Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 322 Chapter 322: The passionate Golden Crocodile Douluo

Suddenly, a big hand was placed on the Contra's shoulder, making him shiver.

"Master Wind Wolf, you don't think you can escape, do you?"

The corners of this man's mouth were slightly raised, as if he were curling his lips.

"You, what are you talking about... I can't understand!"

"Oh, who do you think told the Thunder God Temple about your matter?"


After saying this, the man laughed a few times, with a trace of joy and murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

His strength is lower than that of the Wind Wolf Sect Master. If he trades his life, he will lose in the end.

No, let him find a chance!

After hearing this, the face of the Wind Wolf Sect Master changed and his eyes widened. He was angry and confused.

Now that we have broken the skin, there is nothing to hide.

"I have no enmity with you, why do you want to harm me like this!"

The leader of the Wind Wolf Sect shouted loudly and asked angrily.

After hearing the conversation between the two, everyone subconsciously looked towards them.

I was originally looking for who had attracted the Saints from the Thunder Temple. Unexpectedly, in an instant, someone completed the self-exposure.

Everyone was also a little confused as to what happened to them to make a Contra-level small sect leader use such despicable means to take revenge!

Is this considered a snitch?

"No injustice or enmity?"

"You think you hid it well?"

"If I were not afraid that Wuhun Palace would not care about your affairs, and that you had joined Wuhun Palace in advance, I would not have snitched on you like this."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people in Wuhun Palace darkened. Their Wuhun Palace has been established for tens of thousands of years and has been making contributions to Douluo Continent!

"Shuzi, how dare you do this!"

Jin Crocodile and others, as well as a group of elders, glared, but they did not leave directly.

"This person's talent is not enough to break through to the Contra level. Because of the mutation of his martial soul, he has the talent to absorb blood energy."

"At the beginning, he was relatively honest. He only absorbed the blood of the soul beast and did not do anything harmful to the world!"

"In this case, you can't be considered a degenerate."

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Martial spirits are innate and may mutate the day after tomorrow. This is normal.

Similar to the Wind Wolf Sect Leader, he absorbed the blood of soul beasts to practice and did not kill ordinary people or soul masters, so he was not considered a fallen person.

The face of the leader of the Wind Wolf Sect changed. How come this person is so familiar to him?

It was as if his every move was controlled by this person.

"After the Master of the Wind Wolf Sect broke through to level 70, he was not satisfied with the current speed of cultivation, so he turned his attention to ordinary soul masters."

"Oh, you really deserve to die!"

"You said we have no grievances or grudges?"

"My son was killed by you..."

At this point, the man's eyes turned red and he did not continue.

"Isn't this a fallen person?"

Everyone present was very disgusted with the Fallen. Even "villains" like Hu Yanzhen, they disdained to associate with the Fallen.

After a long while, the man continued: "If the God of Thunder had broken through to become a god a year earlier, you would never have been able to break through to the Contra level."

"Fortunately, I caught the opportunity. I happened to catch you massacring ordinary villages..."

"Now, do you have anything else to say?"

The Wind Wolf Sect Master's eyes were red. He didn't expect that he was not exposed on his own initiative, but was instead reported to someone!

This feeling made him very unhappy.

"I have nothing to say!"

Having come to this point, the leader of the Wind Wolf Sect is quite tough.

"Those are just ordinary people. It is their honor to be able to bring me one step closer to my soul power cultivation!"

"If I can reach the level of Titled Douluo, they will be considered worthy of death!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. This Wind Wolf Sect Master was not only depraved, he was also seriously poisoned!

Where is this place?

This is the Wuhun Palace!

It's okay if he doesn't say this, but once he says it, can Wuhun Palace let him go?

Well, the saints from the Temple of Thunder are chasing him, and it is understandable that he has lost his mind!

At this moment, a purple light emerged from the Pope's Palace, and in just a moment, it pierced the chest of the Wind Wolf Sect Master.

His eyes were about to split, he hesitated to speak, and his face instantly turned purple.

"It is also an honor for you to be the nourishment for this Pope to reach a higher level!"

"The Wind Wolf Sect must be destroyed!"

In an instant, the leader of the Wind Wolf Sect was refined.


"It's His Majesty the Pope!"

"His Majesty the Pope, she is angry!"

Hu Yanzhen and the others were trembling, and their eyes became very clear.

Is this the peerless strong man?

Killing Soul Douluo is even easier than killing Kun!

Tuoba Xi felt even more scared. He didn't think Yu Yuanzhen couldn't do this!

Judging from Bibi Dong's expressiveness and coercion, her level may be lower than Yu Yuanzhen!

That said, if Yu Yuanzhen really wants to kill him...

"What is the Holy Dragon Sect? From now on, there is only the Earth Dragon Sect! I am not afraid of Yu Yuanzhen, nor am I afraid of the God King of Thunder!"

"This sect leader is seeking truth from facts!"

Tuoba Xi secretly thought, thinking about it this way, he felt much better!

Suddenly, everyone looked at the dead Wind Wolf Sect Master, and then at the Papal Hall.

They were a little confused. Is His Majesty the Pope a degenerate?

This question is worth pondering!

"Knights Templar obey!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong's voice sounded in the Pope's Palace.


"Destroy the Wind Wolf Sect!"

"Justify the name of my Wuhun Palace!"

"The Thunder Temple is not the only one doing things like clearing away the darkness. Before them, my Spirit Temple was always doing it!"

"It was always you Templars who did it!"

"Soldiers, don't feel aggrieved. We also use practical actions to tell the world that Wuhun Palace has never changed and has always been guarding Douluo Continent in the light..."

As Bibi Dong's words fell.




Several elders looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan in confusion.

Even Bibi Dong in the Pope's Palace was stunned.

What's going on with this old thing?

"As expected of the Pope, this is the magnanimity a Pope should have!"

"Bibi Dong, although you, the old pope, still don't approve of it, you are more like a pope now."

"This trip will be left to me..."

The somewhat enthusiastic Golden Crocodile was slightly startled when he said this.

Only then did he remember that Qian Daoliu had just gone out!

Once Qian Daoliu leaves, he, Jin Crocodile, will become the most powerful being in the Enshrinement Hall and cannot leave without authorization.

Thinking of this, Jin Crocodile changed his tone and continued: "I will let my sixth and seventh brothers personally lead the team to eradicate evil!"

"After wiping out the Wind Wolf Sect, and then sweeping across the entire Douluo Continent twice, I don't believe it. These guys still dare to come out and cause trouble!"

At the critical moment, Demon-Conquering Douluo looked at each other. The two looked at each other, and the corners of their eyes twitched...

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