Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 32 032: Two sentences revealed Ning Rongrong’s true colors

He was polite to Air Passenger because Li Yusong did not dare to offend Air Passenger, so he was cautious and polite.

As for others, they are beyond the realm of politeness.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were at the forefront.

Xiao Wu's expression was tangled. The other party hadn't done anything to her yet. Did he not notice her?

She wanted to escape, but she was afraid that the other party wanted to find a place where no one was around, and if he attacked her again, it would be really cool.

"Teacher, let's sign up!"

Tang San looked at Kong and Dugu Yan, murderous intent flashed through his eyes. The other party was the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and he was not someone Tang San could offend at the moment.

He also quickly hid his murderous intention.

The humiliation brought to him by the other party will be doubled when he grows up!

A gentleman's revenge is never too late!

After speaking to Li Yusong without changing his expression, Tang San took out twenty gold soul coins from the Twenty-Four Bridge on a Moonlit Night and put them into the registration box.

He nodded to Dai Mubai, who was looking at him, and then faced Li Yusong.

Dai Mubai glanced at Tang San and Xiao Wu, then suddenly, his eyes turned to Zhu Zhuqing, who lowered his head and couldn't see his toes.


People may admit their mistakes, but the feeling coming from this martial spirit is unmistakable.

"She... could it be her?"

Dai Mubai thought in confusion.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu finished the process, Ning Rongrong was next.

After Ning Rongrong walked to the front of the table, she did not pay attention to Li Yusong first, but said to Kong and Dugu Yan: "Yu Tiantian, Sister Yan, long time no see."

After hearing this, Dugu Yan didn't even raise her eyes. She had already noticed Ning Rongrong. For this little witch, Dugu Yan didn't even bother to say hello to her.

I heard that those people from the Qibao Glazed Sect were tortured a lot by this little witch.

With the support of two titled Douluo, and her father being Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, who in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect would dare to offend her, Ning Rongrong!

Everyone looked at Ning Rongrong with puzzled faces. Does this girl know the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the young master's companions?

The origin of this person is probably not simple!

"Ning Rongrong, the last time we met was one year and three months ago. For us soul masters, this time is not too long."

Kong said expressionlessly.

Ning Rongrong: "..."

Everyone: "..."

What is it that makes you remember it so clearly?

"Jade Sky!"

Ning Rongrong stamped her feet, her gentle and virtuous lady's posture disappeared instantly, and she shouted angrily.

"Don't call me, I won't play with you."

Kong waved his hand and said indifferently.

This eldest lady actually wanted to play pranks on him a year and three months ago!

Just kidding, what a contemptible person he is to be tricked by Ning Rongrong!

In the end, it ended with Ning Rongrong running out of the back of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect in tears.

Sora has always remembered this.

Ning Rongrong: "You really deserve to die!"

Gritting her teeth, her little face was tangled together, but she had no idea what to do.

If you fight, you will definitely not be able to defeat him!

Even if you scold him, you can’t scold him!

One year and three months ago was the dark history of her Ning Rongrong's life. She had almost forgotten it even if it was nothing to mention!

"With my talent and my soul power, I will definitely live longer than you."

"Maybe when I am still young, you will be gray-haired and dying."

Kong just looked at Ning Rongrong and said.

How long can a soul saint live? It only takes a little longer than ordinary people.

But Kong is different. When he traveled through time with Ying, he was "transformed" by Ying into an immortal species.

Even if you can't live forever, you can still live for tens of thousands or a hundred thousand years without being killed.

After such a long time, if he still can't become a god, just wipe his neck with a naginata!


"I'm going to strangle you to death..."

Ning Rongrong had just started to grow up at this time, but this guy was talking about things happening in a few decades!

Thinking of what she would look like decades later, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but shudder. After shouting, she pinched Sora's neck with both hands.

But how could she, a little auxiliary soul master, succeed!

Dugu Yan slapped Ning Rongrong's pinched hand away and said with a gloomy expression.

"Miss Ning, please respect yourself! Not everyone can take advantage of Kong."


Ning Rongrong's hands failed, and her little hand was slapped, which made her extremely aggrieved.

"Hmph, do you think everyone is the same as you and cares about him?"

After saying something unconvinced, Ning Rongrong found Li Yusong staring at her in confusion, and she said angrily: "What are you looking at? Sign up!"

Then he put ten gold soul coins into the box.

Li Yusong was numb. Where did this young lady come from?

Such a bad temper!

Being able to recognize the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect explains their identities...

Forget it, let Flanders have a headache.

"Release your martial spirit..."

Ning Rongrong regained his temper and released his martial spirit. For a moment, colorful brilliance filled the entire place.

Fortunately, it was daytime, so the brilliance was not so obvious...

"Seven Treasures Glazed Tower!"

Li Yusong opened his mouth slightly and murmured.

He suddenly realized that she was the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect! Knowing the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, it’s not surprising.

"Does your family know that you are here?"

Li Yusong still asked, the eldest daughter of the direct descendant of the Qibao Glazed Sect came to a shabby place like Shrek Academy... Ahem, it shouldn't be!

"Aren't you educated and ignorant? Why do you ask so many questions!"

Ning Rongrong said angrily.

She couldn't make it in vain and couldn't beat Dugu Yan, so she could only put her anger elsewhere. Obviously, this old man was very suitable!

Li Yusong looked at the sky speechlessly, sighed, and then said: "Okay, you passed the first level."

"Little girl over there, do you want to sign up too?"

After Li Yusong responded to Ning Rongrong, he looked at the last person, Zhu Zhuqing, who lowered his head and couldn't see his toes.


Zhu Zhuqing nodded and put ten gold soul coins into the box.

Ning Rongrong saw that this old guy actually ignored her. It didn't matter if he left immediately or if he didn't leave.

After thinking about it, she walked aside and stared at Kong and Duguyan fiercely.

It's their fault. Originally, she was planning to pretend to be a gentle, kind and kind young lady.

In the end, with just a few words, her true colors were revealed!

I’m so angry!

"Huh? Little girl, you are only a little over eleven years old?"

Li Yusong looked at Zhu Zhuqing doubtfully. For the first time, he had doubts about himself as the Soul Emperor.

The bone age of the little girl in front of me is actually only eleven and a half years old! This makes Li Yusong a little unbelievable!


Zhu Zhuqing nodded and replied softly.

Dugu Yan looked at the eleven-year-old girl, then looked down at her eighteen-year-old self. For a moment, Dugu Yan was silent...

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