Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 313 313: Tang Chen: It turns out to be your boy!

The scene changed. On this day, a piece of news spread throughout Douluo Continent!

"What? The identity of Yu Xiaogang, the fake master, was announced by Wuhun Palace?"

Yu Luo Mian looked confused and asked with some doubts.

"Yes, second in charge."

"The abandoned son Yu Xiaogang stole the Wuhun Palace and our sect's Wuhun knowledge, and revised and published it, which was exposed by the Wuhun Palace."

After hearing this, Yuluo Mian became numb.

At the beginning, for the glory of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, even if he hated Yu Xiaogang, he did not expose this matter. After all, this was considered a family scandal and could not be made public.

However, I never expected that that woman would take the initiative to expose this matter.

This caught Yuluo Mian off guard.

He was not worried about what would happen to Yu Xiaogang. Whether Yu Xiaogang died or not had nothing to do with Yu Luo Mian.

He is just worried that the glory of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect will be damaged!

"What the hell, even though we kicked him out of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, he can still cause such trouble!"

Yu Luo Mian murmured, clenched his fists, and continued: "If I had known earlier, I should have killed him with my own hands. At worst, I would have been beaten up by my eldest brother, or I would have paid for my life with one life."

"In this case, the glory of my Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect will never be damaged!"

Seeing Yu Luomian's somewhat dazed look, the disciple who reported to him nodded in agreement.

"If I knew where Yu Xiaogang was, why would the Second Master take action!"

"very good!"

After hearing this, Yu Luo Mian looked at this disciple with satisfaction.

Suddenly, the disciple seemed to remember something, his eyes lit up, and he continued: "Well, Second Master, the glory of our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect does not seem to be damaged."


After hearing this, Yu Luo Mian frowned and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

"The Wuhun Palace has explained that before Yu Xiaogang stole the knowledge of the soul masters of the Wuhun Palace, he was kicked out of the sect by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect because of his corrupt character..."

The Wuhun Palace described the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect as the master of suffering, although it also cost them a little face...


"It seems that Wuhun Palace still has some self-awareness!"

Yu Luomian crossed his arms and said proudly.

His Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has a god, the Spirit Hall?

Even if that person is still alive, he is only at level ninety-nine.

No matter how strong you are at level 99, you are still just human!

"Go down and tell us that within the sect, it is forbidden to talk about Yu Xiaogang, this loser, traitor!"

"I don't want anyone to still be talking about this before Big Brother comes back!"

Yuluo Mian said calmly.


After the disciple left, Yu Luo Mian snorted coldly. As long as Yu Yuan Zhen didn't know about it, it would be a small problem.


"What if my eldest brother also finds out about this while he is outside?"

Suddenly, Yu Luo Mian scratched his head and thought of a possibility.

He can only pray now that Yu Yuanzhen can't hear these rumors.

"Never mind, just let fate take its course."

Can Yu Yuanzhen hear it?

How can he have time?

He is not on the Douluo Continent, but on the sea...

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen is helping Xiaobai, the Demonic Great White Shark, to kill the Demonic Killer Whale King.

With his level 99 strength, killing the evil killer whale king was no big deal.

Both Xiaobai and the Evil Killer Whale King are a little numb!

Is this the inheritor who just inherited the Poseidon inheritance?

What left Xiaobai speechless the most was that among the nine Poseidon tests, one of them had something to do with her.

"In the hands of the demon soul Great White Shark Xiaobai, hold on for as long as one stick of incense!"

Xiaobai’s whole fish was numb!

Is Lord Poseidon sick?

She's just an ordinary hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, okay!

This inheritor is actually a peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine!

He is not a pseudo-demigod who has just broken through to level 99, but his strength has already reached the demigod level!

Yu Yuanzhen was actually quite speechless. If this sea god released water, he wouldn't release it into the sea, right?

Well, He is originally the God of the Sea...

Is that so?

Let a demigod hold on for a stick of incense in the hands of a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

At that time, Yu Yuanzhen carefully reviewed the questions and thought over and over before accepting the assessment.

When fighting Xiao Bai, he didn't even dare to release his fifth soul skill, fearing that he would accidentally kill Xiao Bai on the spot.

Let him stick to the stick of incense. What if he wins, or beats Xiaobai to death, and the mission fails?

Just like this, Xiaobai was extremely scared, fearing that Yu Yuanzhen would beat her to death, so she directly paddled the water and burned a stick of incense.

One person and one fish, a perfect understanding.

Seeing this, Poseidon, the god of the sea, smiled.

This Yu Yuanzhen is indeed very suitable to inherit his position as a god. Of course, the most suitable person for Yu Yuanzhen is to inherit the position of God of Thunder. Unfortunately, it is impossible for Sora to become a god, so he should just retire on the spot?

"That guy in the deep sea has turned into a dragon. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a god. Do you want to use this test to get rid of him?"

After thinking for a while, Poseidong shook his head. Let him think about this matter after Yu Yuan Zhen becomes the God of the Sea.

Even if Deep Sea becomes a god, it is just a mythical beast without the status of a god. It is a majestic first-level god. It is not easy to kill it.

With Yu Yuanzhen's current strength, it is still too difficult to kill Shenhai, unless there is a god secretly helping...

"Forget it, I'm about to leave the God Realm. What else do I have to worry about?"

Finally, Poseidon shook his head and murmured.

Killing the evil killer whale king went very smoothly.

Just when Yu Yuanzhen was about to start the next assessment, he actually saw Tang Chen!


"Chen, you, how could you do this?"

"Xier, I failed...I failed to fulfill our agreement..."

"Chen, you..."


Yu Yuanzhen was numb. The combined ages of these two people were over three hundred, right?

You even feed him so much!

Good guy!

It turns out that Tang Chen also arrived at Poseidon Island?

It also has something to do with the Poseidon Island Great Enshrinement...

"It turns out it's Yu Yuanzhen, you boy. That's okay. You've actually reached level ninety-nine."

Tang Chen looked at Yu Yuanzhen and said.

Yu Yuanzhen: "..."

Well, the old guy Tang Chen is indeed much older than him.

He is considered a person of his father's generation.

When Tang Chen reached level ninety-nine, Yu Yuanzhen had not yet broken through to Soul Saint...

As if he thought of something, Tang Chen looked at Yu Yuanzhen again and said, "You'd better complete the first eight Poseidon exams within a year!"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Yuanzhen was a little confused and didn't understand what Tang Chen meant.

On the contrary, Bo Saixi was shocked. She understood what Tang Chen meant!

Tang Chen is preparing to sacrifice on her behalf...

Without you, how can I live alone.

Bo Saixi didn't say anything, just looked at Tang Chen blankly...

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