Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 274 274: Return to God, dowry!

The person who came was none other than She Long, one of the titled Douluo who secretly protected Qian Renxue.

She Long looked at Kong with a strange look. How old is this young man?

His soul power level is almost catching up with his!

Of course, in terms of combat power, She Long could never be Kong's opponent. On this point, he still had some points.

Qian Renxue suddenly found herself free. He didn't know what the specific matter was, he only knew that it was something important.

Qian Renxue didn't say anything, and She Long couldn't ask any more questions.

After hearing this, Sora nodded, thoughtfully.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Thank you, Your Majesty She Longmian, for informing me."

Kong probably guessed why Qian Renxue was looking for him.

There are three possibilities. One is to prepare to overthrow Xue Ye's rule.

The second is to obtain the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

The third type, which is the most likely, is that Qian Renxue misses him and simply wants to see him...

This is not idle speculation, it is very possible.

Qian Renxue has done this kind of thing before.

Under the cover of night, Kong followed She Long Douluo to the Crown Prince's Mansion. Both of them were very powerful. There were almost no one around Tiandou City who could spot them.

After a familiar journey, Kong went directly to the study of "Xue Qinghe". She Long Douluo did not follow, but guarded the outside with Thorn Blood.

Entering the room, what caught his eye was Qian Renxue's beautiful face. The two looked at each other, and Qian Renxue threw herself directly into Kong's arms, looking at each other in silence.

After a long while, Qian Renxue said: "Song, do you know? That woman is so angry this time! Hahaha..."


His mouth was slightly open, but he stopped talking.

No way, Qian Renxue came to him to share this, right?

Thinking about it carefully, Bibi Dong must be furious, not because Wuhun Palace lost, but because Qian Renxue joined forces with Kong to slap her in the face...

How can you not be angry about this?

"as long as you are happy……"

Kong's words were not meant to be ridiculing, but to be realistic. As long as Qian Renxue was happy, that would be fine. As for Bibi Dong, the mother-in-law, that was not something he should consider.

"Sora, by the way, I already got the dowry I talked about last time!"

When she said this, the corners of Qian Renxue's mouth raised slightly, feeling very proud.

"Oh? How did this old man Xue Ye agree to take out the national treasure?"

Sora asked with some confusion.

Although this Vast Sea Universe Shield is of little use to the royal family, it is a treasure after all.

Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Qibao Glazed Sect, repeatedly asked for gifts or transactions, but Xue Ye refused. It can be imagined that it is not an easy task to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover from Xue Ye.

"Thanks to you for this..."

Qian Renxue said quietly, staring straight at Sora with her beautiful eyes.

"Thanks to me?"

Sora was confused, what did he do?

In the original work, Tang San at least saw through Qian Renxue's conspiracy and allowed Xue Ye to live a few more years.

Only then was he given the Vast Sea Universe Cover and the title of King with a Different Surname.

But he didn't do anything, right?

"Yes, you joined the Tiandou Royal Academy and won the championship for the empire in the elite competition of the entire continent's advanced soul master academies."

"And, with one person's power, he can save the future of the empire and kill hundreds of fallen people..."

"You are young, only fourteen years old, and you have already reached the Contra level. If I hadn't known that you were the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and couldn't accept the title, Xue Ye would have been prepared to make you a king with a different surname..."

"By the way, among them are the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy. They asked Xue Ye to give them rewards..."

Yes, the three education committee members were the first to speak up about this reward. As the most outstanding student in the history of Tiandou Royal Academy, Kong is one of the most outstanding students!

After making such a big "contribution", how can there be no reward?

Not just a reward, but a big reward!

How could he, the majestic Tiandou Royal Academy, be the largest "wealthy family" in the entire Tiandou Empire and be looked down upon by other academies?

Emperor Xueye, as the dean of Tiandou Royal Academy, this matter naturally requires his consent, and the reward must be decided by Xueye.

In order to win over the genius Kong, Xue Ye gave the national treasure, the Vast Sea Universe Cover, in order to establish a good relationship with Kong in advance.

Kong is destined to become the pinnacle existence on the Douluo Continent. With this level of investment, in the future, it will only be good for the Tiandou Empire!

Qian Renxue's words made Kong suddenly realize that it seemed that the people on Douluo Continent were not stupid. However, Xue Ye's plan will eventually come to nothing.

After saying this, Qian Renxue took out an antique box from the storage soul guide. This box looked very simple. There were many patterns on it, and it itself exuded a refreshing fragrance... …

The box itself is a treasure.

"Hey, my dowry is inside!"

Qian Renxue smiled faintly, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and her expression was extremely gentle.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Kong smiled and then took the box from Qian Renxue's hand.

The Vast Sea Universe Shield was of no use to him. As for why he wanted to get it, it was to prevent people like Zhang San, Li San, and Tang San from getting it.

Opening the box, the room suddenly flashed with aqua-blue light, and the Vast Sea Universe Cover came into view.

It looks like a natural, transparent blue crystal, and the lines on its body are also natural...

Kong held the box in his right hand, took out the Vast Sea Universe Cover with his left hand, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Just when he was about to take the Vast Sea Universe Cover back, a sudden change occurred!

I saw the Vast Sea Universe Cover, emitting soft light blue light, suddenly erupting with a strong light.

Kong, Qian Renxue: "???"

At the same time, in the God Realm, at the Poseidon Mansion.

Poseidong looked confused, then ecstatic!

The Heart of Poseidon, which was once on the Douluo Continent, was actually attracted by someone!

This Poseidon's Heart has definitely found a suitable inheritor!

"Wait for me to take a look!"

Gods cannot interfere in the human world, but that does not mean they cannot observe their own "inheritors"!

For just a moment, Poseidong was completely stunned!

Good guy, is this really human? ?

No wonder it can trigger the Heart of Poseidon. Even without his inheritance, it would only be a matter of time before someone could reach the level of Poseidon.

"Look, what did I find?"


What a win!

This "inheriter" is simply perfect!

"Wait a minute, the one next to him seems to be a descendant of the God of Angels?"

"It really is!"

"Are she and this god, the inheritor, a couple?"

"Ha, this kid is lucky..."

Although the Ninth Poseidon Examination has not started yet, since Poseidon's heart has chosen this young man, in Poseidon's heart, Kong is his successor...

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