Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 331 331: If there is an afterlife

"Tang Chen is still so naive!"

Qian Daoliu thought secretly.

If he died, how could Bo Saixi survive alone with his character?

Love, indeed, is still so unreasonable.

Qian Daoliu definitely knew Bo Saixi better than Tang Chen, but in the end, Bo Saixi chose the somewhat naive Tang Chen.

Suddenly, Tang Chen seemed to have thought of something, and then he said to Qian Daoliu: "By the way, old man, I want to ask you something."

Qian Daoliu: "..."

After a moment of silence, Qian Daoliu said: "Speak!"

What con man? Make him look like a lowlife.

"How is the Haotian Sect doing now?"

Tang Chen blinked and said.

After he came out of the Killing City, he followed the guidance of God Shura and found the "inheriter".

After handing the Shura Demonic Sword to the other party, who extended his life for one year, he went straight to Poseidon Island without even thinking about it.

As for the Haotian Sect, Tang Chen did not return.

"Haotian Sect, the current situation should be fine. They have returned to the mountain range that you and I agreed on back then."

Qian Daoliu said without hiding anything.


As soon as these words came out, Tang Chen's mind was filled with questions.

what's the situation?


Qian Daoliu sighed and said, "This is a scandal for your family and a scandal for my family. Do you really want to know?"

"Don't always be like this, talking about something! What happened?"

Tang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Back then, your two grandsons, Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, met Ah Yin, the Blue Silver Emperor who had transformed into a human being after a hundred thousand years..."

"In order to obtain Ah Yin's soul ring and soul bone, Tang Hao deliberately took the pregnant Ah Yin around. In the end, the news reached Ji'er..."


Qian Daoliu recounted what happened that year, and Tang Chen's expression turned ugly.

His fists were clenched and his eyes were flashing red.

Bo Saixi hugged Tang Chen's arm at this time, which calmed down the extremely angry Tang Chen.

He didn't want to attack Qian Daoliu. Tang Chen never thought that Qian Daoliu might lie.

Tang Chen had never doubted Qian Daoliu's character.

What he was angry about was Tang Hao, his unsatisfactory grandson!

If you want a hundred thousand year soul ring, go hunt it yourself!

With the Great Sumeru Hammer in hand, it is no problem to deal with ordinary hundred thousand year soul beasts.

Why use such despicable means!

The reason why the Clear Sky Sect became the number one sect in the world was not because of how powerful the Clear Sky Hammer was, but because Tang Chen defeated it bit by bit!

Whoever disobeys will be beaten!

Until one day, he met Qian Daoliu who thought the same thing...

The gears of fate began to turn.


Tang Chen didn't know what to say and sighed.

"The face of the No. 1 sect in the world has been completely shamed by him."

After saying this, Tang Chen shook his head.

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu seemed to have thought of something, with a smile on his face and his eyes twinkling.

Showing affection, right?

He came at a bad time, right?

"Tang Chen, you don't have to be so angry. I didn't kill that boy Tang Hao back then."

"Ji'er also did something wrong in this matter."

"However, your grandson is really capable of death!"

"It's not good to assassinate anyone, go and assassinate Kong..."

"He is the inheritor of the gods, and there is a terrifying existence beside him that I can't even understand."

"What do you think he was thinking?"

Qian Daoliu said with an innocent look.

After hearing this, Tang Chen was stunned, empty?

Could it be that God King of Thunder, and at the same time, he is also the inheritor of God Shura?

If he remembered correctly, the God of Thunder, the person to whom he handed over the Shura Demonic Sword... God. It’s just empty!

Tang Chen: "0.o"

Tang Hao is such a smart person, why would he assassinate the inheritor of the gods?

He was numb, really numb!

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little heavy.



Qian Daoliu nodded and said without changing his expression.

"Song, I know. I am still indebted to him for his great kindness."

"Unexpectedly, he knew that I was Tang Hao's grandfather, but he was still willing to help me survive."

"What a god, Tang Hao... what a ****..."

"I originally thought that Tang Hao would be the best candidate to inherit the name Haotian. It seems that I was wrong."

"He didn't embarrass the Haotian Sect, did he?"

This Him naturally refers to emptiness.

"No, he has been a god for more than a year and has not caused trouble to the Haotian Sect."


Tang Chen sighed again, not knowing what he was thinking.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Not knowing how long it took, Tang Chen took out a few items from the storage soul guide and handed them to Qian Daoliu.

"Good brother, I want to ask you a favor before I die!"

Tang Chen had a small golden hammer and several books in his hand.

This is the Haotian Order and the Great Sumeru Hammer (including the explosive ring).

"Help me send the Haotian Order and my unique skills to the Haotian Sect."

After hearing this and looking at Tang Chen's expectant eyes, Qian Daoliu finally nodded, then took the thing in Tang Chen's hand and put it into his storage soul guide.

"You're not afraid of me..."

"Don't be afraid!"

Before Qian Daoliu could finish his words, Tang Chen waved his hand and said, "To be honest, I have spent the longest time with you in my life."

"I know very well what kind of person you Qian Daoliu are."

Because of this, when Qian Daoliu "belittled" Tang Hao, he believed it without any rebuttal, saying: Impossible, Hao'er is not such a person...

He knows Qian Daoliu very well.

The two are said to be rivals and good brothers, but they just have different stances.

"Tang Chen, I have two regrets in my life."

"One: the competition between us has no ending."

"Second: Xixi chose you."

"However, you are still the person I admire most."

"I lost to you, but my descendants will beat your descendants, haha. In the end, I had the last laugh!"

Qian Daoliu smiled heartily and was ready to leave.

Since Tang Chen is here, he came at the wrong time.

"You...have been waiting too?"

Bo Saixi, who had not spoken until now, said softly.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for it too."

"I'm leaving. If there is an afterlife, Tang Chen, I won't lose to you again!"

After saying these words, Qian Daoliu was instantly possessed by his martial spirit and then flew in the direction he came from.

"This guy……"

Tang Chen murmured, looked at Qian Daoliu's back, and then looked at Bo Saixi.

"Xixi, I should have won, right?"


Bo Saixi chuckled and tapped Tang Chen's eyebrows helplessly.

"Yeah, you win!"

"Hmph, I haven't lost to him in my life, so what if my descendants lose? If you don't live up to expectations, it's normal to lose."

"Xixi, if I really meet this guy in my next life, I will act once and let him win!"

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