Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 252 252: Kong, level 85 Contra, please give me some advice!

"I, Chen Xin, swear by my martial spirit that the true age of Yu Tiankang, the captain of the First Imperial Team, is only fourteen years and five months!"

After Chen Xin let go of Kong's wrist, he said solemnly.

After hearing this, the audience was all stunned!

Wuhun swears, what a serious oath is this?

On behalf of Sword Douluo Chenxin, he was definitely not telling lies.

Then the real age of the captain of the Royal Fighter Team must be just over fourteen years old.

"I, Yue Guan, swear by the honor of Wuhun and Wuhun Palace, the true age of Yu Tiankong, the captain of the first team of Huang Dou, is only fourteen years and five months."

After Yue Guan heard Chen Xin's words, he instantly came back to his senses. How could he have forgotten this incident? This was the time to gain a good impression!

If you don’t brush it now, when will you wait?

Kong never expected that when he used to play games, he was the one who favored the characters in the game. Today, he became an NPC and was favored by others!

"Oh my god, he has already reached the Contra level at the age of fifteen. If he waits another ten years, wouldn't he be able to reach heaven?"

"Don't say it, you really don't say it. I feel that this kid can break through the legendary realm and won't stop at level 99."

"Hmph, you still have to say, God, will the legendary god be born in our generation? If we can witness the birth of the god with our own eyes, we will die without regrets!"

Under the age of fifteen, Contra cannot be exaggerated. They would have never dared to think about such a thing before, let alone seeing it.

On the ring, all the members of the Purple Star team were numb.

Not only is he not pretending to be an old monster, he is only a little over fourteen years old.

Even if one is born with full soul power, it only takes eight years from the age of six to fourteen.

In just eight years, he has been promoted by about ten levels every year?

You must know that cultivation becomes slower in the later stages. Sometimes, it is normal to be unable to break through the first level in one or two years.

It's very abnormal for him to be like this!

After Chen Xin and Yue Guan helped Kong prove their age, they silently glanced at the captain and leader of the Purple Star Team before walking off the stage.

"I declare that Yu Tiantian, the captain of the first team of Emperor Dou, is fully in line with the age group to participate in the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy. Any doubts are invalid and the competition will continue!"

The referee said at this time.

At the beginning, he also thought that Kong should be some old monster in disguise. Otherwise, how could he be a Contra after practicing all his life?

The opponent can disguise the appearance, but cannot disguise the soul ring...

Wait, there seems to be something even more wrong with Sora's soul ring, right?

"Every time I fight or fight, I will never release my martial spirit a second time."

Kong said quietly, as if thinking about something.


The members of the Purple Star team were stunned. They would not release their martial souls for the second time. Could it be that their chance has come?

Is there a ghost here? !

Are his teammates just for show?

Besides, even if Soul Douluo doesn't use martial arts, Soul Sects like them can't touch it!

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Kong raised his right hand slightly, and the next moment, it turned into a dark red "glove".

"Yu Tiantian, level 85 Contra, please give me some advice!"


Please sir!

An eighty-fifth level Soul Douluo, let a group of Soul Sects teach you?

Seeing this, the contestants on Tiandou's side couldn't help but feel chills on their backs, break out in cold sweat, and tremble all over.

They have seen with their own eyes how powerful this "glove" is. It can be said that this glove played an important role in killing those fallen ones.

"Twin martial souls?"

The gloves were released directly by Kong, not taken out from the storage soul guide. They were either soul bones or martial souls.

Because it had very terrifying soul power fluctuations, everyone thought it was a martial soul.

"Hahaha, I just like how these people have never seen the world! This is not a martial spirit at all, but a soul bone!"

"The external soul bone can actually evolve into armor. To be honest, I didn't believe it at first, until I saw Kong's external soul bone evolve with my own eyes, and then kill everyone!"

"Do you think there is a possibility that the final appearance of the soul bones is also armor?"

At the beginning, the world did not think about this aspect at all, because the soul bone can only be an aggregate of energy. How can it evolve into armor?

However, after some people saw the Shura claws in their empty hands, their faces changed wildly, and they were surprised, stunned, and confused.

"God, artifact!"

"This is definitely an artifact!"

Especially Qian Daoliu, he knew that soul bones could evolve into "divine costumes", which were armor-like armors, because the divine costumes of the God of Angels were now in the enshrinement hall.

Those magical costumes are all dropped by the same kind of soul beast, and their age is all 99999 years!

Once all the divine costumes are fused, you can become the new God of Angels, and these soul bones will also evolve to the 100,000-year level.

He never expected that Kong's soul bone would have evolved to this point. It was so terrifying!

The final form of the soul bone is indeed armor.

That is, the divine outfit.

"This boy is really lucky, but why is the aura of this divine outfit different from Bibi Dong..."

"No, there is a big gap. He was not affected by this murderous intention. It was a very pure killing intention."

While Qian Daoliu was making comments, Bibi Dong was completely confused. She was actually afraid of the air... no, she was afraid of that claw!

What on earth is this, and why does an existence like her actually make her feel fear and fear?

"Don't, don't!!!"

"We surrender! We surrender!!"

Although the captain of the Purple Star Team is a bit stubborn, he is not a fool, otherwise he would not openly express his support for the eldest prince Davis, and he only admires Davis.

Can they really beat an opponent like Sora?

It was just a matter of momentum, and they were already trembling before they even used force.

"Purple Star Academy surrenders, Tiandou Royal Academy wins!"

As the referee's words fell, this match without a fight ended.

The referee looked at the people of Purple Star with some pity. They were the only remaining team in Xingluo. As a result, they encountered the strongest and most terrifying existence.

As a strong man at the Soul Douluo level, he has no problem acting as a referee under normal circumstances. Among the contestants in the Elite Competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy, the only one who stands tallest is the Soul King.

The results of it?

He felt like he couldn't survive a single move in the hands of a player!

Thinking about it this way, the referee felt quite pitiful.

If you can't even beat the players, how can you be a referee?

"Hey, it's so boring. I just want to show my face."

Yufeng murmured somewhat unhappily.

What can he do?

Can you still prevent your opponent from surrendering?

Who makes their captain so scary...

"Okay, take a look at Oscar, Oslo and the others, their envious looks..." (End of Chapter)

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