Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 268 268: Rebellion against Tiangang

Tiandou City, in Lanba Academy.

Because Flanders and others did not arrive, Lan Ba ​​Academy is still Lan Ba ​​Academy, not Shrek Academy.

This is a high-level soul master academy that only recruits civilian soul masters. After graduating, the students here usually stay in the academy to teach and become teachers.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were currently studying at Lanba Academy. There was nothing they could do about it. They had not taken fairy grass, and their soul power levels were only over thirty.

They can graduate from ordinary high-level soul master colleges, and they can also graduate from Lanba College, but they are too young, so it is normal for them to stay in the college to study for the time being.

"Okay, Sora, as soon as you came here, you went straight to my student and completely forgot about my aunt, didn't you?"

Liu Erlong said angrily to Kong, looking at her face, she was still very happy.

"Aunt Erlong."

Dugu Yan shouted, while Kong rolled his eyes. If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't been here, he wouldn't have bothered to see this "poisonous" aunt!

After hearing Dugu Yan's name, Liu Erlong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, looked at Dugu Yan with a smile on his face, and said: "Yanzi, the matter between you and Kong is finally done. This kid has been a piece of wood since he was a child. Sometimes he doesn’t understand girls’ hearts, so please be more patient.”

"If he bullies you, come and tell Auntie, and Auntie will scold him for you!"


Dugu Yan's face turned red. Obviously, she had a different understanding of this bullying. She quickly waved her hand and said with a smile: "Thank you Aunt Erlong. Kong is very good and won't bully me."

After saying this, Dugu Yan blushed and looked down at his toes, his eyes a little evasive.

Liu Erlong: "???"

No, you are blushing...

what's the situation?

Liu Erlong looked confused. Since Dugu Yan said that, Nakong should be very nice to her, right?

After taking a look at Kong, he saw that this guy was really affectionate. It wasn't enough to have him, so he also accepted Dugu Yan. That's right, they were childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, and they could be regarded as lovers and finally got married.

"Hmph, if my man dares to do this, I'll break three of his legs!"

Liu Erlong thought to himself.

Kong is her nephew, and it is a good thing for Liu Erlong to have so many girls like him. It is a good thing for Liu Erlong to achieve good cultivation. Of course, if she encounters this situation, it is absolutely unacceptable!

"Aunt Erlong, please don't talk to me anymore. You are so young and have no place to live. The second master is very anxious!"

Kong said quietly, these three aunts and eight aunts have not settled their own affairs, but they care about others.

Liu Erlong is over forty this year. Because of Yu Xiaogang's mess, she is still single. Poor Yu Luo Mian, she is looking forward to the stars and the moon...

"I'm so old..."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Erlong felt as if he was struck by lightning. He stood stunned on the spot, his red lips slightly opened, but he stopped talking.

Thinking about it carefully, she seems to be really old, but she doesn't look old either! She looks like a girl in her twenties!

When Liu Erlong came back to his senses, he found that Kong, Duguyan, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong had disappeared.


This nephew deserves to die!

How could anyone say that about aunt?

If he hadn't run so fast, he would have given Kong a taste of the iron fist of love!

Although there is a high probability that she can't beat that kid.

"I have already moved on from that incident, and I am indeed quite old. Should I find someone?"

After a while, Liu Erlong fell into deep thought again.

On Kong's side, he followed Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing towards the dormitory.

Although Lanba Academy only recruits civilians, this does not mean that Lanba Academy is short of money. On the contrary, Lanba Academy is very rich!

Being able to build Lan Ba ​​Academy in Tiandou City, and in the original work, Kamikaze, Blazing Fire, Tian Shui, and Thunder all shamelessly came to ask for admission five years later, which shows that Lan Ba ​​Academy is really very rich!

You know, the history of these element colleges is very long!

This is mainly due to the support of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and Yu Luo Mian taking care of it in the dark. Otherwise, how could Liu Erlong, the Soul Saint, be able to support such a huge Blue Tyrant Academy?

Colleges without financial support should be like Shrek College...

"Sora, I have some good news for you. I've reached level 34! Isn't it amazing?"

Ning Rongrong put her hands on her hips and looked proud. Her thoughts had changed. She no longer compared herself with the monster Kong Kong, but only compared herself with her peers.

At her age, coupled with her status as an assistant, she is level 34, which is indeed very, very powerful.

At the very least, when Ning Fengzhi was this age, her soul power level was not as high as hers!

Ning Fengzhi: "Xiao, you are too filial!"

Kong thought for a moment, showed a wry smile, and said, "Awesome, Miss Rongrong's soul power level has already exceeded 99.99% of her peers."

This was not a lie to Ning Rongrong, but it was the truth.

Fourteen years old, the thirty-fourth level auxiliary weapon Soul Master is definitely ahead of many geniuses of the same age.

Oscar only broke through to Soul Master at the age of fourteen. Of course, this was also due to his lack of resources.


Ning Rongrong smiled stupidly, as if she had thought of something, and continued: "Zhuqing has also worked hard. She is now level 36."

"By the way, Sora, what level are you at now?"

At the end of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Kong was at level 85 Soul Douluo. According to Kong's talent, he was probably at level 86 now?

Yes, Ning Rongrong thought so.

In the past, she always thought that it was more difficult to achieve breakthroughs in the later stages of cultivation, and this was the same for everyone.

However, since she witnessed with her own eyes that breaking through the void was as easy as drinking water, she gave up on this idea.

People's constitutions are different. Monsters like Sora should not be bound by so-called common sense!

"Level eighty-six."

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought!"

After receiving Kong's reply, Ning Rongrong once again showed a proud expression, as if she was the one who made the breakthrough.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw this, he looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

While Ning Rongrong was talking about herself, she had not forgotten her bestie. Such feelings moved Zhu Zhuqing deeply.

This is also the reason why Zhu Zhuqing told Kong that the matters between them should be kept secret first.

Ning Rongrong: "The clown is actually me?"

"Speaking of soul power level, part of the reason for coming here this time."

Zhu Zhuqing is his empty woman, so it is very necessary to strengthen his wife.

As for Ning Rongrong, she was just incidental!

"Song, are you going to teach us how to practice?"

Ning Rongrong's eyes were shining brightly and she said excitedly.

If I can get Sora's guidance, rapid progress shouldn't be a problem!

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