Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 316 316: Asking for help from Wuhun Palace?

"Your Majesty, do you want me to hand over the Tiger Talisman?"

King Balak was stunned and looked at "Xue Qinghe" in disbelief.

He, the Balak Kingdom, has supported the Tiandou Empire for generations and has never been disobedient. However, the new emperor asked him to hand over the Tiger Talisman?

Without the Legion, how could he control the Kingdom of Barak? How to defend the Kingdom of Barak?

Wait, "Xue Qinghe" is going to take back the enfeoffed land!

After thinking about this, King Balak's eyes changed slightly when he looked at "Xue Qinghe".

"Xue Qinghe" nodded, but didn't say much. What should be said has been said.

Next, it depends on King Barak's decision.

Seeing this, King Balak fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he said: "Your Majesty, do you want to take back only the Balak Kingdom, or all of it?"

If he just takes back the Balak Kingdom, he will never be able to hand over the Tiger Talisman.

This is forcing them to rebel!

Still have to do the opposite.

Otherwise, their branch would be useless.

On the other hand, although they will still lose, and they may lose miserably, their branch will be able to leave a name in history.

It's forced!

It was the new emperor who forced them to rebel!

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I want to take back all the land, gather the strength of the whole country of Tiandou, and start a war with the Star Luo Empire!"

"I do not want internal strife. Our soldiers should not die in the hands of our own people, but should expand our territory!"

"Xue Qinghe" said righteously.

After hearing this, King Balak frowned.

If Wuhun Palace hadn't blocked it, the Tiandou Empire would have unified the Douluo Continent long ago.

It is impossible for the Star Luo Empire to develop into what it is today.

Nowadays, the new emperor has the ambition to unify the Douluo Continent and reclaim the land. This is because he is afraid that there will be a fire behind his back during the war with the Star Luo Empire.

"Have you ever thought about Wuhun Palace's obstruction?"

King Barak said bluntly.

In his opinion, it would be easy for the Tiandou Empire to destroy the Xingluo Empire, but the Spirit Hall would stop it.

This is a big trouble!

As one of the kings of the Tiandou Empire, it is natural to believe that the Tiandou Empire is stronger than the Star Luo Empire.

If he didn't even have this kind of self-confidence, how could he be the king of the Balak Kingdom?

"There is nothing to be afraid of Wuhun Palace. My old friend will help me warn Wuhun Palace when the time comes."

"Xue Qinghe" said with confidence.

Old friend? Warn Wuhun Palace! ?

King Balak's eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and he hesitated to speak.

If he guessed correctly, the entire Douluo Continent could warn the Wuhun Palace, so that they would not dare to act rashly... No, it should be said to be a god now!

There is only that one!

I never expected that "Xue Qinghe" would actually have friendship with any god.

No wonder, no wonder he could rebel...ahem. Successfully ascend to the throne and assume the role of emperor!

"I see."

King Balak sighed and continued: "Your Majesty, I can hand over the tiger talisman, but you have to promise me one thing!"

"As long as you agree to this, I am willing to swear on the honor and martial spirit of the Xue family to return the land and tiger talisman."

After hearing this, "Xue Qinghe" was stunned.

Sure enough, as Kong said, the Balak Kingdom was the most loyal to the Tiandou Empire.

We have come to this point, and we are actually willing to hand over the tiger talisman and the land.

"Say, as long as I can do it."

"Xue Qinghe" said without changing his expression.

"Your Majesty, I have only one request. As long as the Tiandou Empire lasts, protect my lineage for one day. We don't need the empire to give us money. What we have accumulated by ourselves is enough for future generations."

King Barak said directly.

If you rebel, the money will basically be confiscated.

However, he was able to keep the money by directly handing over the Tiger Talisman and making this request.

After thinking for a moment, "Xue Qinghe" nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

"As long as the Tiandou Empire still exists, your lineage will always enjoy wealth and honor!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

King Barak sighed again.

"After they arrive in Tiandou City, I will go back to get the Tiger Talisman."

This was to prevent "Xue Qinghe" from overthinking, and at the same time, it was also a trick to the other kings.

If he suffers the consequences himself, others will not be able to fare well either.

The most important thing is to let "Xue Qinghe" know his determination.

If he goes back now, will "Xue Qinghe" suspect that he will rebel if he goes back?

It's very possible!

"Xue Qinghe" nodded, this King Barak is very wise.

It's not easy. Finally, he has solved a king and has a good start. This is a good thing for Qian Renxue.

As time passed, the kings of the kingdoms and principalities within the Tiandou Empire arrived in Tiandou City one after another.

Qian Renxue followed suit, and in the end, only two kings would rather die than surrender!

They are unwilling to give up the rights they have received, for themselves and for future generations.

They would rather have a chance encounter with the Tiandou Empire than hand over the Tiger Talisman.

King Barak showed a trace of sarcasm on his lips!

Among all kingdoms and principalities, the national power of the Balak Kingdom is one of the best.

Being called the granary of the empire is no joke.

At this point, he didn't even dare to touch the Tiandou Empire.

I really think those 50,000 royal knights are just decorations!

Are those two too confident, or do they have some trump cards?

Mainly confidence and expansion.

A kingdom and a principality, they were the first two to surrender after the establishment of the Wuhun Empire.

They have long been disobedient, how could they agree to "Xue Qinghe"'s request?

Hand over the tiger charm?

They are not fools!

Seeing this, "Xue Qinghe" breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was only one kingdom and one principality that did not agree to hand over the Tiger Talisman.

"You can only fight, and you must fight beautifully! Let others not have other ideas!"

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue released these two people directly and asked them to go back and prepare early.

Afterwards, they immediately mobilized their troops and sent 40,000 royal knights to accompany them in the battle.

When the other kings saw this, they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, and their backs felt cold. This new emperor was serious about it!

"He" is not just talk...

Thinking of this, they instantly felt that they were very wise.

The Tiandou Empire has ruled for so many years, and it has never relied on powerful soul masters, but on invincible legions!

The two kings were almost crying. What the heck, are you so playful right from the start?

You know, the Royal Knights are different from ordinary legions!

Those who can enter the Royal Knights basically have some soul power.

Even if the soul power level is not high and cannot be compared with the Death Soldier Legion, that is, Sora's current fanatic believers, it is not comparable to ordinary legions.

The war is about to break out.

The two kings had no choice but to resist to the death, and they secretly sought help from the Wuhun Palace...

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