Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 255 255: It must be hard for him to marry such a wife, right?

Time passed and the day of the finals soon arrived.

Outside the Papal Palace.

The members of the Second Imperial Team and the members of the Golden Generation looked at each other and looked at each other.

What's going on with the First Team? Why didn't even the team leader come? Instead, the captain, Yu Tiantian, appeared alone at the position of the First Team.

What's happening here?

"Yu Tiantian, what's going on with you?"

The former captain of the second team asked in a low voice, but the one present was not a soul master?

They all pricked up their ears curiously, ready to see what Sora would answer.

After hearing this, Kong showed a wry smile, spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Everyone has food poisoning, and I am the only one who can run away... I am immune to all poisons, so I escaped."

"They can't come to the scene."

Yes, even Qin Ming, the team leader, was poisoned by food. Not only that, Dugu Yan was also poisoned!

Among the entire Huangdou team, Kong was the only one who could run fast, so he didn't get food poisoning and could still come to the competition.

"What? All of your Imperial Team have been poisoned except you?"

The former captain of the second team was shocked and his face changed wildly. What he immediately thought was that this must be done by Wuhundian!

Because it is impossible for the Imperial Team II to do this. Although they are competitors, they are from the same academy. The teacher leading the team cannot allow this. As students of the Imperial Academy, their pride also does not allow this. Do.

As soon as these words came out, the whole scene became lively.

Everyone looked at each other, this was the first time such a thing had happened since the Continental Senior Soul Master Academy Elite Competition!

Except for Yu Tiantian, the entire team was "annihilated"!

"Who could have poisoned this?"

"It can't be done by the Second Imperial Team..."

"Could it be... No, it's impossible! There is absolutely no way that my Spirit Hall cannot afford to lose!"

"Who could have done it?"

"The despicable method of poisoning in advance is really..."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Kong twitched his eyes and explained: "It's not what you think!"

Everyone subconsciously stopped talking and looked at Sora, wanting to see what he would say.

After saying this, Sora felt a little regretful.

How dare you say this kind of thing!

Feeling the scorching eyes of everyone, Kong finally said bravely: "Yes, it's my wife. She invited everyone to try the dishes, and that's why she got food poisoning. It's not her fault. After all, she is very good at cooking... …”


After hearing this, everyone present went numb!

Good guy! Try a dish, try a dish and the whole army is wiped out, how terrifying this dish is!

How did they bite the bullet and eat it?


Everyone wanted to laugh, but they looked at Sora with a dark face, and finally held back.

It must be hard for him to marry such a wife, right?


By the way, what Sora said before is immune to all poisons...

"Song, is this how your body is invulnerable to all poisons?"

Tang San said subconsciously.

Different from everyone else's focus, he was more concerned about Sora's so-called invulnerability to all poisons, rather than everyone's food poisoning.

Food poisoning is very normal. When some normal foods are mixed together, they may become poison.

For Tang San, a poison master, this was not a surprise at all.

If his guess was correct, Kong often ate such dishes, and with his own good soul power, he suppressed those poisons.

After getting used to it, it will naturally become invulnerable to all poisons!

After hearing this, Kong Huan was shocked and subconsciously looked at Tang San. Could this guy be thinking...

"Yes, that's how it came about!"

Sora nodded quickly without any hesitation.

"Not only do you have to eat, but you also have to eat more so that your body can develop immunity."

"I see!"

Regarding Kong's return, Tang San was thoughtful.

Everyone looked at each other. By doing this, can they really obtain a body that is invulnerable to all poisons?

For a long time in the future, the spirit masters present at the scene and the spirit masters who knew the news were all yelling, forget it, you tricked Tang San, but in the end you tricked us all!

At this time, Tang San believed Kong's lies. He planned to wait until the game was over to give it a try. If he could develop a body that was invulnerable to all poisons, it would be more convenient to make some poisons.

It’s okay to suffer a little during this process.

At this thought, the corners of Tang San's mouth raised slightly, Kong actually revealed such an important secret!

Tang San, who was thinking about cheating, had no idea how miserable he would be because of this!

In the finals, there are individual battles and team battles. Although only Kong is here from Huang Dou's team, it doesn't matter. He can just treat all his teammates as withdrawing automatically.

On the Golden Generation side, everyone looked at each other and felt that this was an opportunity!

Of course, in the individual battle in the morning, they were still no match for Sora, but in the team battle in the afternoon, as long as they won, they would be able to compete with Sora for the final championship.

The final battle is still a team battle, which means they can fight seven against one!

How is this not an opportunity?

This is an arena match, not a life and death fight. As long as Kong is knocked out of the arena, they can win.

"This is a God-given opportunity. Everyone, why don't you give it a try?"

"Try it, I agree! I'm somewhat unwilling to admit defeat like this!"

"I also agree. The entire Huang Dou team is like this. This is because God wants us to win!"

"Since we have been given the opportunity, if we don't seize it, we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

"Even if I lose, I want to lose in the ring instead of surrendering directly. Even if I am beaten until I can't get out of bed for half a year, I still want to give it a try!"

Seeing that no one had any objections, Xie Yue nodded and said, "Okay! That's it!"

"In the afternoon, try to take away the second team of Emperor Dou in one wave, and then restore your soul power to prepare for tomorrow's battle!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Everyone yelled loudly, for fear that others wouldn't hear.


Tang San:"……"

Imperial Fighter Team 2: "..."

Rarely, Kong Hui, Tang San and others were silent together.

Is it really okay to plot like this in front of them?

"If you really dare to play, I don't mind using only 50% of my strength to play with you!"

Sora smiled and said.

"You... stop looking down on others..."

Yan was quite angry at first, but after thinking about it, he rolled his eyes and said, "We are all so weak, how dare you only use 30% of your strength!"


Hu Liena and Xie Yue took a breath of cold air. Is this still the Yan they knew? When did he become so smart?

Based on their understanding of Yan, it is impossible for the other party to say such things!

After hearing this, Kong was stunned, glanced at Yan in surprise, then nodded and said, "If you can defeat Tang San and the others, yes!"

Three makes three percent... (End of this chapter)

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