiandou Empire."

The first half of Hu Liena's sentence was quite good, but the second half was a bit intriguing!

Kong was wearing the uniform of the Tiandou Royal Academy and did not wear any badges on his front. Hu Liena and others naturally classified him as a Tiandou noble.

Because, except for special circumstances, those who can enter the Tiandou Royal Academy are all noble members of the Tiandou Empire.

Non-nobles cannot enroll in Tiandou Royal Academy!


Good guy, just one day without wearing the badge of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, he encountered two provocations!

There was nothing we could do about the evil soul master from before. People knew that he was a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. He might have gotten into the crowd during the opening ceremony.

"Tch, he is indeed a waste noble. A few people are so scared that they dare not speak!"

Yan curled his lips in disdain. If Hu Liena hadn't spoken, he would have let Kong see the power of "civilians"!

"Yueguan, this red-haired guy needs a beating. If I take action, he will definitely be dead. Please help me teach him a lesson."

Kong said with an indifferent expression, and the momentum that belonged to him was unleashed on Yueguan. Of course, it only passed away in a flash.

After hearing this, Yue Guan, who was standing not far away, was stunned for a moment at first. Then, the momentum that hit his face made him shudder, and his whole body trembled. Fortunately, it was only for a moment!

The moon is numb!

What the hell!

Who is this "boy"? what's the situation?

Which "old guy" is he? The rejuvenation makes it clear to the man in front of him!

Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan were slightly startled and looked confused.

Yueguan, isn't this the name of Ju Douluo?

This person actually knows Ju Douluo!

Wait, what does it mean that if he takes action, Yan will definitely be dead?

So arrogant?

There was only one person with red hair present, and that was Yan.

"Boy, don't do it..."


Before Yan could finish speaking, Yue Guan appeared beside him at some point and greeted Yan with a slap on the face.

Even if the Title Douluo's blow controlled the power, Yan's body was still sent flying, spinning around in the air before falling heavily to the ground.

Hu Liena and Xie Yue opened their mouths slightly, wanting to say something, but they couldn't.

Why did the elder listen to that man and give Yan a lesson?

"I wonder if you are satisfied!"

Yue Guan did not look at Yan who fell to the ground, but said to Kong.

Although the aura disappeared in a flash, Yueguan was certain that the opponent's strength was definitely superior to his!

Either level ninety-six or level ninety-seven!

You said, you old guy, why do you want to rejuvenate and become like this!

He even went to Tiandou Royal Academy to study!

What's wrong with you!

"For the sake of Mr. Qian Daoliu, let's forget about it today. Don't provoke others when you go out!"

"Red Hair, do you remember?"

Kong said with an indifferent expression, not taking Yan seriously at all.

A licking dog wanted to express himself in front of the goddess, but as a result, the goddess ignored him at all and even looked down on him.

Of course, Hu Liena only regards Yan as her elder brother!

After hearing this, Yue Guan swallowed, Qian Daoliu?

Hu Liena and others may not know who this person is, because they dare not call him by his name at all, and even say that they do not know this person exists at all.

Martial Spirit Hall, great offering!

Former, former Pope!

The father of the former Pope Qian Xunji had reached the pinnacle of strength in the world!

Level ninety-nine, peerless Douluo!

Without waiting for Yan's response, Kong walked towards the restaurant without looking at the people. Yan is still a little confused now and doesn't understand why his respected elder slapped him!

After Kong left, Yan stood up. There was no resentment in his eyes, only confusion. He looked at Yueguan, wanting to know the answer.

"Yan, don't blame me for hitting you, I'm trying to save you!"

Yue Guan said as if he had seen through the doubts of the three people.

Of course Wuhun Palace is not afraid of a Titled Douluo, but it cannot yet offend a Titled Douluo because of a golden generation's bad words.

"Even though this man looks young, everything he says is true. If he takes action, you will definitely be dead!"

"He is very strong, I might not even be his opponent!"

"Also, you may not know what the name Qian Daoliu means. He is the great enshrinement in my Wuhun Hall's Enshrinement Hall..."

Yueguan said with a solemn face, the pressure Sora brought to him was too great, not to mention Sora also mentioned Sendaoliu!

After listening to Yueguan's explanation, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan were all dumbfounded.

That young man looked even younger than them. Could such a person be a titled Douluo that even Elder Ju was afraid of?

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