Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 281 Chapter 281: Changes in Tiandou Palace

Today is a special day, and it may be the beginning of subverting the entire Douluo Continent...

Qian Renxue has long been prepared to take action today to overthrow Emperor Xue Ye's imperial power.

Nowadays, everyone in the Tiandou Imperial Palace is her people, inside and outside. Even the defenders of Tiandou City are also replaced by people from Wuhun Palace.

Almost all of the 50,000 Royal Knights have defected to "Xue Qinghe".

Because of the Ten Faces Incident, that is, the stabbing incident of Avalanche, all the Royal Knights who captured Ten Faces were secretly executed!

Originally, everyone didn't know about Ten Faces and the Royal Knights, but among the Royal Knights who were executed, there were a few who left behind.

That is to say, the whole thing was recorded!

This incident made the Royal Knights who knew the news panic, and some of them had experienced such an incident in their families...

In the end, no one knew who it was, slowly gathered these royal knights who were dissatisfied with the royal family, and spread the word to ten, and then to a hundred...

Why fight?

Just loyal to the royal family?

No, they are the knights who protect the people of Tiandou!

What the royal family does is no longer what they should be loyal to.

I don't know who said that the prince "Xue Qinghe" has a kind heart and does not treat the people like a royal family at all. Instead, he is very close to the people.

As a royal knight, it is difficult to change your mind and overthrow the royal family. They are not only knights who protect the people, but they are also loyal to the royal family.

Since the prince "Xue Qinghe" is better than Emperor Xue Ye, why don't they help the prince become emperor?

In this way, they are still loyal to the royal family, but they have just changed their loyalty.

In any other world, these knights would be scolded for their ideas...

When "Xue Qinghe" comes to power, won't he deal with you royal knights?

If you can support one "Xueqing River", then you can help the second "Xueqing River"...

However, this is Douluo Continent!

There is nothing wrong with the Royal Knights thinking this way.

"Xue Qinghe" led Kong, She Long, and Xue Qing into the palace with rapid strides.

This was the first time for Kong to come to Tiandou Palace. This place was much more luxurious than he had imagined. Even if he had reached level ninety-nine, even if he had been a man for two lifetimes, he was still a little shaken.

It’s so luxurious!

He shook his head and threw away the strange thoughts in his mind.

He can't, at least he shouldn't.

When the guards saw "Xue Qinghe", they just regarded it as air and had no intention of blocking it.

When we arrived all the way to the main hall, we encountered a little "change".

"Qinghe, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry!"

The corners of Xue Ye's mouth raised slightly, as if she had known that these things would happen.

Although he looked extremely weak at this time, his eyes were as bright as an eagle's, like a sick tiger.

At this time on the snowy night, a man was sitting in the main hall, the surroundings were empty, and there was not a single serving servant.

"Qinghe, your eldest brother, third brother, and fourth brother should all be killed by your men, right?"

"I have always misjudged you. Among the princes, you are the only one who hides the deepest. I always thought that you were kind-hearted and too kind-hearted to be an emperor. Unexpectedly, you gave me a big surprise. What a surprise!”


When he said this, Xue Ye coughed twice, and a mouthful of blood smeared across the corner of his mouth, but he did not make any move and said nonchalantly: "You also sent someone to poison me, right?"

"Qinghe, you hide it deeply enough!"

After hearing this, Qian Renxue's face showed no emotion, and she even wanted to smile. Until now, Xue Ye thought he was Xue Qinghe.

"Yes, it's all done alone!"

"Nowadays, everyone inside and outside the palace is alone. Why don't you abdicate?"

Qian Renxue said expressionlessly.

"Haha, abdicate? Qinghe, now that your eldest brother, third brother, and fourth brother are all dead, who will the throne be passed to if not you?"

"Is it possible to pass it on to my good-for-nothing brother?"

"Originally, after a hundred years, the throne will naturally fall into your hands."

"If you kill them or poison me, I don't blame you. If you change people and win over the Royal Knights, I also don't blame you, because the future is yours!"

"But, can you tell me why we need to cooperate with Wuhun Palace?"

"The fight for the throne and forcing me to abdicate are all things you can and should do."

"But you should never, never cooperate with Wuhun Palace!"

Xue Ye stared straight at the "Xueqing River".

How to fight for the throne is always in the hands of one's own people, but if Xue Qinghe cooperates with Wuhun Palace, is this huge Tiandou Empire and the ancestral foundation ready to be ruined?

Even if he passes the throne to that good-for-nothing younger brother, he can't possibly ruin his ancestor's legacy.

"Xue Ye, you said so much, do you have a choice now?"

Qian Renxue curled her lips, Wuhun Palace belongs to her family, what does it mean to cooperate with Wuhun Palace?

"What's wrong with cooperating with Wuhun Palace? Is there anything bad about Wuhun Palace?"

"The Wuhun Palace helps civilians awaken their martial souls, giving all civilians the opportunity to become strong."

"The Wuhun Palace provides subsidies to civilian soul masters, so that when they are weak, civilian soul masters do not have to worry about making a living, let alone commit crimes for making a living..."

"Martial Soul Hall is cleaning up the corrupted people across the continent so that civilians don't have to worry all day long. Tell me what's wrong with this?"

After hearing this, Xue Ye almost got mad to death!

Does this traitor know how stupid, ignorant, and unfathomable his thoughts are?

"You traitor! Do you know how stupid you are?"

"Martial Soul Hall, helping civilians awaken their martial spirits is to win over people's hearts!"

"Once those civilians gain strength, they may overthrow my Xue family!"

"Is this a good thing? If we want the empire to last for a long time, the Clay Legs will have to be Clay Legs. They won't have the chance to become stronger!"

"Martial Soul Hall issues subsidies? All of them are taken from the treasury of the two empires!"

"If it hadn't been for the Wuhun Palace to interfere, our Tiandou Empire would have unified the continent thousands of years ago! How could there be the disputes we have now?!"

"Sweeping out the fallen, huh, they're doing nothing more than gathering faith to sweep away the fallen! This is their method, and it's profitable."

"You're such a traitor! You're such a traitor!!"

Qian Renxue, Kong: "..."

There seems to be nothing wrong with Xue Ye's words.

If Wuhun Palace hadn't interfered and "mediated" the disputes, the Tiandou Empire would have unified the entire Douluo Continent long ago.

It is impossible to let the Star Luo Empire develop.

Isn’t it normal for the royal family and nobles not to give ordinary people a chance to come forward in order to consolidate their own strength...

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