Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 242 242: Huang Dou’s team is not a human being!

Wuhun City is different from other big cities. The people living here are either soul masters or relatives of soul masters. Almost everyone is related to soul masters.

At the same time, the concept of fighting the soul and respecting the strong is even stronger here.

Without any publicity, after two days of rest, the semi-finals officially began!

The venue for the competition was in the Great Fighting Arena of Wuhun City. The knights sent by Wuhun Palace to maintain the order at the scene were really helpless because there were too many people, because almost everyone in Wuhun City came!

The people who come to watch the game are basically soul masters, or they have a deep understanding of the soul master profession.

Only the real finals, that is, the competition for the top three, will be held outside the Pope's Palace. For young soul masters, this will be a supreme honor.

What kind of existence is the Wuhun Palace?

The Pope's Palace is the highest power center in the Spirit Palace. Being able to fight and compete here can be a life-long admiration for young spirit masters.

"Damn it, Huang Dou Team is too immoral, isn't it?"

"Although there is no match for them today, this is the opening ceremony of the semi-finals. They actually only have one team leader here?"

"If it weren't for tomorrow's draw, believe it or not, this team leader wouldn't even come?"


Don't say it, really don't say it!

If someone hadn't been required to draw lots, Qin Ming might not have come.

What can he do?

As the team leader, he must come to draw lots!

The team members can be willful and not come, because there is no way to lose, no matter what kind of opponent they face, it is impossible to lose.

But as a team leader, he can’t be willful!

"Hmph, just be arrogant, you are worthy of being a group of noble lords, they really have their own personalities!"

Yan clenched his hands into fists. This feeling of not being taken seriously made him very uncomfortable!

He is a monster who has reached the Soul King level at a young age. Except for Xie Yue and Hu Liena, he does not obey anyone!

"Okay, during the competition, just teach them a lesson. Only by trampling on their dignity in the ring will they realize how narrow their ideas are!"

Xie Yue patted Yan's shoulder and said coldly.

He didn't like to say much, but Yan was his good brother, and he didn't want to see Yan get angry like this.

Even he himself is very angry!

"By the way, Elder Ju asked us to pay attention to a man named Tang San in the second team of Emperor Dou, saying that he might be our strong rival for second place..."

When he said this, everyone in the golden generation, including Hu Liena herself, could not help but darken their faces.

What the hell?

A strong rival for second place?

How insulting!

But, that's a Titled Douluo, they can't refute it yet!

Tang San?

What is it?

Is he worthy of being compared with the golden generation?

"The second team of Emperor Dou is still the first in the promotion competition of Tiandou. These noble gentlemen...could it be that they spent money or Tiandou's side is too weak?"

"Okay, don't think too much, there will be their game later, you will know after you see it."

Tang San's eyes were a little dull, and he had been like this for several days.

The teacher who leads the second team of Huangdou Team sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart!

Could it be that Tang San was frightened by the Fallen?

The other playboys... ahem, the pillars of Heaven Dou, none of them have become like Tang San. When the corrupted ones attacked, they were very brave and did not flinch at all.

This is very normal. A dandy is a dandy. After all, his ancestors were the heroes who fought a bloody path for the common people. No matter how dandy he is, he still has to do it when faced with righteousness!

If he dies unexpectedly, the glory goes to the family!

"Tang San, the game is about to start, can you adjust your mentality!"

The teacher who led the second team of Huang Dou almost shouted at Tang San, he was very anxious, very anxious!

Without Tang San, can we win?

He still has some idea of ​​what is going on with the second team.

"Competition, what kind of competition? It's hopeless, I can't beat him at all..."

Tang San murmured subconsciously.

As soon as Jade Sky raised his hand, thunder was rolling, the sea of ​​clouds was boiling, and the bloody sun was in the sky.

He didn't even need to use a second sword to kill a strong man at the Contra level!

Moreover, Kong has now reached the Contra level and has eight hundred thousand year soul rings!

how to spell?

Even if he cultivates his second martial soul, and all of them have 100,000-year soul rings, he is barely qualified to fight against Sora.


"It's impossible to win, I'm bound to lose. All my hard work over the years..."

Before Tang San finished speaking, the teacher leading the second team couldn't stand it anymore, so he just waved his hand and acted like a big mouth!

He wanted to wake Tang San up, but he finally understood that Tang San was not frightened by the Fallen at all, but that his imaginary enemy was actually that monster!

What kind of strength do you have? Don’t you have any idea?

Compare yourself to others! Why do you have to compete with that monster!

A sound of "pop..." brought the confused Tang San back to his senses. He looked at the second team teacher in disbelief.

"How dare you hit me?"

"I just want to wake you up! You are a twin martial soul, so you are uniquely blessed!"

"Your talent exceeds ninety-nine percent of the genius soul masters on Douluo Continent. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are a genius that is not seen in a century."

"But why do you want to compete with a monster you've never seen in a million years?"

"Can't you just be normal and compare yourself to your peers?"

The teacher of the second team said in an ironic tone. To be a top-level teacher and also the leader of the second team, of course he has two skills.

"Tang San, twenty years from now, you will also become an admired being on Douluo Continent. Now, please recognize yourself clearly and don't think so much about what you have and what you don't have!"

After hearing this, Tang San's eyes finally showed some light.

However, he was still a little bit upset about the slap from the second team teacher!

Not everyone can hit him!

He remembered this slap!

Fortunately, the teacher leading the second team didn't know Tang San's thoughts, otherwise, even if he lost the game, he would rarely pay attention to Tang San.

Good intentions are not rewarded, and you still have to be remembered.

"Who is the opponent?"

Tang San rubbed his face and said.

This big mouth really hurts, otherwise he wouldn't be awake.

"An ordinary high-end college in the Star Luo Empire."

They were very lucky and did not encounter a strong enemy at the beginning. After winning this game, they can still have a day off tomorrow.

The semi-finals are not based on points. If you lose, you will really lose and you will be eliminated directly. The previously hidden combat power, soul skills, etc. will burst out at this time.

For opponents who have won previous battles, they may have lost on purpose in order to paralyze their opponents.

If you are careless and continue to hide your strength, you may lose!

"Hmph, besides him, I, Tang San, am not afraid of anyone..."

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