Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 257 257: The general’s reputation has changed, and everyone has achieved a breakthrough!

In Duguyan's room.

At this time, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were trembling, it was the woman in front of them, it was her!

She is so "poisonous"!

Bai has the face of a married woman, but she can’t cook!

General Lei and Lightning sat on the stool, just "staring" at Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling without saying a word.


Absolutely not. The general would not have such emotions. They all "voluntarily" tried to judge. She can't be blamed for being like this!

After Kong opened the door, he was slightly startled when he saw this scene. What is going on?

How come there is a kind of original wife who catches the little...

No, he must be overthinking.

"General's wife, Sister Yan, Lingling, what are you doing?"

"What about the meeting?"

Kong asked doubtfully. He walked towards the three women cautiously, fearing that he would become a Shura field because he stepped into the door with his right foot first.

Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling: "..."

Is this like a meeting?

They are afraid!

Fight, both of them combined can't beat him.


Dugu Yan glanced at the sky, then at General Thunder and Lightning, his red lips slightly opened, but he hesitated to speak.

This feeling is like a thorn in the back, like sitting on pins and needles, like a lump in the throat!

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Kong said silently in his heart, and then looked at the innocent-looking General Raiden. For this "culprit", Kong could only smile helplessly.

Why is the general’s wife so obsessed with cooking?

Didn't Yingbao and General give up after he taught him for half a month?


That's right, the one in Liyue can't teach him, so he has no virtue and no ability!

"Sister Yan, Lingling, you guys have a good rest. I will be with you in the competition, don't worry."

"General's wife, let's go shopping! We haven't been to Wuhun City together yet!"

After hearing this, the three women's eyes lit up.

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were because this woman was finally able to leave their room!

General Raiden did it because Sora wanted to go shopping with her!

After Kong and Thunder General left, Ye Lingling breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Dugu Yan and said, "Yanzi, this eldest lady's cooking skills are really beyond words."

"I'm not exaggerating. As far as my Jiuxin Haitang lineage is concerned, there is no patient who cannot recover after treatment. However, at this time of judgment, there is really nothing I can do!"

"Lingling, don't cry, don't cry. From now on we just cook and keep her away from the kitchen. No wonder, no wonder Kong always wouldn't let her cook in person before. I finally understand."

Dugu Yan said with a pale face.


Ye Lingling had a determined look on her face, and her expression was full of determination.

"Hey, wait, my soul power..."

Suddenly, Ye Lingling frowned. She realized that her soul power seemed to have improved a bit. She had just broken through to the forty-second level and had already reached the peak of the forty-level level.

"Yanzi, there's something wrong with that judgment, it can increase soul power!"

"So far, apart from pain, no side effects have been found!"

Ye Lingling was shocked!

That terrifying food can actually enhance soul power? ? ?

After hearing this, the pale Dugu Yan also realized that something was wrong. Her soul power had also reached its peak state of level 62, and it was possible to break through to level 63 at any time!

"I've also felt it. It can indeed improve soul power. Wait, how does this thing match what I ate when I was 12 years old..."

Thinking of such a divine object, Dugu Yan's expression changed again. Could it be that the Judgment they ate yesterday was of the same level as that divine object?

If that's the case, isn't this lady too arrogant? ?

"Lingling, maybe we misunderstood the eldest lady this time. No, we should have misunderstood the eldest sister. What she gave us to eat should be a divine item! A divine item that can increase our strength without side effects!"

Dugu Yan said with a serious face.

"But, isn't the process of improving strength too painful?"

"No pain No gain!"

"You are worthy of being a big sister for being able to share something like this!"

Dugu Yan sighed. If she obtained such a magical object, she would only give it to Kong and Dugu Bo, plus one Ye Lingling at most. For others, don't even think about it!

At the same time, members of the Huangdou team, including the team leader, Qin Ming, discovered that their soul power had increased!

They were not fools. They thought about it for a moment and instantly understood what was going on!


Everyone took a breath. No wonder, no wonder General Thunder didn't look guilty at all. How could she feel guilty when she took out such a divine item and shared it with everyone?


Yufeng slapped himself, and then said: "I, Yufeng, am really not a human being! Just now I complained in my heart that my eldest sister can't cook!"

Seeing the slap marks on Yufeng's face, everyone understood that he was sincere!

"It's time to fight! How can we not have any complaints in our hearts even if we don't say anything about sharing such a divine object with us before we understand its intention?"

After Qin Ming said this, he also gave himself a big mouth. You know, he ate the most during the ruling.

The improvement is naturally the biggest!

But he had complained secretly before, how could he be worthy of others?

Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Oslo, Yu Tianheng and others also followed suit and gave themselves a big mouth.

When Sora and General Raiden came back, he was confused. What happened?

Why is there an extra slap mark on everyone's face?

Also, how could they look at the general with such gratitude? ? ?

Wasn't it like this before?

As night fell, while sleeping, Sora could still faintly hear sounds like clapping and I'm really not a human being!

This makes Sora even more confused, what is going on with these guys?

In the afternoon's match, Team Wuhun finally won. No matter how strong Tang San was, there was no way he could win with the members of Team Huang Dou holding him back.

He is completely equivalent to one against seven!

Tang San possesses the soul bone of the Thousand-year-old Silky Bone Rabbit head, which makes him immune to Hu Liena's charm, but the members of the Second Team of Emperor Dou are not. In less than a minute after the show started, they all stepped down.

Later, Hu Liena and Xie Yue used martial soul fusion skills, and together with Yan and others, they besieged Tang San...

It's not easy to win this one!

If God Shura hadn't given up on Tang San, as the protagonist, he could still have fought back with all his strength, but unfortunately, he had become an outcast.

After throwing away the halo of the protagonist, he is not a team opponent at all.

Although powerful, it is limited.

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!!!"

"After so much effort, why can't I even get second place?"

"It's them, they must be some noble children who have dragged me down!"

"As long as I have the same teammates as Sora, I will never lose in this match!"

Tang San found the cause of the problem, but unfortunately it was too late.

The next day, outside the Pope's Palace.

"The finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Tiandou Royal Academy vs. Martial Soul Academy, has officially begun!" (End of this chapter)

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