As time passed, the remaining fallen ones had no intention of escaping. Instead, they launched an attack on Tiandou's team regardless of their own safety, as if they had been hit by the "madness" buff.

"Is the Fallen so easy to deal with?"

Some college senior officials secretly thought that although they had suffered some losses, they had an advantage when facing the degenerates who had lost their minds.

Most of the fallen have evil souls and even more evil soul skills. However, in their suicidal attacks, they did not release their soul skills at all and relied solely on instinct like wounded beasts.

"Something's wrong, they're not in the right state!"

There were still some smart people in the crowd who instantly understood why. Of course, isn't this a good thing?

General Thunder did not release any skills, but relied on pure martial arts. The fallen who dared to approach her side basically cut them one by one, without the possibility of swinging a second sword.

"Hiss, who says women are inferior to men? This woman is really powerful! She has never even shown her soul ring. She kills a fallen person with one strike."

Some people couldn't help but gasped and murmured.

"It's too scary, that's a Titled Douluo! She also killed the opponent with one strike, and the opponent's martial spirit had no power to stop him!"

Fallen at the same level are much more powerful than soul masters at the same level, unless they have attribute restraints, such as Seraphim, a martial spirit that specifically restrains the fallen.

But General Thunder and Lightning is different. Judging from her appearance, she has not released her martial spirit!

The knife in her hand, she said before, was borrowed, which meant that it was not her martial spirit!

Qian Renxue's eyes twitched as she looked at General Thunder and Lightning who was killing the enemy. Is this woman so terrifying?

It seems that there is a long way to go to become the boss!

Qian Renxue's own strength, she knew very well, the combat power of the Soul Saint level was not weaker than that of ordinary titled Douluo.

However, she will never be as easy as General Thunder to deal with these fallen ones!

Even her attributes can perfectly restrain them!

"If it weren't for these burdens, the battlefield wouldn't be so anxious, right?"

Qian Renxue secretly thought that she could see that even General Leiden or Kong alone could perfectly deal with these fallen people.

However, because of these contestants, Sora and General Raiden were not able to perfectly unleash their skills.

Didn't you see Sora dragging most of the fallen away?

I’m just afraid of hurting these burdens!

"No, impossible!"

"He, how could he be so strong!"

Tang San's eyes were about to split, and his eyes were fixed on the figure in the distance. He was angry, puzzled, confused, and confused.

Is Kong really something that Tang San can defeat?

Tang San had never seen an attack of this level before. Even when Tang Hao fought with the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, there was no such terrifying celestial phenomenon!

"Even if my second martial soul absorbs all the soul rings that are more than 50,000 years old, it's nothing more than that, right?"

A crack finally appeared in Tang San's firm heart.

He had been practicing hard these days, and finally broke through to level 50 a few days before setting off on the road. Moreover, he also absorbed a ten-thousand-year soul ring for both spirits, and his soul power level reached the peak of level 53!

I was preparing to give Sora and the others some color in the finals. What was the result?

It's over before it even begins!

"Me, what are my efforts over the years?"

"What is the purpose of attaching a soul ring to the second martial soul?"

"I, Tang San, am not willing to give in!"

Tang San's eyes were bloodshot and his hair was flying. If he hadn't been wearing the clothes of Tiandou Royal Academy, he would have been treated as a fallen person.

Suddenly, an aura from the wilderness suppressed the entire audience. Everyone present was shivering, with chills on their backs and a look of fear on their faces.

The light of the Naginus grass in Sora's hand turned into a purple thunder and returned to his body. His right hand was slightly raised, and the change came from this!

The claws with dark golden lines are like a giant hand that covers the sky. There are white lines flowing on it. These white lines eventually form an unknown mark.

Slowly, the mark turned from white to black-red, and finally turned into red. This was a mark in the shape of a sword.

The dark gold terror claws also transformed from dark gold to black and red, and finally turned into red giant claws.

"Asura's claws???"

"Asura Realm???"

"What the hell, what's going on?"

Sora was stunned, looking confused and confused!

Good guy, this Shura God just cheated on him?

The God of Death domain can evolve, and has several different evolutionary directions.

The killing field is one of them.

After the evolution of the Killing God Domain, there is the Killing Domain, and finally the Shura Domain!

Forget about giving it to the field and reach full level as soon as you arrive?

Didn’t you say that you need to understand it?

Didn’t you say you need to evolve?

Can you have some experience?

Why is this Shura God like a licking dog...

Forget it, the Dark Gold Dragon Claw actually evolved into a divine weapon! ! !

Yes, from now on, it is not just a soul bone, but a weapon at the level of an artifact!

After the dark gold terror claws evolved, Sora's palms did not become larger, but turned into gloves similar to those made of metal. However, the style of these gloves was a bit eye-catching.

In the fist area, there are several spikes that reveal a cold light. Not only that, each knuckle is covered with barb-shaped spikes.

There is even a cold glow on the fingertips, which makes people shudder!

"An artifact with the potential to evolve into a super artifact, hiss~"

Even Sora couldn't help but gasp!

There are so many soul bones in the body that have not evolved, and the first soul bone to evolve into a divine outfit is actually this dark gold fear claw!

I really can't figure it out.

It can now be said to be a million-year soul bone, and at the same time, it is also an artifact!

Has four magical skills!

"Shura must have confused me by doing this!"

After feeling Shura's claws for a moment, Kong's expression became even weirder. The evil soul master is actually me?

Why this Shura claw is a demon claw instead of a divine claw, this already explains the problem!

After looking at the stunned crowd, and then at the remaining fallen ones, Kong slightly shook his right hand, and a ball of blood-red light spread out from his hand, gradually rising into the sky and turning into a blood-red "sun" .

Fortunately, the members of Tiandou's side were not affected by this "sun". As for the fallen, they seemed to have seen faith. They knelt down in front of the bloody sun with great piety, but their bodies seemed to melt like ice and snow.

During this process, there was no pain on their faces, only a touch of relief.

As the fallen ones died, their energy turned into pure blood energy, quickly sweeping towards the blood sun.

In a short time, the energy in the body, including the dead fallen one, was turned into the nutrients of the bloody sun...

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