Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 250 250: Shocked the whole audience!

The Purple Star team is not a full-member soul sect team, but they have as many as six soul sects.

There are a total of seven players on the field, six of whom are Soul Sect level experts. Such a team naturally has the capital to be proud.

Even among the participating teams in the elite competition of the entire continent's advanced soul master academy, they are still among the top few.

The captain of the Purple Star Team is a young man who looks to be in his mid-twenties. He is about 1.8 meters tall and has an average appearance.

At this time, he was looking at Sora and the others.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

He didn't believe it, people like him couldn't win against the noble men on the other side!

Although most of them are descendants of Xingluo's nobles, everyone is different.

"Hmph, I will let you see my true strength!"

The captain of the Purple Star Team, with a soul power level as high as level 47, outstanding talent, and unruly.

Except for the eldest prince Davis, he refused to accept anyone!

"Game start!"

Warm up?

That's just a method used by the spirit fighting arena to arouse the emotions of the audience.

In the spirit fighting arena of Wuhun City, they simply disdain to use this method. The strong are respected and the losers eat dust!

Besides, the audience was so enthusiastic that there was no need for a warm-up!

As the Contra-level referee finished speaking, the arena suddenly "ignited"!

"Possessed by the evil fire phoenix!"

"Possessed by the Jade Phosphorus Dragon!"

"Possessed by the Black Tortoise!"

"Possessed by the Soft Bone Rabbit!"

In an instant, both sides completed the release of martial spirits and possession of martial spirits!

However, the members of Huangdou Team did not take the lead, but looked at the members of Purple Star Team in a joking manner.

At this time, the members of the Purple Star Team looked confused. Except for Xiao Wu, their jaws almost dropped to the ground!

Did they get it wrong?

Those are two black soul rings!

Two ten thousand year soul rings, one powerful soul emperor!

As for the others, all members of the Soul Sect!

Wait, their captain seems to have not released his martial spirit yet...

The originally noisy spirit fighting arena was now completely silent!

Good guy, in this elite competition of the entire continent's advanced soul master academy, a strong soul emperor level actually appeared!

A powerful Soul Emperor in his early twenties!


Everyone felt a chill on their backs. No wonder, no wonder the teams of the Tian Dou Empire, whether they were Blazing Fire or Tian Shui, all surrendered directly.

They simply can't beat the Imperial Fighting Team with a powerful Soul Emperor at their command!

And, what kind of monsters are the members of the Royal Dou Team?

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Martial Soul!

Evil Fire Phoenix! Although it doesn't look like that, it has the word "Phoenix" in it after all!

Xuanwu Turtle is one of the top defensive martial spirits on the Douluo Continent.

As for Yufeng, no one pays attention to him. Even if he is flying in the sky, his strength is not bad.

His martial spirit is not considered a top martial spirit, it is just a wind chime bird.

On the contrary, the most concerned people are Dugu Yan.

At a young age, he has already achieved the Soul Emperor level.

She has already broken the record for the fastest breakthrough to the Soul Emperor! (Record left by Tang Hao)

(The second is Qin Ming.)

This record is not accurate, but it can still explain many problems, that is, Dugu Yan definitely has the qualifications to be banned!


The golden generation looked at Dugu Yan and felt their scalp numb. They had worked so hard, and Xie Yue, who had the highest soul power, was only level 53!

Hu Liena is level 52!

As for Yan, it is only level 51!

"This Dugu Yan is actually a Soul Emperor!"

Everyone looked solemn. Although they had defeated the powerful Soul Emperor, they did not dare to be careless at all!

Martial soul fusion skills are not omnipotent!

What if the other party also possesses martial soul fusion skills?

It's not impossible!

"After we meet, we will first deal with the other miscellaneous fish, and finally besiege Dugu Yan! The Soul Emperor is not invincible!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely block her attack within a quarter of an hour!"

Yan patted his heart and said firmly.

He is a defensive and offensive soul king, so he should have no problem resisting a strong soul emperor for a quarter of an hour.

Yan's martial spirit is the ancient martial spirit Fire Lord, with fire attributes and earth attributes.

It is both a defensive system and an offensive system.

His overall strength is much stronger than most soul kings of the same level.

"Nana, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Hu Liena remained silent and looked pale, Yan asked doubtfully.

For Yan, how can competitions be as important as Hu Liena?

As long as Hu Liena opens her mouth, it doesn't matter if he doesn't find time to take revenge!

"Their captain, that boy, hasn't released his martial spirit yet."

Hu Liena said quietly.

After Hu Liena's reminder, Yan and Xie Yue quickly realized that, yes, Kong had not released his martial spirit yet.

A team may not be led by the captain, but by the control system soul master.

Under normal circumstances, the strongest one must be the captain!

At the same time, he is also the one with the highest soul power!

Dugu Yan is the vice-captain, which shows that her strength is only ranked second among the first team of Huang Dou!

Soul power and strength are like this.

It is very normal for girls to be captains in Douluo Continent. After all, the strong are respected!

As long as you are strong, there is no difference.

On the ring, Kong was moving at this time!

He calmly took a step forward, raised his right hand, and called!

The next moment, the entire spirit fighting arena instantly turned dark. You know, it's noon now!

It’s still midday in summer!

It actually got dark!

In an instant, dark clouds gathered, and thunder rolled in the dark clouds, as if it was going to rain.

In just a moment, a thunderbolt as big as an arm fell from the sky...



It fell into Sora's hands impartially!

In an instant, it turned into a long sword, it was Nagisa no Inamitsu!

Kong gently held a sword in his arm, and at this moment, there seemed to be hundreds of pairs of "eyes" behind him. These "eyes" opened in vain and turned into the appearance of a triple thunder pattern.

Hundreds of pairs of "eyes" formed a circle, hanging behind Kong like a soul ring.


Purple Star Team member: "..."

elder brother! No!

You release a martial spirit, causing a celestial phenomenon? ? ?

Even though Kong's soul ring hasn't been revealed yet, the members of the Purple Star Team are already devastated!

First there was the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor, and then there was such a terrifying existence... Yes, it was terrifying!

Who the hell would release a martial spirit like this!

Never heard of it, let alone seen it!

Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Yan were already numb at this time, staring blankly at the sky on the field.

As for revenge, Yan couldn't even think about it at the moment.

He seemed to know why Ju Douluo slapped him!

It turned out that they had misunderstood Ju Douluo and Kong!

He is not a soul sect or soul king at all, and he is not pretending in front of Ju Douluo at all!

Purple, purple, purple...


what's the situation? His soul ring...

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