
Kong was stunned and his eyes twitched. Could he say that he had arrived since Qian Renxue started "chatting"?

"It's been a while."

Sora said a little embarrassed.

After hearing this, a trace of shame and anger flashed across Qian Renxue's face.

"You, you heard everything?"

"No, deaf."


Qian Renxue couldn't hold back, she chuckled, and then said faintly: "You didn't even remind me when you came, which made me embarrassed!"

Kong stepped forward to stop Qian Renxue, but the latter just hesitated twice before acquiescing.

"What is there to be ashamed of? If I reminded you, you wouldn't be able to hear these love words."

"You guy..."

Qian Renxue lowered her head. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and said, "What have you been busy with lately?"

"Why did the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect suddenly move away?"

Qian Renxue was very confused about this matter. The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect now had the supreme status.

Why did you say move, just move?

"I've been busy with this lately..."

Without even thinking about it, he said bluntly: "The status of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is supreme now."

"If we don't move away and continue to stay in Douluo Continent, it will become the biggest obstacle to reunification."

"Change must be carried out. There is no other way but to move the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect further away."

Qian Renxue nodded thoughtfully.

As Kong said, if the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect doesn't move away, it will really become the biggest stumbling block!

Today, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is at its peak and is the object of awe of all sect forces.

Awe is awe, but if something happens, especially when the sect forces are reforming, all the sect forces will beg the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to come out.

If we don’t solve the problem of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect, there will definitely be problems!

When that time comes, will there be another act of righteousness and annihilation of relatives?

This must be impossible.

Suddenly, Kong seemed to remember something, looked at Qian Renxue, and his expression changed.

Since he became a god, many soul masters and nobles hardly dare to be as rampant as before.

Killing civilians at every turn to add to the fun.

This will really lead to retribution!

She, Qian Renxue, started a world war without thinking about the consequences. All these sins would be attributed to her.

There are so many karma, not to mention that she can't handle it now, even if she becomes a god, she may not be able to handle it!

When Sora first revised the rules, he treated everyone equally and didn't think about who was in charge.

If this war really starts as imagined, the result will be as imagined.

Then Qian Renxue would most likely die an unexpected death, and it would be impossible for him to become a god.

War is different from cleaning up crimes. Not all nobles and servants of nobles are guilty.

There are also some innocent people among them.

Such a huge war...


After a moment of silence, Kong Kong thought to himself:

"As your man, you take care of things, and I take care of the cause and effect. It's very reasonable."

"I don't know if I can withstand it..."

Sora smiled and didn't care.

"Xue'er, give me some incense!"

Qian Renxue was of course getting used to Kong's sudden indifference!

During this period of time, Kong also transferred Qian Renxue's cause and effect to himself.

Treating everyone equally, it is impossible for him to change the rules again.

The scene turned to Tang San's side.

At this time, Tang San's whole body was numb.

He never expected that his poisoning would be exposed!

"Eat, why don't you eat such delicious spicy rabbit head!"

Tang San was about to cry but couldn't figure out which step he made wrong and why these natives knew he had poisoned him!

You know, his poison is colorless and odorless, even if it is tested with silver metal, there will be no problem.

His method of poisoning is also very skillful, even Contra should not be able to detect it.

As for Bai He's words, he didn't take them to heart.

What uncle, what cousin?

Just a little bit of wind and frost.

"Now that you have discovered it, I, Tang San, won't pretend anymore."

Tang San said expressionlessly.

After saying this, he paused and said with some confusion: "How did you find out that I poisoned you?"

"No one here should be able to detect my poison."

After hearing this, everyone was a little silent.

They looked at Yang Wudi and then at Tang San.

Tai Tan sighed and said: "Fortunately, I think that as the master's son, you should know the information of the four tribes, so I didn't tell you about Lao Yang."

"The Po clan was responsible for refining medicine when they were in Haotian Sect!"

"I didn't expect you didn't know about this."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was Tai Tan who thought Tang San should know, so he didn't say anything.

In the end, Tang San didn't know and didn't ask, so he dared to poison Yang Wudi in front of him.

Tang San:"……"

Do you think you are funny?

Tang San took a deep look at Tai Tan. If Tai Tan had revealed a little information about the Po Clan, he wouldn't have done this!

Yang Wudi's eyes twitched, he looked at Tang San speechlessly, and then looked at Tai Tan.

Good guy, Titan has told you all the important information, but he forgot about refining the medicine?

Their lives don't deserve to be cut off!

"Tang San, I think I treat you well, why are you plotting against me?"

This is what Tai Tan is very confused about. Tang San has no reason to harm the four tribes!

If you talk nicely, the other three tribes might have a reason to follow Tang San.

After all, Tang San is a twin martial spirit soul saint, so his future achievements will not be low.

It is normal to follow him.

"for what?"

"Of course it's to get stronger quickly!"

"As long as I refine you, I will most likely be able to break through to the title Douluo!"

"Why, why don't you help me!"

Tang San stopped pretending, his eyes were red, like a wild beast, looking at everyone.

There is no room for turning things around, so why is he pretending?

"As long as I devour you and your clansmen, I, Tang San, can go further on the road to becoming a titled Douluo!"

After hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed and became very ugly!

"You, you are actually a fallen person!"

"No wonder you were able to break through to the Soul Saint level in such a short period of time."

Tai Tan suddenly realized and said subconsciously.

"Soul Saint?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then took a breath of cold air.

Tang San is actually already a Soul Saint?

"What are you talking about to Tang San? Take action! Kill this xx..."

Yang Wudi slapped the table. Fortunately, the Yu clan's table was very thick, otherwise, the blow would have broken it.

"Tang San, what you did today is already a recipe for death. If I meet the master, I will definitely report this to him."

"As for whether the master will kill me, it doesn't matter anymore..."

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