Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 361 361: The Nether White Tiger finally falls

Ge Long was so angry that he stared blankly.

There were so many auxiliary soul masters and long-range attack soul masters, and they were all slaughtered in almost no time.

These soul masters were of course protected, but the appearance of the Netherworld White Tiger was too sudden.

With a single leap, he broke through their defense!

"Kill, kill this Netherworld White Tiger and make him walk away without any chance of return!"

Ge Long pointed in the direction of the Netherworld White Tiger and ordered.

In fact, Ge Long no longer needed to issue orders, the frontline soul masters had already begun to surround and kill the Netherworld White Tiger.

The strength of these soul masters is generally not high, and most of them are at the level of soul masters and great soul masters.

You must know that even the most powerful legion on the surface of Tian Dou, the Royal Knights, and a soul sect may be a general-level figure.

Most of these followers and nobles are soul masters, great soul masters, and occasionally there will be a soul master or soul sect.

As for those above the Soul King level, it's not that there are none, but very few.


A tiger roar resounded through the sky, and the Netherworld White Tiger, which had endured many soul skills, suddenly grew wings in a flash of dim light and white light in everyone's surprised eyes!

With more power than a tiger, the word has come true!


After gaining the ability to fly, the Netherworld White Tiger flapped its wings, and its body immediately reached the air.


The soul masters in the air were all shocked. They had never heard that the Netherworld White Tiger actually had wings!

Not to mention the Heaven Dou Empire, the noble officers and soldiers from the Star Luo Empire were equally shocked.

Didn't I hear that Dai Mubai and Zhu Cai'er couldn't use martial soul fusion skills at all?

Not only did they use martial soul fusion skills, they also grew wings!

The Nether White Tiger's martial soul fusion skill is not a secret in the eyes of the nobles of the Star Luo Empire. After all, it is precisely because of this martial soul fusion skill that the Dai family can become the royal family, and the position of queen will always be a daughter of the Zhu family.

"It turns out that the Netherworld White Tiger can also grow wings!"

In addition to being surprised, the morale of the Star Luo Empire is even stronger!


"Kill Tiandou's coward!"

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but tremble when they saw this scene from a distance.

The two looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"Brother, you must come back alive!"

Davis clenched his fists and muttered.

Even the royal family doesn't know much about the fact that the Netherworld White Tiger can actually grow wings.

In fact, if Dai Mubai and Zhu Cai'er want to survive now, they just need to escape.

But, can they escape now?

Obviously, this is impossible!

"Husband and wife share the same heart, life and death."



"Let them see the real Netherworld White Tiger!" × 2

The Netherworld White Tiger looked up to the sky and roared, and an extremely terrifying aura quickly condensed, making the nobles on Tiandou's side couldn't help but tremble.

"The Holy King roars!"

The Netherworld White Tiger sent out a shock wave of ghostly light at the soul masters in the sky. This attack was basically fatal to these soul masters!

These soul masters dropped from the sky like dumplings...

"It's too strong, it's too strong!"

Such a powerful blow consumes a lot of soul power. It is a big burden for Dai Mubai and Zhu Cai'er, whose strength is only at the Soul King level. However, they have no regrets!

Pounce on the remaining flying soul masters again...

Above the sky, Kong nodded. Dai Mubai's change was something he didn't expect.

Are you determined to die?

"It's a pity for such a number one person. It's no wonder that the God of War likes you."

"When this stage comes to an end, it is your glory."

A person who has been weak all his life is now dying for justice. It is difficult for Sora to evaluate this.

"Hey... I finally relented."

"After you die, I will send you to the place where Bo Saixi and Tang Chen should go."

That is the place where gods will go after death. There, Dai Mubai and Zhu Cai'er will obtain a strange "eternal life", without war, without...

As time goes by, no matter how powerful the Nether White Tiger is, it is only the fusion of two strong soul kings. Their soul power is ultimately limited, and even if it overdraws their lives, it is almost reaching its limit.

On Tiandou's side, dozens of soul skills came at him again, but this time, the Netherworld White Tiger did not dodge...

"Cai'er, do you regret it?"

"How dare you, a coward, come here...I, I have nothing to regret."

"If, if there was an afterlife, would you still be willing to marry me?"

"Then don't be the same as before. Be careful that I don't like you!"

After saying this, the Netherworld White Tiger instantly disintegrated, and Dai Mubai used his last strength to protect Zhu Cai'er in his arms.

Perhaps only in this way can she have a chance to survive...

It's a pity that the baptism of dozens of soul skills is simply not something they can resist now!

"Save the general!!!"

"Bang..." With a sound, Dai Mubai and Zhu Cai'er both turned into rain of blood, but the latter's face turned upward at that moment.

She was just an abandoned child of the Zhu family. The family arranged for her to marry this failed prince, and her fate in this life was already sealed.

She hates Dai Mubai because Dai Mubai is a coward.

Also because of unwillingness to fate.

Why could Zhu Zhuqing escape but she couldn't!

This is also fate.

The moment before her death, she realized that she had not married the wrong person. Although this guy was a little useless, he was still good...

"See you in the next life, Mubai."

In a place where no one could see them, Dai Mubai and Zhu Cai'er were a little stunned. They looked at the person in front of them.


Dai Mubai murmured, but there was no sound. His current state was that of a soul.

"Dai Mubai, long time no see."

Sora smiled and said.

Dai Mubai: "..."

He didn't expect that it would be like this when he met Sora again.

"Hello Zhu Cai'er!"

Zhu Cai'er: "..."

She looked at Dai Mubai and then at Kong, feeling a little confused.

Although Dai Mubai didn't make a sound, she knew what Dai Mubai said.


God King of Thunder, Sora!

"You two don't need to say anything. I plan to send you to a world where you can live forever. That is the place where gods can go after they die. I would like to ask for your opinions."

"If you don't want to, just pretend I never showed up."

"If you wish, blink three times."

After hearing this, Dai Mubai was stunned. He didn't think that Kong was teasing him. With Kong's current strength, it was not necessary.

Besides, he is already dead...

If it weren't for Sora, he and Cai'er would have disappeared.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Zhu Cai'er.

Once, he thought he could make decisions for others, but now, he doesn't think so anymore.

If it weren't for Zhu Cai'er, he might not have died so "honourably"...

Seeing this, Zhu Caier smiled slightly and blinked...

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